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VIP May 2019 Ontario

How did you meet!

Stephanie, on April 5, 2018 at 15:46

Posted in Before the wedding 70

I'm sure this thread has happened before but I'd love to hear everyone's stories! How did you meet your Fiance/Fiancee? Or for those already done with their big day how did you meet your Husband/Wife? I met my Fiance at work! We worked together for about 2 years and were good friends before anything...

I'm sure this thread has happened before but I'd love to hear everyone's stories!

How did you meet your Fiance/Fiancee?

Or for those already done with their big day how did you meet your Husband/Wife?

I met my Fiance at work! We worked together for about 2 years and were good friends before anything really hit off! I developed a massive crush on him a few months before I got enough courage to make a move! Smiley heart


  • Stephanie
    VIP May 2019 Ontario
    Stephanie ·
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    Thank you all again for sharing! I love all these stories and seeing how special they are to everyone!
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  • Morgane
    Curious February 2019 Alberta
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    We met at University. We had International Business together in 3rd year.
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  • Stephanie
    Newbie August 2019 British Columbia
    Stephanie ·
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    Tinderrrr haha he's in the states and I'm up in Canada so we talked for a little over a month before he made the trip across the border. Back and forth ever since Smiley shame
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  • Fiorina
    Curious July 2018 Ontario
    Fiorina ·
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    We met at our church. I teach and run a children's group and he joined as a volunteer. I was supposed to train him and leave him to it but I kept going back because I liked him. It took a couple of months of back and forth talking and him trying to ask me out (I didn't understand the first couple of times until multiple told me he was trying to ask me out in a subtle way) before we started dating. Five and a half years later we are getting married and still teach together 😁
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  • Erin
    Super September 2019 Ontario
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    We worked together at a transport company, but he worked nights and I worked days, so we only saw each other for about an hour every morning. I worked there for eight months, then left to go back to school and came back the next summer. We chatted in the morning but weren't super close or anything.

    My second time there, I was only there for six weeks when the place went bankrupt and closed down! He knew when he was leaving that morning, but wasn't suppose for say anything to anyone else in the office. He asked if we could connect on Facebook before he left for the day and we went on our first date a week later!
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  • Stephanie
    Master July 2018 Alberta
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    I was going to visit my brother and his family who live 5 hours away. He called me the night before asking if I wanted to catch a ride with his friend to save on gas money. I didn't think much of it, even after meeting him. After 10 hours together in a car, we got to know each other and he asked me for dinner when we got back to our city. Then, he waited the traditional 3 days before inviting me over. I had just started a two week stint on afternoons and didn't want to wait until I was back on days to see him so I invited him to watch me play hockey after he made me supper. That was it for me. I knew during that date that I wanted to marry him!

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  • Mzheng
    Frequent user August 2018 British Columbia
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    We met back in high school but we were both dating other people at the time. Couple years into post secondary and the stars lined up and we finally got together. 😊
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  • Michelle
    Super September 2018 Alberta
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    Met at work, Denny's Smiley smile

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  • Karen
    Curious July 2018 Alberta
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    Trust me I was ready to get off that I had alot of creeps to. Then I saw him and thought maybe just maybe lol and here were are ❤❤❤
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  • M
    Devoted August 2018 Ontario
    Megis ·
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    We met on Christmas eve through a dating website. Met up at a coffee shop. Only expected a short meet up but ended up talking for hours into the next morning. We immediately connected
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  • Christina
    Newbie October 2018 Ontario
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    We met July of 2015 through a mutual friend. This friend heard i was wanting to broaden my social circle and she invited me over for drinks at her buddies place. We got to know each other and became friends. We linked up after I had a party at my house and we started dating that night.
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  • Peggy
    Super May 2019 Alberta
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    Haha, no! Our wedding 'theme' is relatively traditional (Beachy - we originally wanted a destination wedding, but when that fell through, we settled on it as our theme). However, we are incorporating elements of Star Wars in! Characters (Darth Vader, storm troopers, etc) from the 501st Legion will join us for our grand entrance (We're both members, and most of these folks are also guests at the wedding, so it works out well!), we are having a lightsaber battle instead of a traditional first dance...really just silly fun!

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  • Maya
    Expert January 2019 Alberta
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    I like to read these stories too Smiley smile it helps to brighten my day.

    So the first time I met my Fiancé was 4 years before we got together on pof. We had a date, but he had cancelled for some reason. He messaged again, but wasn’t fast enough because I was with my ex. I dated my ex for 2 years and I was settling for him and when I realized that we finally split up.

    I then got clear on what traits my ideal partner would have in the course the advancement of excellence. Waiting to find the right guy was hard and it wasn’t until I stopped looking that my fiancé messaged me on Eharmony. After going through the questions and back and make it or break it lists we finally had a date. He showed up in what I call his old man slipper slip ons lol, but I decided to give him another chance. We went out to the bar with my one friend. We had a few drinks and we went dancing. Needless to say my fiancé isn’t the best dancer and I was talking to my friend that I wasn’t sure about him. She set me straight and said give him a chance he has been dancing with you all night. At the end of the date I had told him he didn’t have to walk us to the door of my friends apartment which he explains that he felt like he did something wrong and in my mind I didn’t want him to waste money as the cab meter went up.

    At the time I lived in Leduc and he lived on the north side of Edmonton and he drove about 45 mins for our dates. We started dating and a few weeks in I met his whole family because his grandmother was sick and they always had Sunday dinner. His family loved me and I immediately became part of his family. We have been together for 2 years now and are very happy together. I always tease him that it took him 4 years to find me again.
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  • Elycia
    Curious June 2018 Ontario
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    I met mine on plenty of fish. I assent really ready for a relationship but he became an awesome friend over time and a fantastic his and to be. Although with 60 ish days left till the party I haven't been the best feancee lately but he's been fantastic
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  • Stephanie
    VIP May 2019 Ontario
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    No judging at all! I'm glad you found a keeper on POF! I was on that site back in university and well... found a LOT of creepers instead haha!

    Did not work for me I was off that site FAST

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  • Karen
    Curious July 2018 Alberta
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    Don't judge lol my fiance and I met off of (p.o.f)plenty of fish, a dating website. We started by texting/skyping making sure he wasn't crazy lol then a month later we met face to face finally. He had rose petals and box of chocolates and a teddy bear and asked me to be his gf it felt like I was a teenager again. Our second Christmas together he proposed and here we are 90 days away from being husband and wife til our last breaths.
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  • Lynnie
    WeddingWire Admin October 2016 North Carolina
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    I love all of these stories so much!!!

    My husband and I met in college and have been together ever since!! We had several mutual friends but didn’t actually meet each other until the summer before my senior year. Our friends couldn’t believe we hadn’t met each other yet and we hit it off instantly. ❤️
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  • Lynnie
    WeddingWire Admin October 2016 North Carolina
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    Oh my gosh that’s so cute!! I love that he was your 5th grade boyfriend ❤️❤️
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  • Stephanie
    VIP May 2019 Ontario
    Stephanie ·
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    Thank you everyone for all the responses I so love reading these stories! I want to reply to everyone directly haha!

    One of my all time favourites I forgot to mention was how my parents met.... Drunk and under a table at a Christmas Party ahahaha!

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  • Jen
    VIP June 2018 Ontario
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    We met on Tinder! I had absolutely no time to meet anybody the old fashioned way with being a nurse and having a child and he was a student at the time. Met up at a bar with a friend of his and have been together nearly every day since.

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  • Jennifer
    Super August 2018 Alberta
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    Tinder! Lol it was my first time using it, he was my first tinder date and last! 😂♥️
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  • Valérie
    VIP September 2019 Quebec
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    We met almost 7 years ago when he joined my team, at work. He emailed me, asking if I wanted to grab coffee during our break, which became a daily thing.

    Couple of weeks went by and he invited me to his friend's bday at a pub downtown. He didn't think I'd go, but I showed up by myself haha. He stole a kiss from me, when we parted ways on the street corner at 1am.

    7 years and 1 big move across the country later, here we are...planning our wedding Smiley heart

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  • Sarah
    Frequent user December 2018 Alberta
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    I met my finacé when we were both 12 years old. We were both in cadets and had the biggest crush on each other. Years past and I always remained very good friends with the older brother. 13 years later my FH and I started taking when I was out of town with the army. When I came home 2months after. We both knew it was something crazy. A year and a half later we are planning our wedding.
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  • Amanda
    Super August 2018 Alberta
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    He was the new kid in my grade 9 class. Haha. Teacher was taking home room attendance and his was the only name I didn’t recognize. We were dating 3 months later. And we’ve been together ever since!
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  • Emily
    Devoted November 2018 Ontario
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    That is such a great story!!! I love weird and coincidental stories like that! Congratulations 😊
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  • Emily
    Devoted November 2018 Ontario
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    We met the summer before grade 12, when he was in the audience of a play I was in. He was friends with the director, so I was introduced to him after the show, and liked what I saw. I added him on social media and we have been together for the 5.5 years since Smiley smile

    It's funny because the play was about an Italian guy bringing home his non-Italian fiance (played by me) to meet his fiance is VERY Italian and I am VERY not lol. Art imitates life, am I right??!!
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  • Holly
    VIP June 2019 Ontario
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    We worked in the same building for two years but for different companies. You'd think that's how we met but it's not. We ended making mutual friends, and on day I was hanging out with one of those mutual friends and took a snap on his phone and sent it out to some of his friends. Well my fiance saw it and snapped back asking who I was and so did his best friend. Then they called the mutual friend and told him to bring me out to the bar with them to play pool. I said no but eventually they convinced me to go out. So I arrive at the bar and there he is, playing pool with his best friend. Right away I was attracted to him but his best friend had a reputation so I kind of just associated him with that too. He was also instantly attracted to me but thought our mutual friend was trying to get with me, which he was but I was not interested. So I ended up added my fiance and his best friend on snapchat and Facebook and we would talk everyday, eventually exchanged numbers and here we are!
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  • Lydia
    Devoted June 2019 British Columbia
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    We were in the same class in college back in the Netherlands and were best friends for about 3.5 years until we actually started dating.
    He was interested in that earlier, but I only came to the realization after being away for internship for 5 months. I was a bit slow catching up haha, but everything turned out super obviously Smiley smile
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  • Lydia
    Devoted June 2019 British Columbia
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    Love that you guys met larping!

    (totally checked your profile btw and best date ever to get married! Omg! I'm sure you guys well have an awesome looking wedding! Are you gonna incorporate May the 4th be with you in the invitations?)
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  • Jocelyn
    Expert August 2018 Ontario
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    We were classmates/labmates and only after we graduated did he have the courage to email me a sweet love note (the only time he's ever done this!) to tell me how he felt.
    in essence: we spent
    12 years cooking together,
    had 6 years & 11 months of courtship
    and this year, celebrating 10 years as a couple.

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  • Gina
    Super April 2019 Alberta
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    We’ve known each other since grade 2. He was a actually my “boyfriend” in grade 5, Haha. We were friends until later in high school (different schools and friend groups) We both ended up having family’s with other people but did occasionally talk throughout the years. Awhile after he separated from his wife, we started hanging out. We were both single and he told me he was interested in me. The rest is history. We just celebrated our 9 year Anniversary last month. We are completely backwards. We have a daughter together, we own a house, marriage is our last step. Lol. But it some way it makes it so amazing! We had all this time to go through difficult times, amazing times, boring times... and we’ve made it through everything more in love now then we ever have been....
    on a side note about the whole nerd thing: My FHs wedding band is the one ring from
    The Lord of the Rings. (Replica made by the same company that made the ones for the movies) and we are doing a New Zealand cruise for the honeymoon.. we will end the trip with a tour of the shire lol
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  • Brittany
    British Columbia
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    My fiance and I met at work... I was actually in a relationship at the time he started, but my current fiance and I barely spoke anyways (worked in different departments). Once I decided to end my relationship, several of us from work went out, he was there, and him and I spent the whole night talking. He gave me those butterflies they talk about in romantic movies.

    We started hanging out more and more, me usually making him dinner (definitely won his heart through his stomach), and it's been a blast ever since. We finally got engaged this Christmas season after 5 years together.

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