'Surrey', British Columbia · From March 2018
We postponed our wedding due to covid-19 it’s been an emotional rollercoaster to say the least 🎢 After many tears I realized that we have already been... View more
We postponed our wedding due to covid-19 it’s been an emotional rollercoaster to say the least 🎢 After many tears I realized that we have already been together for 11 years and have an amazing blended family so one more isn’t going to hurt us.If you want to chat or ask any questions I’m here 💜
- Expert
- 2,284 points
Happily married 🎉
August 29, 2021

I uploaded a photo in the Sarah discussion
2510 days ago
For those of you not getting ready at home or at a hotel how did you set the room up?The venue I like is an open hall and I will be setting it all up the night before for the reception.I’m wondering how I could go about making a special spot for...

I uploaded a photo in the Sarah discussion
2511 days ago
Please tell me I’m not alone here 😕 I have over 2 years to plan my dream wedding on a limited budget and I thought I was doing great!The other night reality hit me and I saw my vision go completely out the window.I no longer want shabby chic crystal...