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West Kelowna, British Columbia · From April 2016

Married January 2019, now helping a friend plan their dream wedding!

Sweetheart or Head Table?
Amanda, On March 20, 2024 at 23:38

What's your seating style? Will you and your fiance be sitting at a sweetheart table just for the two of you? Or will you sit with your whole wedding party at a head table? My husband and I decided to...

CASSEY, saturday 15-Jun-24 20
Favourite Date Night In
Valérie, On February 18, 2019 at 23:06

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good night out, but they're often expensive and I can't stay up as late as I used to...'s footage of me anywhere after 11pm lol Lately, our date nights have been...

Donna, saturday 30-Mar-19 21
Dress - what’s your colour?
Joey, On February 19, 2019 at 08:05

What's your dress color? White, eggshell, cream, blush, off white, champagne, black, red, gold, ombre... What color are you choosing for your wedding dress? If you have a picture, show us! Photo by...

Alli, sunday 24-Mar-19 26
Makeup Monday - who will do your wedding day makeup?
Joey, On February 18, 2019 at 08:05

Is your makeup artist a pro, a friend, a relative, or yourself? Have you had your makeup professionally done before? Let's talk makeup and wedding day looks! makeup application Photo by Art by Mary...

Leah, friday 22-Feb-19 16
Who to invite, a helpful guide
Kirsten, On February 19, 2019 at 11:58

If you need alittle help, this could be a good guide

Leah, friday 22-Feb-19 6
How did you know your FH/FW was The One?
Allison, On February 19, 2019 at 14:01

Did you have a moment of epiphany that your FH/FW was The One? Or did you realize it when someone popped the question? Did you feel it when you first met/on the first date? For me I realized it about...

Bianca, monday 25-Feb-19 28
Winter Wedding
Caitlin, On February 19, 2019 at 14:51

Hi Everyone, We are getting married January 4th, 2020. My dream is to have an outdoor wedding but I am wondering what people think about having the ceremony outside in January. Is anyone else doing...

Tara, thursday 10-Sep-20 22
Wedding favour ideas for winter wedding
Sandy, On February 4, 2019 at 21:14

Hello to all the brides, I was wondering if anyone knows of good ideas for wedding favours in February? I was thinking blankets; but also wondering if to purchase them wholesale or not.

Veronica, tuesday 19-Feb-19 11
How long have you known your maid (or matron) of honour?
Lynnie, On February 19, 2019 at 13:34

Do you and your maid or matron of honour go way back? Have you been best friends for what feels like forever, or are they someone you met later in life but now can't imagine getting wed without!! How...

Allen, wednesday 27-Feb-19 35
Unusual Wedding Guest Attire
Allison, On February 13, 2019 at 14:12

Thought this was definitely a unique/non-traditional request one bride had for her guests, that doesn't go into bridezilla territory: Wedding Guest Attire Request She actually wanted all the women in...

Vinod, monday 4-Mar-19 16
Booked Honeymoon, name change issues on passport?
Janis, On February 13, 2019 at 23:36

My fiancé and I booked our honeymoon during the second week of October and we’re going to Iceland. My passport has my current last name. We’re getting married the end of June, and I don’t know what...

Bubblere, monday 22-Jan-24 10
How many Valentine's Days have you spent with your SO?
Joey, On February 14, 2019 at 08:05

Have you and your partner spent lots of Valentine's Days together already, or is this one of your firsts? How are you celebrating this holiday of love? Are you celebrating tonight, or waiting for the...

Bianca, tuesday 19-Feb-19 21
Proposal Perfection - Did you know a proposal was coming before it happened?
Joey, On January 28, 2019 at 09:26

Had you talked about getting engaged before the proposal? Had you already shopped for rings? Had you discussed how or when you wanted the proposal to happen? Did you just have a sense of what was...

Nelly, wednesday 25-Sep-19 32
Proposal Perfection - What was your favourite part about the proposal?
Joey, On January 28, 2019 at 09:22

What was your very favorite part about your proposal? Did something they said or did show how well they knew you? Was it how much effort was put in? Was it how intimate the moment was? What was your...

Nelly, wednesday 25-Sep-19 28
Proposal Perfection - Who knew about the proposal?
Joey, On January 28, 2019 at 09:23

Who was let into the secret that a proposal was coming? Was a bestie recruited to help things run smoothly? Was a sibling called in to help choose a ring? Were parents asked for their blessing before...

Nelly, wednesday 25-Sep-19 29
Proposal Perfection - Did the proposal go to plan?
Joey, On January 28, 2019 at 09:23

Did things happen the way you or your partner had planned? Did any plans have to change last minute? Did you find a hidden ring, overhear plans being made, or did someone accidentally spill the beans?...

Samantha, tuesday 1-Oct-19 29
Proposal Perfection - Was there a ring?
Joey, On January 28, 2019 at 09:24

Was a token exchanged during your proposal? An engagement ring? A placeholder ring? A ring pop? Another gift? Or a promise to go shopping together to pick something perfect out together? Was there a...

Veronica, tuesday 1-Oct-19 29
Proposal Perfection - What was the exact proposal reply?
Joey, On January 28, 2019 at 09:24

"Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!" "I'd love to." "I thought you'd never ask." "Are you joking?!" "OMG SHUT UP!" What was the exact reply at your proposal? Photo via @weddingwirecanada >>Next...

Nelly, wednesday 25-Sep-19 33
Proposal Perfection - Do you remember the proposal speech?
Joey, On January 28, 2019 at 09:25

Was your proposal preceded by a speech? Can you remember every word? Or were you so caught up in the moment that it all went by in a blur? Do you remember what was said in the proposal speech? Photo...

Nelly, wednesday 25-Sep-19 28
Proposal Perfection - What were you wearing?
Joey, On January 28, 2019 at 09:25

Were you all dressed up when your proposal happened? Were you caught off guard in something casual and comfy? What were you wearing at your proposal? Photo via @justsaidyes >>Next question: Do...

Katelyn, monday 30-Sep-19 31
Proposal Perfection - Where was the proposal?
Joey, On January 28, 2019 at 09:25

Where did the question get popped? Why was that location chosen? Where was the proposal? Photo via @justsaidyes >>Next question: What were you wearing? >>Or start at the beginning -...

Nelly, wednesday 25-Sep-19 29
Proposal Perfection - When was the proposal?
Joey, On January 28, 2019 at 09:26

How long ago did your proposal take place? What was the date? How long had you been dating by then? When was the proposal? Photo by Melanie Shields Photography in Ottawa >>Next question: Where...

Nelly, wednesday 25-Sep-19 37
Wedding Album
Rekramer, On February 14, 2019 at 13:27

Has anyone ordered their wedding album or seen a lot of wedding albums? We are ordering ours online and I'm struggling to decide whether to go with a square, or portrait set up, and size. Any thoughts...

Donna Yeung, saturday 20-Apr-19 7
Proposal Perfection - tell us your proposal story in this week's NEW GAME!!
Joey, On January 28, 2019 at 09:29

This week we want to get deep down into the details of your proposal story. We'll be asking 10 questions about every aspect of that special story. We can't wait to relive the magical moment with you!...

Brittany, thursday 14-Feb-19 7
Do you ever creep through your fiancé(e)'s phone?
Lynnie, On February 4, 2019 at 09:05

You borrow your fiancé(e)'s phone to do a quick Google search and the next thing you know your six months deep into his/her Snapchat history. Do you ever snoop through your fiancé(e)'s phone? Never,...

Sarah, sunday 10-Mar-19 32
Do you check in with each other before making a big purchase?
Lynnie, On February 4, 2019 at 09:05

Do you check in with your fiancé(e) before making a big purchase and vice versa? Never, always or sometimes? Next Question: Do you ever creep through your fiancé(e)'s phone? Back to the Beginning:...

Brittany, wednesday 13-Feb-19 27
Do you play the “I don’t know what do you want for dinner?” game?
Lynnie, On February 4, 2019 at 09:05

The never-ending food struggle continues! How often do you play the “What do you want for dinner?”, “I don’t know what do you want for dinner?” game? Never, always, or sometimes? Next Question: Do you...

Brittany, wednesday 13-Feb-19 26
Do you go to weddings solo?
Lynnie, On February 4, 2019 at 09:05

Have you ever gone to a wedding without your significant other? Or have they always been by your side as your plus one? Do you never, always, or sometimes go to weddings by yourself? Photo from The...

BunnyBride, tuesday 24-Sep-19 24
Do you go to sleep angry at each other?
Lynnie, On February 4, 2019 at 09:05

Do you have those nights where you just can’t let it go and fall asleep without resolving a fight? Or do you always kiss and make-up before going to bed? Do you never, always, or sometimes go to sleep...

Brittany, wednesday 13-Feb-19 26
Do you work out together?
Lynnie, On February 4, 2019 at 09:05

Having a fiancé(e) means having a built-in gym buddy, right? Do you and your future spouse work out together? Never, always, or sometimes? Next Question: Do you go to sleep angry at each other? Back...

Meaghan, tuesday 24-Sep-19 28
Do you snuggle... while sleeping?
Lynnie, On February 4, 2019 at 09:05

Who doesn’t love a good cuddle? But what about when it’s time to actually sleep? How often do you snuggle while sleeping? Never, always, or sometimes? Next Question: Do you work out together? Back to...

BunnyBride, tuesday 24-Sep-19 29
Do you have nights for “no wedding talk”?
Lynnie, On February 4, 2019 at 09:05

Sometimes the most important part of wedding planning is taking a break from wedding planning! Do you have nights where you ban the wedding talk? Never, always, or sometimes? Photo by Weddings N...

BunnyBride, tuesday 24-Sep-19 26


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