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Master September 2021 Ontario

Show Us Your Proposal!

Hank, on November 11, 2020 at 17:29 Posted in Before the wedding 1 30

I proposed to my fiancee last year during on anniversary. It marked our 5th anniversary so it was a good time to pop the question but I also wanted it to be a surprise and let's face it, doing it on a special day like that would be a bit predictable. Not to mention all her friends egged her on saying "iTz goNNa HaPpen!!!" lol

So the day before our anniversary, I took her to a resort in a small town where we had dinner. After dinner, we walked around and I started talking about how I have no idea what she would want for her ring and maybe it would be better if she picked it and I just pay for it. But I said "if you pick something out of my budget, I'll need you to wear a temp ring until I can pay and get the ring you want" to which she agreed. So I gave her this.

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Needless to say, she went back on her word about wearing the temp ring lol

The next day, we had breakfast and walked around town. I wanted to find a nice spot to propose. Thankfully it was slightly cold weather so I can keep my hands in my pockets because the darn ring box would bulge out of my pockets hahaha. We found a nice bridge and I suggested to get someone to take a photo for us. We found two lovely young ladies passing by and asked them to help us take a photo. After a few "posed" shots, I got on one knee and presented the ring. The girls started screaming "OH MY GOD, THIS IS SO COOL!!!" and frantically kept hitting the camera button to make sure they got everything.

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After I asked if she would marry me, her first reaction was "...Is this real? Smiley amazing "

"Yes, it's real. Smiley laugh "

"Oh...yes! Smiley love "

And that was that. Let's see some of your proposals!


Latest activity by Katerina, on May 4, 2021 at 10:56
  • Katerina
    Curious August 2021 Ontario
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    Oh yeah, he knew I knew. We were already kinda planning the wedding before we officially got engaged so it wasn't a big surprise or anything Smiley smile

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  • H
    Master September 2021 Ontario
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    Did you ever tell him you knew it was coming? lol

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  • Katerina
    Curious August 2021 Ontario
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    Haha I love this! I also knew my fiance had the ring because we picked it out together and I was also impatient (we've been together 5+ years). I knew it was coming because he asked my dad permission the weekend before and my dad came into the house and just hugged me and said he was so happy for me haha so I figured he had asked my dad. So it was an anxious few days before he finally did propose cause I didn't know exactly when it would happen. We went for a hike (in a very icy forest) and he got down on one knee and told me he loves me and asked me to marry him. I was really happy and forgot to say yes haha

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  • H
    Master September 2021 Ontario
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    AMAZING! I hiked up Sulphur Mountain twice one summer, once during a sunny day and the next day on a rainy-ish day. One the second day, the top of the mountain was slushy and covered in white due to the cold air from the rain and seeing your view reminds me so much of that.

    Where did you go celebrate after on that day?

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  • Anne-Marie
    Curious August 2022 Ontario
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    My boyfriend (at the time) and I had planned a trip to Banff, Alberta for our 2nd anniversary. On the date of our anniversary (Feb 1) we rode a gondola up Sulphur mountain and walked along the board walk. The end of the board walk is Samson's Peak. Due to COVID, everyone was keeping their space, so when we got the the top we were waiting for our turn on the highest platform. The man from the couple ahead of us ended up proposing to his girlfriend so we had to wait for them to get pictures and finish their excitement. I think this made my FH much more anxious while we awaited our turn at the peak. While we were waiting there was also a line forming behind us (which just increased his anxiety more).

    Finally, it was our turn to go to the peak. I was taking pictures and enjoying the view. When I turned to ask my FH to take a picture with me he was holding the ring box and said "I dont want to get on one knee." (Romantic right? Smiley xd ) And I was like "What?" and then he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him to which I obviously said yes. He propose with his grandmothers ring that he had updated a little bit. It was definitely an unforgettable moment.

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  • H
    Master September 2021 Ontario
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    You mean you could've had your Jumbotron proposal if you had just waited?!?!?!?!?

    Hahaha, just kidding. Congratulations on your engagement!

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  • Megan
    Frequent user July 2023 Ontario
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    I just got engaged a little over a week ago. Originally he had plans to take me to a sports game like NHL or baseball and then propose after (he would never do it in public lol). But obviously with COVID that wouldn't be happening especially since we would have to cross the border, and he didn't want to wait until it was all over. Plus I was getting impatient lol - we have been together over 6 years now.

    I knew he had a ring because he can't keep a secret to save his life. But we were sitting out on our back porch of our house we just bought, and we had our two cats who are literally our children outside on their harnesses. When I was over hanging out with our one cat, he put the ring on the other cat's harness! I didn't notice for a good 5 minutes until he was staring at me all weird and then I saw it and he proposed.

    It was so perfect to me, I always thought I wanted something like crazy romantic but the fact that it was the two of us in our beautiful backyard with our beloved pets was everything I wanted and then some!

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  • Liberty
    VIP May 2022 Alberta
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    It really was! But thankfully with there being so many people around I didn't cry as much as I originally thought I would during the proposal! Multiple coworkers told me they cried too!
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  • H
    Master September 2021 Ontario
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    Nice! It must have been really emotional with all your co-workers and his family present.

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  • Liberty
    VIP May 2022 Alberta
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    He had it hidden in a washer box from the hardware section! We both worked in that department at one time so it was a nice tie in!
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  • H
    Master September 2021 Ontario
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    Please tell me he hid the ring in a cake that was in an oven or something hahahaha

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  • Liberty
    VIP May 2022 Alberta
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    We actually work at a home improvement store so it was in the appliance area 😂
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  • H
    Master September 2021 Ontario
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    Nice and congratulations! Was this in the office itself or in a particular spot like a common room?

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  • Liberty
    VIP May 2022 Alberta
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    Show Us Your Proposal! 6
    My Fiancé and I met at work in 2017. On December 21st, he arranged for a special meeting at work so he could propose! I knew the proposal was coming but he sure caught me off gaurd! I have been working there for 9 years and my coworkers are like a 2nd family to me. He also snuck in his mom and step dad! It was such a special moment!
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  • H
    Master September 2021 Ontario
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    Nice! And looks like you guys made it just before everything was locked down. Congratulations!

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  • Jordan
    Beginner September 2021 Ontario
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    Show Us Your Proposal! 7
    Backstory: When he asked me to officially be his girlfriend, we were playing cards. He shuffled them and dealt them out. When I picked up my card he had wrote on the ace of diamonds, will you be my girlfriend? Yes or yes?
    Day of engagement: We had reservations for dinner at one of my favourite restaurants in the Blue Mountain Village. We were a bit early so we decided to take a walk under the Christmas lights. At the end of the boardwalk under the lights he stopped and turned to me. He pulled out his wallet and said, “On February 18th 2017, I used the ace of diamonds to ask you to be my girlfriend. Today, I am using the ace of hearts to ask you to be my wife. Will you marry me?” I was so ahead of myself and so excited. I could hardly wait for him to get on his knee and put the ring on me. The happiest day. I remember screaming “I’m Engaged!” across the pond like Monica screaming it from her balcony in friends lol. Here is us after our dinner under the lights again!
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  • H
    Master September 2021 Ontario
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    Nice! Congratulations and welcome to Weddingwire. That's a lovely ring. Did he consult you on the design or is it all him?

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  • A
    Master August 2022 British Columbia
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    Haha no I didn't but earlier in the week I did shake the box but had no clue still on what it was.

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  • H
    Master September 2021 Ontario
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    Aww, that's cute. When you were opening the box(es), did you ask why it was so light for such a big package?

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  • H
    Master September 2021 Ontario
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    Nice! Do you have a picture of the big moment?

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  • H
    Master September 2021 Ontario
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    Haha, you should yourselves into that parking lot Smiley laugh

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  • A
    Master August 2022 British Columbia
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    My fiance purposed to me on December 25th 2017 at our home while opening our gifts. It was very magical since I had no clue that it was going to happen that very morning, The ring box had been sitting under the Christmas tree for over a week lol. It wasn't a regular ring box either, it was pretty big. So when I had opened it Christmas morning, the actual ring box was inside 2 other boxes! So by the time I got to the last box, my boyfriend was already down on one knee and that's when he purposed!

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  • Brooklyn
    Curious February 2021 Ontario
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    My fiance has farm and I went down to his place for his birthday, his sister is a photographer, and so after supper, he asked to take a walk back to the field, and she was taking pictures. We probably did pictures for close to an hour before he popped the question. We had only been dating for 3 months, but I have known him since I was 7.

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  • Sara
    Frequent user August 2021 Ontario
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    It's funny that you say that, because although we didn't take any pictures at the time, we did recently find the parking lot on google maps!!

    Here it is, in all it's glory. We stayed in a small village called Megalochori, which is where this is located. The restaurant across the street is the one that we went into for help!!

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  • H
    Master September 2021 Ontario
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    Haha, my FBIL also proposed to his wife in Niagara Falls. He did it on the ferris wheel. He's afraid of heights Smiley xd

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  • H
    Master September 2021 Ontario
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    Wow! When I started reading the story, I thought maybe airport security blew his cover but this even crazier haha. Ask anyone where they think he proposed in Santorini, Greece and I would bet no one would say a sketchy abandoned parking lot lol. Thank goodness everything worked out.

    Don't suppose you have a photo of said sketchy parking lot.

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  • Kelsie
    Master July 2021 Ontario
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    Aw this is such a cute proposal story!

    For our proposal, I knew it was imminent because we had booked our venue already (it books up fast!) but I didn’t think it would happen when it did.
    I had a week off of work for the Christmas holidays, and FH was going to be off too. It was a bizarre year for Christmas actually - my in laws were going to Jamaica for Christmas (and they never travel) so the family was supposed to have “Christmas” on the Saturday before.
    FH wanted to take a trip to Niagara the weekend before Christmas which I thought was so weird as we would be missing Christmas with his family.
    So anyway, we drove to niagara after work on the Friday before Christmas and got to our hotel. I was sooo tired and FH was trying to get me to go out to the falls to see the light show and o said well, can we do that tomorrow? I’m so tired I’d like to shower.
    I guess he was so nervous he just wanted to be done with it LOL so he said no no you can’t shower can we just look at the lights through our window here? And I just thought this was so weird lol and he got on one knee - said something (I don’t even remember lol) and I thought he was joking lol and then said yes.
    We don’t have any pictures of the proposal - only pictures afterwards.
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  • Sara
    Frequent user August 2021 Ontario
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    In April 2019, my (then) boyfriend and I took a trip to Europe with his brother and sister-in-law. We began our 3 week adventure with visiting Greece - Athens and Santorini. He bought a ring before we left, and he knew he wanted to propose on our trip, but wasn't sure where or when the time would come. Because of this, he would put the ring in his day backpack before leaving our Air BNB everyday, just in case the perfect moment arose.

    One day in Santorini, we took a boat tour around the island and to some hot springs. The free wine was flowin', and by the end of the boat trip we were fairly tipsy. We had met some new friends from USA and they invited us to a winery for wine tasting. After several more glasses of wine at the winery, we called a cab to take us back to the Air BNB. About 30 seconds after the cab pulled away after dropping us off, James realized he forgot his backpack in the cab. He began to panic, a lot, pacing back and forth, and eventually running down the road in the direction the cab went. I was flabbergasted. Why was he freaking out so much? He was the most calm, cool, and collected person I knew. All he had in his bag was swim shorts and a water bottle - pretty replaceable stuff!

    Our travel partners returned to the Air BNB and I went after James down the road. I began calling Santorini cab companies. Unfortunately, every person who answered the phone spoke little to no English. We walked into a restaurant on the side of the road, and spoke to the gentleman there. He agreed to call some companies and speak Greek to them for us. After what seemed like an eternity, he told us that he reached the right one, and the cab was coming back (for the small price of 20 Euro). James thanked him several times, and I swear he almost kissed the guy.

    About 15 minutes later, the cab returned and James paid the man and got his backpack. Without even looking at me, he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the nearest parking lot - abandoned, and a little sketchy. He unzipped his bag and began throwing items behind him on the ground, until finally, he pulled out a small wooden box. He got down on one knee and said the words I'll never forget -
    Of course, I cried. And said yes. He has teased me for 8 years about being the most forgetful person he knows; so he'll never live this one down. I cannot wait to marry him June 2021!
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  • H
    Master September 2021 Ontario
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    Nice! I also love karaoke. Haven't done it all year because of covid *sigh* But if I proposed in my regular karaoke bar, my fiancee would've freaked out hahaha

    I would totally put panzerotti as part of the wedding meal if you can swing it hahaha

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  • Jenn
    Devoted August 2025 Ontario
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    So I don't have any pictures of my proposal, just a really dark and short video of it that a friend filmed... but the FH killed it.

    He didn't want to do it on a special day or have it be cliche, so he picked the 10th of February - 10 is my fav number, so that is the significance of the date...and the month is because that is the month he officially got a job after he went back to school to take Project Management (and when he asked my dad for his blessing, that was the one condition my dad had - wait until you have a full time job and security before you do it)

    We planned a night out at the local watering hole on their karaoke night (a fav. activity of both of ours) with our friends (yes, I secretly planned my own engagement without knowing it!!).

    He had spoken to the karaoke host prior to about getting a certain song in the catalog so he could sing it, and it would be a song I hadn't heard him sing before - so he knew I would pay more attention...Well, they ended up only getting a portion of the song, so he had to pick a different song - Edwin Mcain's I'll Be...

    Because I had heard him sing that song before, I started eating my panzo, with my back to him singing, just singing along between bites and being oblivious to all of our friends yelling at me to put down the food and turn around. Next thing I know, my chair is being kicked and it's my FH who kicked it to get my attention, dropped to his knee, and asked for my hand.

    It's an ongoing joke with our friends that were there that I had almost missed my own proposal and FH thinks we need to have panzerotti as our late night snack as an ode to that night

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