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Featured May 2023 Ontario

Time to Share - How Did You Meet your Fh/spouse?

Julie, on February 13, 2023 at 12:41 Posted in Before the wedding 3 100

Is it just me? Or are you also feeling extra lovey this month cause of Valentine's Day? Smiley heart

Let's share how we met your significant other.

I met my FH on a dating app 7 years ago. I saw his profile and thought, this guy is totally out of my league, too hot! But I sent a message and figured, why the hell not? LOL Took him a bit to reply but he did. We ended up chatting on the phone for a few days. After a few days, we finally decided to meet. All went well but then - I got ghosted; he was here and there online and I thought ok well that went nowhere. About 10 months later, happened to be on FB and he came up as a suggestion and that we had a mutual friend. His profile was not private so I commented on a pic of him and a dog and it all went well from there. Once again, I figured why not. We wound up meeting up again, chatted every day. He later told me that he ghosted me cause he had some trouble with the law. Smiley xd SMH

As you can see from my profile pic, he's a little rough around the edges but he has one of the biggest hearts. All that nonsense is behind and we are looking forward to our future together.


Latest activity by Nelly, on April 17, 2024 at 16:37
  • N
    Featured July 2025 Ontario
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    We met in our first year of university
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  • Kasey
    Newbie July 2024 Ontario
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    We met through tinder and met in person at a Tim Hortons
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  • Matilda
    Frequent user June 2025 Ontario
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    We met during our first year of university.
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  • Jessica
    Newbie October 2025 Quebec
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    I’m glad you enjoyed that story, we are quite the eccentric couple haha 😂
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  • Petrina
    Curious September 2024 Ontario
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    Thank you! Smiley heart

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  • Joy
    Frequent user August 2023 Nova Scotia
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    We met when we were in grade 5 at school, and became friends by doing some group projects together. We weren't as close in middle school because we had different friend groups then, but later in high school, we found out we had some similar interests (favourite shows, games, liked to crochet, etc) and bonded over that. We started dating in grade 12, and all through university stayed together, and I think the challenges of trying to go on dates, while studying for exams and managing time that way helped us really value the time we have together.

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  • Julie
    Featured May 2023 Ontario
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    Congrats to all you on your upcoming wedding!!! ❤️
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  • Lesley
    Newbie September 2023 Ontario
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    Hey Everyone! So my fiance and met on Hinge and met in person after a few weeks of speaking. 11 months later we got engaged and are now planning our wedding. Wedding will be September 30th of this year and we can't wait to spend forever together Smiley heart

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  • Dayle
    Newbie October 2024 Ontario
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    I originally met my partner in highschool! He's 3 years older than me and we didn't really interact very much, but one day he was running late to class while i was on lunch and he realized his class was in the library that day so he couldn't bring his coffee into the library and offered it to me! One of the only times I've drank a black coffee haha. Then we didn't see each other for maybe 4-5 years then we matched on bumble! We had the same taste in music and we've been together ever since!
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  • Mercedes & John
    Newbie August 2023 New Brunswick
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    Thank you 🥰
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  • Julie
    Featured May 2023 Ontario
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    That's awesome Petrina! My FH and I also met online, Plenty of Fish LOL....and he was the one ghosting me, on and off for almost a year. Congrats on your engagement!!! Smiley heart

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  • Julie
    Featured May 2023 Ontario
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    Awwwwwwwwwww, that is super sweet!!! Smiley heart

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  • Julie
    Featured May 2023 Ontario
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    Congratulations Darcy!! Lovely!! Smiley heart

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  • Darcy
    Newbie September 2024 Ontario
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    My fiancé and I met when I became friends with someone in his friend group we where friends for a while and than our friends kept trying to set us up. At first I wasn’t interested but he showed me all the reasons why I should be, treated me like a true princess and we have been living a happily ever after ever since (6 years this April) !!! I can’t wait to marry this man ❤️💍 September 13th 2024 can’t come fast enough Time to Share - How Did You Meet your Fh/spouse? 1

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  • Mercedes & John
    Newbie August 2023 New Brunswick
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    My fiancé and I met when I was 16 on his very last day of high school. My best friend at the time had been hanging out with him and his friends for most of that last semester but we had never crossed paths .
    The day we met I went to go shake his hand to introduce myself. He pulled back and kind of gave me a funny look. He said
    “ I’m not kissing your hand “ We’ve been together for just shy of 10 years now and he’s been kissing my head every since .
    Time to Share - How Did You Meet your Fh/spouse? 2

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  • Petrina
    Curious September 2024 Ontario
    Petrina ·
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    I met my fiancé during the pandemic lol. Yep! We met on Hinge in Nov 2020. I had just been ghosted by another guy I dated briefly and I went back on Hinge and we matched. We messaged each other non-stop of a week and then had a video call which helped take the edge off when we went on our first date - a socially distanced walk in the Square One area! After that, everything just fell into place. We realized we lived only 8 minutes away from each other just felt like it was fate that we met when we did. We got engaged in Dec 2022 and getting married in Sept 2024 ❤️
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  • A
    Beginner July 2023 Ontario
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    Beginner July 2023 Ontario
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    I totally will.
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  • Julie
    Featured May 2023 Ontario
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    You will have to post it!

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  • A
    Beginner July 2023 Ontario
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    Like I said, I love sharing our story.......... The proposal story is even better Smiley laugh

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  • Julie
    Featured May 2023 Ontario
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    Smiley smile Thank you for sharing Adriana! Super cute story

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  • A
    Beginner July 2023 Ontario
    Adriana ·
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    I met my fiance online- on FACEBOOK- Who knew they had a "dating" app/section. Then, just like Facebook does when you add someone to your friends list (Which along with your hobbies & interests is how they match people). It showed us how many people we had in common!

    We took it a bit slow, texted for a while, then webcam chats, then decided to meet in person at, what is NOW "Our Restaurant"-- IL FORNELLO. I showed up early & had to wait what felt like an hour & a half for him. ONLY to find out now, while reliving the event & sharing our story, he WAS there on time, but was too nervous to come into the restaurant.

    I love sharing our story with people Smiley ring

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  • Julie
    Featured May 2023 Ontario
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    Awww Herwin!!!! Smiley heart I know all too well about the commute (mine was in Scarborough and I was in Burlington). He loved coming out every Friday but dreaded the ride home Sundays!

    Congrats to everyone who met their significant others!!! I love reading these every day Smiley smile

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  • Julie
    Featured May 2023 Ontario
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    Lindsay! I love a random meet story!!! Smiley heart

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  • L
    Newbie July 2023 British Columbia
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    I met my fiancée 2.5 years ago as customers at Tim Hortons (coffee shop). We pulled into parking stalls right beside each other, at the same time. We got out and he said he liked the colour of my car - was the same blue as his truck - and I told him I liked the music he was playing. We walking into the coffee shop talking about the weather and whatever, got our coffees and went our separate ways. I sat down at a table to drink my coffee and study my university class, and he sat in his truck, right outside the window, working on blueprints for something he was building. I saw him turn on his truck about an hour later, then turn it right back off again. I walked out to my car, he rolled down his window and asked me if I had dinner plans. We went for dinner 20 mins later in to Boston Pizza in the same parking lot, and the rest is history Smiley laugh He told me later that if I hadn't come out to my car, he was going to come back in and ask me out. Neither of us were looking for a relationship at that point, but it turned out to be the best thing ever! Now we run a business together, and make the best team!

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  • Herwin
    Newbie June 2023 Ontario
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    I met my fiance at Union Station bus terminal in Toronto through a friend of mine that lives in Toronto. I was visiting the city after 2 years of not setting foot in the city. My friend called me after Christmas insisting that I come to Toronto for a visit and so after new years, I decided to make a trip. When my friend came by, my fiance was with him and that's how we met.

    We hung out for a while that day and he added me on Facebook that same day before I had to go home to Hamilton. We talked quite a bit and we had that instant connection which usually doesn't when I meet someone new. Usually, when I add somebody on FB, I kinda just ignore them. One day, he suddenly messaged me asking how I was doing and we just had a long chat. We planned out another hang out in Toronto and in February, I made another trip to Toronto just to hang out. That's when I actually started develop feelings for him. He talked about visiting me in Hamilton and when he bought a presto card, that's when it was getting real.
    A month later in March, he finally made a visit in Hamilton to see me and we both just became close and that's when we made it official. Since we live in different cities, we would visit each other at least once a week and we take turns going to each other cities. And we did routine for over 5 years.
    He proposed to me on our 5 year anniversary and now we're getting married this coming June. I couldn't be even more happier. We now get to live in the same city soon.
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  • Julie
    Featured May 2023 Ontario
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    Standing firm Ashley, love it!

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  • Julie
    Featured May 2023 Ontario
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    AWWWWWWWWW super sweet Olivia!

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  • Julie
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    OMG Jessica! That is hilarious! Talk about full circle Love itSmiley heart

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  • Jessica
    Newbie October 2025 Quebec
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    We met in 2018, indirectly. At culinary school.
    I was studying by my locker fiercely, it’s important to know that my fiancé was a swimmer/water polo player most of his adolescence.
    As I am studying at my locker the class before mine came to get changed, I had closed my book realizing I was late for my tasting exam and had shut my locker.As the locker shut a student in front of me had dropped his pant’s abruptly,leaving me stunned and shy. I had forgotten about this day untill the summer of 2020 when I was working at a retirement home in the kitchen. I was introduced to this man who had went to the same culinary school as me! I thought to myself what a small world! When the shift has ended and we were getting changed. He dropped his pant and I realized who he was because he was wearing the same boxers as that day back in 2018 😅😂 I told him I remembered him and he in fact noticed me. He said “ oh my god ! You were that girl who ran away saying oh my god oh my god!”I asked him why he doesn’t change in the bathroom and he said that “on the pool deck when I was playing water polo we would just get changed where ever. “I’m definitely not complaining 🥰😂We got engaged in may of 2022 and well the rest is history! What a small world it is.
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  • Olivia
    Newbie July 2023 Ontario
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    I met my fiancé in early 2015.
    I was working as a hairstylist in a salon and he was working as a barber at a barber shop. We were units away from each other in the same building complex. One day my boss sent me to the barber shop to help out with booking appointments and folding towels and as I was completing the tasks assigned a male voice from behind me came and said hello, I responded but to my surprise the person was gone. Minutes later the salon called me back so I returned to my normal job. The next day I was at work nice and early and I began to do some laundry. I began to hear some giggling and whispering not knowing what the heck was happening… my boss calls me to the front and says I have a special delivery. To my surprise I received a coffee dropped off for me with a phone number on it. I waited all day to text the person to thank them.. he was incredibly sweet I agreed to a date and the rest is history… we now have a house 2 barbershops and built a. Beautiful life together and I can’t wait for the next chapter
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  • Ashley
    Newbie June 2024 Ontario
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    I met my finance when i was 19 through a friend at that time. He took me on a lovely date to the aquarium in the city and on the way home he pretended that something broke under his car and needed my help with fixing it, he asked me to get something from his trunk and when i went to open it there was a lovely sign with flowers asking if i would date him. Fast forward 7 years we live together and even got a puppy, i kept telling him i dont want to be together for 10 years and not have an engagement ring lol really pressing him. Finally Sept 2022 he finally got the hint and asked me to marry him. We are planning our wedding for June 2024 🤍
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