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Newbie August 2021 Ohio

Anxiety over Bridal Shower

Heather, on May 31, 2021 at 12:21 Posted in Before the wedding 0 3

Hello ladies,

My wedding is in August and my fiances mothers cousin is throwing my bridal shower. I thought it a bit odd and confusing, since she doesnt know me. I have only met her once for a brief moment. She is moving back up to Ohio at the end of June to a swanky condo, I get the feeling it is to show off her almost $500,000 dollar condo. My mother and sister I guess werent getting on the ball about it, so the cousin stepped in.

I keep thinking about it, and deep down do not want to go. She is not in communication with either my sister who is my MOH or my mother about it. I wish I could tell her, I do not want a shower, but the invites have already been sent out.

My future MIL said she is doing this as a sort of "welcome to the family". They are older in their late 60s and early 70s while I am 31. I feel like they do not really know me well enought to be throwing me a shower.

Am I wrong for feeling this way?


Latest activity by Christiana, on May 31, 2021 at 22:46
  • Christiana
    Super November 2020 British Columbia
    Christiana ·
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    Yikes! What a weird situation. It sounds like since she's not in contact with anyone close to you that you might not even know a lot of people there?

    I think people usually have the best intentions but they sometimes force their own preferences and wants on other people without thinking to ask if it's something they also want. I had a sort of similar situation where my MIL and SIL just assumed I was going to have a bridal shower and volunteered themselves to do it even though I never expressed any desire to have one. I had to say that I wasn't going to have a shower and it caused a bit of drama but fortunately the pandemic ruined any chance of having one anyway.

    It might cause drama but if it's something you really don't want to do I don't think you should be forced into it to keep everyone else happy. Keeping yourself happy is just as, if not more important. I think you just need to tell this person that you really appreciate the gesture but it isn't something you feel comfortable attending.

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  • H
    Master September 2021 Ontario
    Hank ·
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    You said your mom and sister were dropping the ball on it, which is why MIL's cousin is stepping in. So are people aware you do not actually want a shower? How long have you known about this person planning your shower? Maybe you can suggest a different event, like a simple afternoon tea to get to know the family.

    PS This is the Canadian Weddingwire. If you want to chat with your fellow Americans, you need to go to, not

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  • Samantha
    Super June 2021 Ontario
    Samantha ·
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    I went through something very similar! Without getting into family details, I didn't really have anyone to throw me a bridal shower. So my best friend's mom decided she would take it upon herself to organize one for me. It was a super thoughtful thing and I was going along with it because I wanted her to know how much I appreciated her and the thought and because she was just so excited for me. I'm also a chronic "yes" person, and one of my friends knows this about me and I was telling her the plan of the shower. She could tell I wasn't thrilled about it by my demeanour and she point blank asked me if I actually wanted it and if I didn't then I have to tell her and to understand that it should be what I want, and not what someone else does, and that I'll be so much happier and less anxious about the whole thing. And that's exactly what I did and I can't tell you how relieved and so much less stressed I felt once I did.
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