Toronto, Ontario · From December 2016
I'm 28 years old and have been with my Fiancé for 10 years. I am a teacher and an artist living in Ontario, Canada.
- Frequent user
- 224 points
Happily married 🎉
June 24, 2017
Hi there! How is the planning going? I made this discussion and I thought you might like it. 😊 It’s about the 10 steps every bride goes through. Let me know if you like it. xx
Hi hun! I made another discussion and thought you might like this one too :) Let me know if you like it!! Kisses! Xx
Hi Sarah! I saw that you like the games I made in the community and thought you might like this one too :) I’m letting you discover what it’s about! I hope you’ll like it. Big hug! xx
Hey love! I’d like to help you with your checklist :) You can show us where you’re at and meet the others here: I hope you’ll join us! I can't wait to see your pictures! Talk soon xx