Before the wedding
Join groupChoose the ceremony and reception venue, find your dress, prepare the necessary paperwork, make the guest list, and stay on top of your budget. Here’s everything you need to know to plan your dream wedding step-by-step.


Hi all! Got engaged in late May, and are hoping things in Ontario are open enough in Aug/Sept for an outdoor engagement party of about 75-100. Two questions: One, any outdoor venues or patios for us...
On the week leading up to your wedding, how many appointments and events do you have to attend? For example, you might have a ceremony rehearsal and rehearsal dinner to thank your bridal party. You...

Let's take a break from wedding talk. What is one of your most memorable dates during your relationship? I'll go first! For my 30th birthday (a couple of years ago) my S.O planned for the two of us...

Hello, I’m wondering what is a nice way to ask your flower girl (6yo) and ring bearer (8yo) to be in the wedding party (they are siblings) I know I need to ask the parents first to get approval but...
Hey brides to be, I’m getting married next year June and looking for bridesmaid proposal ideas!

Hi fellow brides/grooms-to-bes! Can we send save-the-date cards if we don't have our date set in stone or a venue booked? We have a date we would LIKE the wedding but things can change depending on...

So, I find the more I read, the more things I discover I might need on our wedding day. What are some less obvious “bits and bobs” you’ve picked up for your wedding? These are some of the things I’ve...

Okay- so my sister in law is getting married in July. She doesn’t have a bridal party so me and my other sister in law are thinking of doing something small. What have others done for bachelorette...
Hi there! I'm wondering if anyone has suggestions on where I can get props (either already made, or ready to print at home) like these below:...

Hi everyone, Has anyone getting married without a formal proposal? Do you guys have mutual discussion about marriage? how did the conversation even started ? I have always thought about getting a...
Hello Future Brides! I am currently planning for a July 2023 wedding and curious to know when others are planning to schedule the engagement photo session? Is fall 2021 to early? Spring 2022? Also...

Those that are doing this type of shower who do you plan to invite? Seems with restrictions in place I assume a smaller wedding etc. What are your plans for this event. I am looking we possibilities...
Is there a certain holiday that you and your significant other really enjoy spending that quality time together ? For my fiance and I we really enjoy Christmas. It's the one holiday that we're able to...
Hello ladies, My wedding is in August and my fiances mothers cousin is throwing my bridal shower. I thought it a bit odd and confusing, since she doesnt know me. I have only met her once for a brief...

I am getting married next summer, and was wanting to do my bridesmaid/moh proposals in the next couple of days. Is it too early? I know it’s still a little over a year away, but I’m certain the girls...

I don't know about you guys but I feel really discouraged about wedding planning. We have it planned for next summer and we are going to get married regardless of limitations but I just am a bit sad...
So, with all the issues with covid my fiance and I have decided to cancel our wedding and are doing a ceremony at town hall with just his parents. We both got too overwhelmed with all the planning and...

Hello Bride-to-be and Groom-to-be, We are facing some challenging times at the moment. But let’s think and reminisce about the time we said “Yes, I will marry you!” Share your proposal/engagement...

We're almost 2 months out from our date. I've spent the past week getting my invitations ready (paper invites printed from Staples, the rest completely DIY). We're only sending them out to extended...

Hi! Just wondering if anyone has had experience and opinions to share on using I have been thinking about where to register and there are so many good options. I like that...

Hello fellow brides, Are you ladies planning on taking your maiden name as your middle and assuming your fiances name as your new last name? This is what I am looking to do (therefore, I would have 4...

So you just got engaged. How did you tell your parents? How did you celebrate? Did you just pop champagne and cake? Nice dinner? Did your parents gift you or your fiancé an engagement gift? My mom is...
Hi everyone! I am newly engaged and trying to plan out my engagement photos for late spring/early summer. The area I am looking at is a bluffs area with a beach AND a forest. My fiance and I have...

I am looking at going paperless for our invitations. Has anyone done this? If so what site/app did you use? Thanks!

Hey guys! Wanting to get some suggestions on how to send out e-save the dates. I have a simple design for it, but I wanted to send it out to look nice and I wanted to use this chance for people to...

Hi everyone - how did your parents/caregivers celebrate the news of your engagement during these lockdowns?

My fiance and I have been bittersweet about all of the restrictions and changes we have had to make to our wedding. We have separated our ceremony and reception, and keep moving the date of the...

Hello Everyone! My Fiancé and I have started working on our registry this week! What is something you think is a registry must?If you are already married, what is something you wish you had on your...
I proposed to my fiancee last year during on anniversary. It marked our 5th anniversary so it was a good time to pop the question but I also wanted it to be a surprise and let's face it, doing it on...

I am keen to use the wedding blog on the website to create a dialogue leading up to the wedding date. What are some ideas you have done for the blog? I have put on an entry about choosing our venue,...