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Should my married name be on my degree?
Skylor, On April 24, 2019 at 22:46

Hello, I find myself in a tricky situation. I am to graduate from my dule degree university program three weeks prior to my wedding. I am not sure what I should do about my name on my degree. Should I...

Skylor, monday 29-Apr-19 15 5,713
Which Disney couple are you?? ❤️
Lynnie, On March 6, 2019 at 13:05

Which famously in-love Disney couple best describes you and your fiancé(e)? Mickey & Minnie? You two were MADE for each other! You have all the same likes, hobbies, and friends, and are...

Kaisha, friday 26-Apr-19 17 144
Ugh the Weather
Meghan, On April 15, 2019 at 13:11

My wedding is in 12 days and I was stupid and checked the 14 day weather forecast haha decent weather EVERY day except my wedding day. I know its far enough away that it can change...I just it hope...

Meghan, thursday 25-Apr-19 17 187
Faux Pas or Nah?
Lynnie, On April 15, 2019 at 12:21

This week we're getting down to the nitty gritty of wedding etiquette! Which etiquette do you think is outdated, and what's still just good manners? Tell us where you stand on each of these issues,...

Amanda, tuesday 23-Apr-19 6 202
Hashtag ideas?
Kassandra, On April 22, 2019 at 11:29

Relatively new to Hashtags! My last name is Tennant, his is Bittner. I'm taking his name. We also have 3 cats Haha. Any ideas?😊

Kassandra, tuesday 23-Apr-19 6 52
40 days to go
Amber, On April 21, 2019 at 14:40

Any June 1st brides here and starting to panic a bit 🎉🙃 40 days to go 👰🏼

Cliodhna, tuesday 23-Apr-19 2 68
Hashtag Help
Andrea, On April 19, 2019 at 20:29

Looking for a fun hashtag. Please help! Andrea Porter & Angela Jack. We’ll be taking the Porter name

Cliodhna, tuesday 23-Apr-19 4 290
Wedding Hashtag
Faye, On April 19, 2019 at 01:45

Hi there. I am getting married in June 2020. My fiancé and I want a wedding hashtag to use so our guests can tag us in their pictures. His name is Ryan Austin, and my name is Faye Taylor. I will be...

Cliodhna, tuesday 23-Apr-19 4 153
True or False - Planning Preparedness Edition
Joey, On April 22, 2019 at 08:56

This week's quiz is a series of True or False statements, and they're all about how planning is panning out. Our wedding planning experiences are so unique, and they frequently are very different from...

Casey, monday 22-Apr-19 5 156
Fiancé(e) Friday! Share a goofy pic
Joey, On April 19, 2019 at 08:05

Show us your silly side! Do you have a pic that always makes you laugh? Funny faces you each pull when you take selfies together? How about photos of a wacky couples' costume? Take a break from...

Joey, monday 22-Apr-19 12 168
What's your biggest wedding day worry?
Joey, On April 10, 2019 at 08:05

Unruly guests. Screaming babies. Things running behind schedule. A last-minute breakout, illness, or early period. A relative hitting the open bar a little too hard. A bad hair day. Wedding crashers....

Donna Yeung, saturday 20-Apr-19 51 717
Wedding Hashtag
Erin, On April 15, 2019 at 17:22

Hello Everyone! I'm new to the Wedding wire community. I get married September 7th, 2019 to the man of my dreams! We are pretty much done all the big planning now it's just onto the small, last minute...

Claire, thursday 18-Apr-19 9 144
Fiancé(e) Friday! - Show off your fiancé(e)!
Joey, On March 15, 2019 at 08:05

We've gotten to see you around the community - now we want to see your other half! Share a picture of the yin to your yang, the mac to your cheese, the jelly to your donut! Photo by Chelsea Dawn in...

Melissa, wednesday 17-Apr-19 37 517
Hello To All
Joan-Anne, On April 7, 2019 at 20:20

I'm so delighted to be part of the WeddingWire Group. What an amazing site. I'm a mature woman marrying the man of my heart. Age doesn't take away from the excitement of being a Bride. I wish all of...

Joey, wednesday 17-Apr-19 9 114
Stag and Doe - Yes or No?
Racheal, On April 11, 2019 at 12:29

We've been playing with the idea of having Stag and Doe type activities at our actual wedding afterparty rather than having a separate event for it. The idea of a Jack/Jill or Stag/Doe is relatively...

Bianca, tuesday 16-Apr-19 10 553
10 things you don't want to forget about your reception - NEW GAME!!
Joey, On April 8, 2019 at 09:36

Are you reception ready? This week's game will help you make sure the small details don't get forgotten. Answer each question and let us know what your plan is for that moment of your reception. Photo...

Erin, monday 15-Apr-19 9 173
Wedding Hashtag Help!
Brittany, On April 7, 2019 at 20:47

So I have searched all over online and been on so many hashtag generator sites and nothing has stood out to me as being perfect. I myself am not a very punny person so I'm looking for help from all of...

Erin, monday 15-Apr-19 4 565
Fiancé(e) Friday! What was your first impression of your partner?
Joey, On April 5, 2019 at 08:05

Close your eyes and think back to the very first moment you saw the person who would one day become your spouse. What was your initial impression of them? Was it love at first sight? Was it very much...

Stephanie, monday 15-Apr-19 21 1,961
Am I out of line?
Kirsten, On April 6, 2019 at 18:06

So I am starting to get a little annoyed lately. When my friend/MOH told me that she was possibly getting engaged within the next year I was super excited, to have someone to plan with. It has been a...

Stephanie, monday 15-Apr-19 12 209
A Few Of Our Favourite Things - Aspect Of Your Relationship ❤️
Joey, On March 25, 2019 at 08:05

What is the magic that makes your relationship work? What about your relationship gives you butterflies? What is special about this relationship that makes you sure it's The One? What is your...

Kassandra, sunday 7-Apr-19 30 196
Shout out your favourite vendor!
Joey, On March 22, 2019 at 08:05

Let's say Fri-YAY! Which vendor has been your lifesaver lately? Who has supported you, inspired you, and made you feel like you're in safe hands? Shout out your very favorite vendor! Which vendor is...

Bianca, wednesday 3-Apr-19 14 288
A Few Of Our Favourite Things - NEW GAME!!
Joey, On March 25, 2019 at 08:05

Let's give each other something to smile about in this week's game! Our questions this week will all be about things you and your future spouse love. Share with us some of your and your partner's...

Geneviève, tuesday 2-Apr-19 7 187
Meme your wedding!
Joey, On March 23, 2019 at 14:05

Can't quite put your wedding into words? Say it with a picture! What meme or gif best describes your wedding?

Bianca, tuesday 2-Apr-19 36 597
Hashtag help!
Rachel, On January 9, 2019 at 00:52

Still searching for the right hashtag for our wedding! My new last name will be Morton and my maiden name is Clare thanks 😘

Brittany, tuesday 2-Apr-19 8 671
Wedding Hashtag - Help
Katarina, On March 27, 2019 at 10:50

Hi there! My finacé and I are trying to think of a punny/clever/catchy yet still personal hashtag to use at the wedding. Unfortunately, we are not the most creative so are having some trouble, so I...

Brittany, tuesday 2-Apr-19 8 1,093
Wedding feelings
Kirsten, On March 26, 2019 at 12:23

I have a few of my songs picked and today I was listening to the playlist and kinda envisioned it all and it brought be to tears. Has this happened to anyone else?

Bianca, monday 1-Apr-19 8 85
Not Inviting Work People and Feeling Gulilty
Meghan, On March 26, 2019 at 16:20

This is more just a vent I try to get rid of this feeling of (un-justified?) guilt haha The RSVPs are due back to us by this Monday...I didn't end up inviting anyone from my work (FH...

Bianca, monday 1-Apr-19 13 589
Fill In The Blank: My "pet name" for my future spouse is _____
Lynnie, On March 18, 2019 at 09:05

Fill in the blank! What nickname / "pet name" do you call your partner? Next Question: I wish _____ wasn't so expensive! Back to the Beginning: Wedding Fill In The Blank!

Kaisha, monday 25-Mar-19 37 415
Who said "I love you" first? You or your fiancé(e)?
Lynnie, On November 26, 2018 at 10:44

Who was the first one to say those three magic words? With you and your fiancé(e), who said “I love you” first? Next Question: Who's more jealous? You or your fiancé(e)? Start from the beginning: You...

Tiffany, wednesday 20-Mar-19 33 201
Wedding Fill In The Blank! 📝
Lynnie, On March 18, 2019 at 09:05

It's quiz time! We've got 10 mad-libs-style wedding questions for you! Click through each linked discussion below and fill in the blank with your response!! Our wedding colours are _____ I'll be...

Bianca, monday 18-Mar-19 5 149
Rate your relationship comfort level!
Lynnie, On February 15, 2019 at 12:05

When you’ve been in a relationship for long time, some of that “behind the scenes” stuff slowly starts show itself! How real have you gotten in your relationship? Tell us which answer best describes...

Erin, friday 15-Mar-19 24 197
Wedding registry
Vanessa, On March 13, 2019 at 12:38

Does wedding wire have a wedding registry options?

Bianca, wednesday 13-Mar-19 3 414


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