Hello lovely brides-to-be! GAME WIN Next question is a really important one. We want to know. When did he pop the question? *** pinterest Follow >>Your favorite gift
Hello lovely brides-to-be!
Next question is a really important one. We want to know.
While we were on vacation in Cuba in April 2017 we went to an a la carte first then went to the beach for a walk and onto the dock for some us time on the ocean
I found a very nicely wrapped box the first of December that sounded a lot like a ring box when gently shaken. When I asked my fiancé about it he denied that it was a ring and proceeded to use it as part of the Christmas decor of the house. Christmas eve came and the box was still in the same place. I was getting ready for Christmas morning with corny Hallmark movies on in the background. When he got home late from work I expected him to fall asleep on the couch while I watched Love Actually (a favourite holiday classic but he stayed awake for the whole thing. After the movie ended I grabbed a quick shower and when I came back up stairs it was midnight and he had the box in his hand. It was time to open it and it WAS a ring. I said yes when he asked and it's been a whirlwind since!
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January 20, 2017. He asked me in a dog park, with our blind pupper. It was adorable. I bawled.
Jamil proposed on November 25th, 2016. After I was off work, he took me for a date night and surprised me with tickets to the "Enchant Maze" in Coal Harbour because he knew I loved Christmas lights. We were enjoying hot chocolate and walking around through the lights. When we were walking through a beautiful tunnel of lights, Jamil got down on one knee and asked me to "spend the rest of our lives in happiness together." Through some really ugly tears, I obviously said "Yes."
Ming proposed on January 6th of just this year. The funny story was that the evening of dinner and a walk along an icy boardwalk all seemed too suspicious that I actually had anticipated it was not going to happen. I thought it was part of an 'evil plan' of his to make me think he was going to propose and then eventually propose in a completely random situation instead. So I have to admit it was quite the surprise!
On vacation in Mexico with his best friend and his wife, they claimed to want to take photos of the sunset.. We took photos on the beach right at sunset and that's when he proposed
Christmas Eve!! He waited until we got home from family dinner and asked me to open my present in front of the Christmas tree. I opened this heavy box and revealed more boxes inside. The smallest box contained a personalized poem urging me to look in the tree and there I saw an ornament with the phrase "will you marry me?" I started crying that I didn't even notice the ring attached to the ornament! Hahaha. It was perfect!
On February 2 2017, we were going thru boxes and chatting and he said "I am going to marry you one day" and I said "yeah ok". He looked a little surprised and smiled. He said "really?!?!" And I said "yeah why not". So because he didn't have a ring and didn't want to wait he got on one knee and asked me to marry him and obviously I said yes, so he painted a ring on my finger with red model paint. Man did that take a long time to get off. Lol then a week later we went and bought the ring together and at home he asked me again but with the ring this time.
December 30, 2015, I was just coming home from working out and he had put candles all over the apartment and made the most amazing smelling dinner. It was so cute and personal
Randomly at the bar lol it was actually rather perfect for us. Unexpected and sweet. We picked out the ring together and when it came in her proposed properly
He popped the question on January 15, 2017 after an amazing day of visiting an ice castle and going to the gun range and a lovely dinner he surprised me at home!