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Expert August 2018 Ontario

Wedding weight loss?

Linzer, on January 15, 2017 at 21:52 Posted in Beauty 1 35

Hey ladies (and gents of course!)
I wanted to see if anyone else is trying to slim down for their big day? If so, what changes are you making? Any goals?
I've actually lost about 40lbs in the last year and a half and am hoping to continue the downward trend onto 2018! Lost through calorie counting and walking, I can't say I've been to the gym more than twice. (Scares me!) The weight loss community on reddit, r/loseit, has also really been helpful along the way.
I've been overweight for most of my life and the struggle is real believe me! I really just would like to have a healthy BMI as I start my life with my man. Smiley smile
Hoping to lose about 12lbs for my enaggement shoot / wedding dress shopping, and ideally an additional 5-10 before August 2018.


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  • Kacy
    VIP February 2019 Quebec
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    Congratulations on your weight loss, and also to everyone on this thread for that matter! FH and I both gained a lot of weight through university, and life challenges. As soon as I finished my master's (almost three years ago now) I got my butt back into gear, by joining the gym and classes like pole fitness and silks and rings. I've also tried eating better and drinking more water. I haven't gotten to where I would like to be yet , as I fell off the wagon a few times as a result of moving a few times, certification exams and renos. I gained like 30-35 lbs, if not more during my master's, and I am still struggling to not continue to gain but lose weight. My goal isn't to get back to the number I was at, but rather build strength and tone up, since muscle weighs more than fat. So now we are really back at it, and going to the gym in the morning at 7 am before work (Blegh lol) at least 3-4x a week, if our work schedules allow for it because we often have morning meetings and don't work next door. I also joined some workout classes at work at lunchtime so I'm aiming to go at least 2x, ideally all 3x a week. It might seem extreme, but I want to feel good and healthy and develop good health habits that will last so we can be good role models for our future kids (yes I am thinking far). of course some weeks aren't as good as others, but I'm not beating myself up over it, because I know I am doing my best and doing as much as I can. We also don't eat out as much, don't drink as much alcohol and just try to find healthy alternatives, eat some vegetarian meals during the week, try to sleep at least 7 hrs, etc. Best of luck, keep us updated throughout your fitness journey!
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  • Vanessa
    Frequent user June 2018 Ontario
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    The food you eat is the #1 component to weight loss. Most people lose weight by removing processed food from their diet. It also helps to literally just eat more vegetables in place of everything else lol!

    I've been paleo, eaten normally (ie. whatever I want), "clean eating" (no process foods), gluten free (because I'm celiac), and now I've decided to go vegan for environmental reasons. It's pretty amazing what more vegetables in your diet can do!

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  • Rachel
    Devoted November 2017 Ontario
    Rachel ·
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    Congrats! thats awesome!

    i am tring to slim down too! my MoH and I joined bechbody and are doing the 21 day fix and shakeology and motivating eachother. Its hard and life gets in the way but we are gonna giver not just for the wedding but for life after the wedding too!

    i ordered my dress mid December and ordered the same size they had in the store and i only started my new work ou plan 3 weeks ago and it used to be snug and fit and now its big in some areas and will need alterations. The lady at the place i bough my dress said congrats but becasreful too much weight loss is hard to alter. I told her not to expect crazy drastic change but i am gonna make her alter it and i don't care how much it costs. ill be slimmer, healthyier and happier!

    good luck to all the brides out there trying to get in that healthy state of mind! stay positive!


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  • Leah
    Frequent user April 2017 Quebec
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    I have lost 7 pounds since Christmas by cutting out coca-cola and reducing my sugar intake. I tried on my dress this morning and it is fitting great. However my breasts are shrinking! I may need a padded bra to make sure the darn thing stays up!

    My dress is fitted around the torso with a zipper in the back so I can't adjsut things. Wedding is in 45 days!

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  • L
    Expert August 2018 Ontario
    Linzer ·
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    Awesome! Just put in a request to join. Thanks Lisa!
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  • Lisa
    VIP May 2018 Ontario
    Lisa ·
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    I forgot to tell you Lindsey that I have a group on Facebook called Passion for Food and Health, where I post healthy recipes I invent or healthy ones I would like to try! It's like my online recipe book. You can join the group and see if you can get ideas there. I even have how to make your own almond and cashew milk!
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  • Raphaela
    Frequent user June 2018 Alberta
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    I think if I set a time line and as you suggestions a special reward. It might make him more open minded about it. Thank you
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  • Brittany
    Frequent user October 2017 Ontario
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    See! The weight falls of! Plus my fiance always suffered from severe acne and ever since switching his skin is sooo clear! It's unbelievable. My skin changed immensely too! Worth a shot Smiley smile
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  • Valerie
    VIP April 2017 Ontario
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    Thank you! It's hard to know what motivation will work for him. Maybe have some kind of (non food based) reward after you do your workouts for the week... something special. I tried so many things over the years, but just having the deadline of the wedding gave me the kick in the butt I needed. FH has helped me to get motivated by just making me accountable, he doesn't just let me off the hook if I try to get out of it because I just don't want to go.

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  • L
    Expert August 2018 Ontario
    Linzer ·
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    I actually don't mind soy and almond milk, I've bought it before because it lasts longer than regular milk.
    Avacado is the greatest thing ever IMHO
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  • Raphaela
    Frequent user June 2018 Alberta
    Raphaela ·
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    This is great! Congrats on your hard work so far Smiley smile I want to start going with my FH but he isnt one to enjoy the gym. He doesn't think he'll get the results he wants. Do you have suggestions to get him motivated?
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  • Brittany
    Frequent user October 2017 Ontario
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    Nut butters, coconut oil, avocado is my favourite. Soy milk is your best bet if you want a fatty milk substitute. And there are plenty of milk substitutes as well - almond coffee creamer, soy/almond/coconut milk, lots of cheese, cream cheese and yogurt subs too!
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  • L
    Expert August 2018 Ontario
    Linzer ·
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    Currently sipping on my milk heavy latte, so maybe will start tomorrow hahah. My skin is a shit show right now so I'd be willing to do a diet shift just for that!
    How do you still incorporate healthy fats in your diet without the dairy? I know it got a bad rap in the past but I think balanced macros are important.
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  • Brittany
    Frequent user October 2017 Ontario
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    You can do it!!! Don't give it up forever! But seriously try it and I think you be surprised at how much weight you can lose.
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  • L
    Expert August 2018 Ontario
    Linzer ·
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    So I'm 5'8.75" (haha just a smidgen short of 5'9"). Goal weight is in the 150s, currently at 170 and three lowest I was last summer was 160. Peak was over 210 though!
    Haha I love dairy so much, I feel like I'd easier give up meat than my beloved cheese and milk. Smiley sad I'm having a charcuterie board at the reception as a nod to my mad cheese love.
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  • Brittany
    Frequent user October 2017 Ontario
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    Ignore the fact I'm vegan, if you want to lose weight - drop the dairy! Weigh with slide off and your skin will thank you too! I'm looking to hit 130-140 or at least seriously tone my stomach. I've ALWAYS had a pouch.. even when I weighed 120 lbs so I don't think it'll ever go away but it's literallt the only place I carry weight and I hate people thinking I'm pregnant! I'm 5'6 btw, how tall are you? People carry weight so different based on height.
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  • L
    Expert August 2018 Ontario
    Linzer ·
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    Thanks so much! It sounds like your making some good changes that will help things along.
    My job is super sedentary too so it's hard to find ways to get active
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  • L
    Expert August 2018 Ontario
    Linzer ·
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    Amazing job!! I feel you re: boob weight, women will likely always have higher body fat rates just for that!
    Also you're totally at my goal weight eight now.
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  • Brittany
    Frequent user October 2017 Ontario
    Brittany ·
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    That's great! I've lost weight without really trying. My fiance and I have weighed the same amount since last year. We were gaining and losing at the exact same rate for awhile then this summer his weight plummeted and mine slowly fell. I was devastated. Then mine started to drop like flies too! We started the summer at 178 ish and this morning I was 154. I think he's just below me now, but we are basically the same height and I give myself some extra "boobs weight" to feel okay about it haha. I'm not looking to lose more weight but definitely tone the mid section and arms! His mother and I decided to join a local gym together.
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  • Brittany
    Beginner August 2017 Ontario
    Brittany ·
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    Wow, good for you Lindsey! I find losing any weight to be so tedious, I'm so impressed by what you've lost!
    I'm down 5 pounds, and would like to lose another 15 by my wedding in August. I was very active and sporty in my youth and this is the heaviest I've ever been - the post-university life hasn't treated by body well with travel and a desk job! I'm the type of person who loses a little weight and gains it right back, so maintaining it is going to be my biggest problem. I've started working out more - running 2-4km on an elliptical 5-6 days a week, and doing light weights every other day. For food, I've been drinking a lot more water, and I've upped my protein and veggies. I also developed a liking for high calorie dark beers so I swapped it out for only wine, which has really helped too.

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  • Natasha
    VIP August 2017 Ontario
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    Im working on it !! Im still carrying around 9 year old baby weight lol

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  • Stephanie
    Frequent user May 2017 Ontario
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    My fiancé and I are doing the keto diet. It's basically a high fat, high protein diet that cuts out carbs and sugar. I have rheumatoid arthritis so I try to avoid high inflammatory foods anyway. We've being going swimming 3 times a week since I have a bit of trouble walking. I've lost about 15 and he's lost about 10 so far. We are doing it to get healthy and what better reason than our wedding to start.
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  • Katherine
    Super September 2017 New Brunswick
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    Congratulations on the 40 pounds... I'm doing weight watchers... I bought my dress off the rack so I'm looking to lose enough weight that I don't need alterations.
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  • L
    Expert August 2018 Ontario
    Linzer ·
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    Thanks so much! If I can do it literally anyone can because I'm lazy as hell.
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  • Natasha
    VIP August 2017 Ontario
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    Hey Lindsey, congrats on the weight loss that is amazing!!.. I am working right now to loose some weight to get back into being healthy again, I am watchin what I eat calorie wise and walking and doing some excerises to tone up my upper body to look nice in my dress ,,,,, I have always been a bigger girl .... so i just want to get on a healthy track in life

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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
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    My husband and I wanted to get in better shape for the wedding so that it would be easier to maintain and be healthy afterwards. We've fallen off the bandwagaon with the wedding/honeymoon/holidays but I'm to get back at it! I did an "8 week challenge" from Tone It Up. I didn't stick to their daily recipes but I took the ones I liked and incorporated it into my diet. They post daily workouts and I tried some of them and on other days, I did Zumba DVDs. My husband did a "hard corps" challenge with work out DVDs. The workouts are done by ex-military people. It wasn't my style but he liked it!

    I liked using the My Fitness Pal app to keep track of what I ate because you can scan barcodes or look up foods by name and it has like every brand imaginable in there! You can also add your workouts and keep track of them in the app as well. We're working on our portion control because my husband just doesn't get it. His challenge came with portion containers and I tried to forewarn him but he was still like "this is it?!" haha.

    We also just tried Blue Apron for the first time and it was really good! The portions were the right size and all the ingredients were fresh and local. The recipes were really tasty and now we have them for if we want to make it again on our own. It's nice though that they preportion everything so you don't have to worry about buying too much and wasting food. And I was full afterwards!

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  • Lisa
    VIP May 2018 Ontario
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    The 21 day fix is not really gimmicky because you portion out what you want to eat! Thy tell you drink a shakeology shake, part of their brand but she just didn't do it and subbed it with something else. Ive got to get in gear! Soon!!!!
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  • L
    Expert August 2018 Ontario
    Linzer ·
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    Thanks so much! Smiley smile Smiley smile yeah logging can be super tedious, that's why I've started meal Prepping and pre logging because it's such a hassle. I use my fitness pal and fitbit but really they're all the same. I used to use the calorie counter app.
    I have seen that one pinterest but I'm so wary of gimmicky style diet plans! That's great it worked for your cousin though!
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  • Simone
    Master August 2017 Manitoba
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    It is very pricy and at times you are not aware of what they put in the foods. I'm happy for you and hope you have continual success!
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  • Valerie
    VIP April 2017 Ontario
    Valerie ·
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    FH and I started doing HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) at a gym. It kicks my damn ass but as a person that's been fat most of their life and HATES working out/going to the gym, I actually don't mind it (not going as far as saying I like it... I'm not a crazy person!). But the biggest thing has been the results!!! Before the holidays we were going only twice a week for an hour class for about 2.5 months and I went from the biggest my corset back would go to the smallest and even then it's too big! And all my friends and family have noticed. I've been avoiding the scale (my battery died and it's what derails me the quickest when I don't see results) so I couldn't tell you how much weight, but with the visual results I'm not worried about staying on track. So I recommend the gym of course, but I also was surprised to find it really helpful to go DIRECTLY from work so I don't have time to get lazy (a body in motion stays in motion) and doing it with FH has been a big help. Plus we made a rule when we started, new were up to 3 days a week and is NO EXCUSES. I literally say I have plans every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and it is in the calendar. One of us had to be very sick and that's the only reason we're allowed to miss
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  • L
    Expert August 2018 Ontario
    Linzer ·
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    That's awesome Simone and sounds like a good way to save money as well! Eating out can be so pricy and the portion sizes are always crazy
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  • L
    Expert August 2018 Ontario
    Linzer ·
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    Thanks so much Emilie! it hasn't been easy and I had some slip ups but the trend is downwards! I'm such a meat and potato type girl that I'm not one for recipes before my slow cooker. I eat pretty much the same, just logging it to ensure I don't go over my calories for the day. The concept of CICO (calories in, calories out for weight loss) really helped things along.
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