We’re based in Toronto and getting married in Victoria, BC.
When we visited Victoria a few months ago we ate at the restaurant of owned by one of the caterers (so we know we like their food). They were also recommended to us by a mutual friend. (Our only friend in that city)
We’ver heard great things about the other caterer, and they seemed to be the first choice of our coordinator. This second caterer seems slightly more affordable (but not by much).
Online reviews for each company are fantastic.
Communication with both companies have been great (though it’s been with our coordinator but she’s reported good things about both).
Both are on WW so we’d get a contest entry if we selected either one of them.
How do you we decide? Unfortunately there’s no way we can get back to the city to taste the second company’s food in advance of the wedding.
How would you handle it? I find I may be leaning towards the second one whose food we’ve never eaten....but I can’t make such an unknown decision.
Thoughts and suggestions welcome. TIA