Before the wedding
Join groupChoose the ceremony and reception venue, find your dress, prepare the necessary paperwork, make the guest list, and stay on top of your budget. Here’s everything you need to know to plan your dream wedding step-by-step.

We found a venue that we absolutely love and it’s an amazing price and includes accommodation onsite for 40-60 people. The venue requested that we pay for the booking up front in full or we could risk...

Hello lovely ladies! I got my wedding band in today and I was browsing for rings for my FH and it made me think of a fun discussion topic! I never realized how many colours there actually were for...

I ordered this custom print from Atelier Gifthouse on Etsy and I’m absolutely in love with it 🥰 I’m going to give my parents their gifts the night before my wedding. I hope they like it as much as I...

How many raffle tickets did you sell in lieu of a buck and doe ???

Hi everyone! Looking for help coming up with a unique/punny hashtag for our wedding! We are getting married June 14th, 2024! My name is Natalie Green and my fiancés name is Neil Rioux

So my fiancé and I have been together for 11 years, we have 2 kids together and have lived in 2 houses. The house we live in now is our forever home and we have all of the typical “bridal shower...
A lot of wedding traditions are not based on any formality but rather a set of silly superstitions. What things are you keeping in the wedding due to superstition and what are you skipping? - Not...

So my wedding is tomorrow and both myself, my fiancé, and our kids are sick. I may have gotten an eye infection taking my youngest to be checked out by a doctor. And my period started last night. Can...
Wedding planning is stressful, what are things you doing before the wedding to pamper yourself to help calm the nerves and stress? I booked a week off before and after the wedding. I am planning on a...

My wedding is 12 days away on October 1st and while there’s still so much to do it finally feels like it’s coming together! I took a day trip down to the USA on the weekend and picked up faux wood...

Hi everyone my wedding is next year but I need a hashtag and can’t find any good ones! Please help! Bride: Marisa Budhu Groom: Umar Malik

Help!! This is my 2nd marriage (im 56, and i my first time i just gave earings lol). We are having a small wedding with just a maid of honor, best man and flower girl. I have no idea what people are...

Hi ladies, I’m thinking of suscibing to the miss to Mrs box but wanted to know if it is REALLY WORTH IT?? which subscription do you have? What did you get in your box? Add a picture of you have....

What time of day do people host their engagement parties? My fiancè and I are hosting ours at my dad's house as most people invited live in my hometown. I've never been to an engagement party so I...

To my fellow September 2022 brides how are we feeling about the big day approaching in 30 or less days!!! Are you pretty much done and ready to go or do you still need to get some stuff my wedding is...

How close to your wedding did you put together your edible favours? I'm doing s'mores and my wedding is in 9 days am I safe to start putting them together now without going stale? or should I still...

I’m getting married in 32 days and one of my bridesmaids just messaged me saying that she needs to pull out. I’m so upset. One of the reasons way she cancelled is some personal stuff she’s been...
Hey lovely brides-to-be and newly married ladies! Deciding to move in with your partner before of after wedding is what a lot of couples think about. A lot of people see moving in together as a great...

Just reading over some of these invitation discussions and OH MY....MY HEAD! There are too many dates to keep in mind and it's quite overwhelming. Our Wedding date is May 6, 2023 and plan on sending...

We’re looking at getting a bridal set for me for the wedding - is Peoples any good? I’ve seen some scathing reviews online so I’d love some opinions from here before we commit to it.

Hi all! Curious to know if anyone has done/is going to do premarital counselling? I’ve always been a believer in therapy and recently decided I’d feel better if we did this though I know my fiancé is...

How would you feel about Prenuptial Agreement? I’m currently living with my Fiancé for 4 years and in relationship with him for 8 years. He owns the house co-signed with his Father. His parents live...

Hey Ladies Long weekend is over and there was a lot happening that was a great distraction. Now back to wedding mode. How are you all doing? can you believe this - July is actually here. Do you all...

This morning we picked up our marriage licence!!!! ahhhhhhhh I cant believe how real everything is starting to feel we are officially 44 days out!! how many more days till your weddings??

Hi all : ) We are having a small party with friends and family (approx. 23 people). It will be in the evening from 5pm-11pm at a downtown condo party room with a terrace, very beautiful spot! I...

What did everyone do with their engagement rings on their wedding day? Specifically during the ceremony! Did you wear it on your right hand, not wear it all?

So we sent out invites a little over three weeks ago and I feel like I'm getting rsvp's super slowly - no one on my fiancé's side has rsvp'd yet and besides my parents and maid of honour only three...

We’re 58 days away from the big day so now we’re at the stage of fine tuning all of the final details. How many days away are you and what do you have left to do? I just picked up our marriage license...

Hi guys! I was just wondering what the appropriate timeline is to send out wedding invitations? We aren’t doing save the dates, just the invites. However, the majority of our guests do not live...

Trying to keep this wedding within budget as best as possible. With that said, working on the invitations and i love DIY. The inexpensive route with Staples doesn't allow for pre printed envelopes. Is...