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VIP June 2018 Ontario

Moh drama

Jen, on September 2, 2017 at 04:39 Posted in Plan a wedding 1 22

Well, this past week has been quite stressful. Our stag and doe was last weekend (which went amazing btw!) and while I was there (it was held in Sault Ste. Marie, 8 hours from where we live) I had to deal with other family situations, not to mention I didn't have my MOH there. Long story short, my MOH waited until a few days before we left for the stag and doe to tell me that she wouldn't be coming due to the inability to get time off work, her boyfriend being in a cast and not able to sit in a car for that long, the fact that she wasn't willing to drive down Saturday and then come home Sunday, plus every other excuse under the sun she could find. My FH and I offered her a free ride (we left Thursday and came home Monday- but could have changed days to accommodate her better if she asked) and a free place to stay. All she would have had to pay for was food, which wouldn't even have been a lot because food was provided for us the whole time we were there. Well, I found out she was off work in the late afternoon on Friday and then took off out of town with her boyfriend until late Sunday then gave me some BS excuse about how her boyfriends uncle or someone wasn't doing well. She has known about our stag and doe since it was first planned many months ago (like back in March) and told me she would be there. She's been really off towards me since we got engaged and has been distancing herself a bit. Our relationship really started to feel rocky when the planning started happening because she is also involved in her brothers wedding which is this month (she hasn't had to do a single thing for it though other than buy a dress). Anyway, I let it be known to her that I was very unhappy with the fact that she gave me BS excuses as to why she couldn't come and then took off out of town with her bf, and because of me feeling this way and telling her how I felt she backed out of my wedding party. I have been friends with this girl for almost 10 years now and my daughter even calls her Auntie. I told her that she couldn't take it back and that if this was what she was choosing that it would definitely cause strain in our relationship. She then asked me to give her time to decide but I told her not to worry about it. Do you agree with me that if you were best friends with someone and they agreed to be in your wedding party that you would actually BE a part of the wedding and show excitement and NOT have to think about whether or not you want to be their MOH after a disagreement? Maybe I just expected more from her. I would never have had to give it a second thought as to whether or not I would be there to stand beside her on her big day. It's so frustrating. Also, lets not forget the fact that she told me she couldn't be a part of any wedding planning, not even looking at dresses online and choosing a style she liked, until after her brothers wedding because she doesn't have the time to give me any sort of attention. Her brother and his fiancé haven't included her in anything to do with their wedding, not even the showers or the stag and doe (shag as we call it here in Thunder Bay) and I've had to listen to her complain about how she hasn't been included and complain about not wanting to be in the party at all.

Do you think I over reacted by telling her not to bother? It is literally the only thing that we have argued about when it came to wedding planning, and I felt like I had every right to be upset with her because of being lied to. I would have understood if she just told me in advance that she didn't want to come because of time constraints rather than the BS she fed me.


Latest activity by Jen, on September 6, 2017 at 12:33
  • Jen
    VIP June 2018 Ontario
    Jen ·
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    Hey ladies,Thank you for all your kind words and making me feel like I made the right decision. If I didn't have your support or my FHs I would have messaged her or called her and tried to kiss ass (it's the type of person I am). I absolutely hate conflict so I try to fix everything, even if I'm not in the wrong. I feel really good about the decision I came to and choose to stick by it.
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  • Simone
    Master August 2017 Manitoba
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    Hi Jen,Thanks for the update. I think in this case, I would assign the role to someone else. I agree with you that it should take no though whether to be someone's MOH. Hope for the best for you.
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  • N
    Curious June 2018 British Columbia
    Nadine ·
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    Cool, I was born and raised in Thunder Bay that's funny. Maybe she's jealous has she ever been married yet or proposed to. I know how I felt when my two best friends got married and had kids and nearly 20 years later it's finally happening for me, but at the time, I was jealous and didn't help as much as I should have then.

    I don't think it was wrong to express your feelings. On my dress shopping day I had all the ladies with me and it go to the point where I raised my voice and said "can I talk and express my thoughts" they all laughed and said no way were in charge, as a joke. They have argued with me on a few things and I just got to the point saying this is my wedding and this is how I want it.

    Any events or things I like all of them to be there fore, I give them lots of warning, ask them what date is best for them and try to coordinate it so fits everyone.

    I would have probably done the same thing as you. I don't think you were in the wrong. Your the bride and if she agreed to be your MOH she should be trying to do everything that you ask. I have a Maid of Honor and a Matron of Honor, so nice thing there is the split the duties, if one can't make it the other will.

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  • Carol
    Super March 2018 Ontario
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    When my Bestfriend got married, I was MOH, and I was clueless back then, they have been married thirty years now, we were young when she got married. Back then it was all about her and I, when we finished school we even went to work in the same office, and I moved to Toronto to live with her and her family. There were always boys in and out of our lives, and we broke a heart or too, but then she met her forever guy, and then it became just him and her almost all the time, I don't think I would call it jealouy, well maybe a little, I went to all the functions and even gave an absolutely horrible speach, just cried and cried, lol its funny to think of it now. Thank God there was not internet. He moved her away, to far away, and it just got harder and harder to see her, and then when I did go there he wouldnt give us our time, he was also a little jealous back then. Eventually we just grew apart and months turned into years, now we make comments on facebook and comment on the kids posts, but thats about it. I still miss her. But I was there for her through all the planning, and bridal stuff, and that awful speech.

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  • B
    Super August 2017 Alberta
    Bethany ·
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    Oh good!!! I'm glad you're not hurting, and feel all the relief you should feel! Sounds like it was a long time coming anyways, so you prob worked out every other emotion long ago Lol
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  • B
    Super August 2017 Alberta
    Bethany ·
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    I actually agree that she's jealous. It's kinda stupid cuz you were best friends but why else would she have such a random negative attitude. One of my other bridesmaids suggested that my ex MOH was jealous too. Which seemed ridiculous because the reason why she's my bestie is cuz she's mature and never been jealous lol. But she was/is in a semi-unsupportive relationship, and he refused to come to my wedding with her from the getgo. So maybe she really was jealous that I'm getting married and she's struggling in her relationship. Or maybe just the lack of support made it hard for her to justify coming all that way, who knows why actually hahah
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  • Carol
    Super March 2018 Ontario
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    Why did she accept to be your MOH if weddings aren't her thing? I think you have your answer btw, in your reply, she's known her boyfriend longer, but you're getting married before her for the second time, weddings aren't her thing, unless you and her are talking about "when" she gets engaged and what she wants for her wedding. I don't think you have been a Bridezilla at all, not even close. I think for a Bride that's planning and actual wedding you have been more then gracious, with putting your planning aside for her. Yes you put your wedding planning on hold for her, not for the other wedding but for her needs, she's not even in that other wedding, and she does have time to lie to you and go away. I will let you know something, someone like her is what turns into a Bridezilla. You truly have a good heart, don't let this change you, don't be upset to long, and please know you did nothing wrong. Now go and get on with all the fun stuff that planning a wedding involves, get your girls and get moving on it! Lol You are doing Great.
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  • Jen
    VIP June 2018 Ontario
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    I'm not sure if it's jealousy.. it could be. She has known her boyfriend longer than I have mine and it is also my second wedding. She kept telling me whenever we tried to make plans to get together that "weddings aren't her thing" and "she has no interest in them" but when we went out for lunch a few weeks ago all she did was talk about herself and when she gets engaged and what she would do for different aspects in her wedding.. I really don't know. You're right, it's my turn and I need to look out for my happiness and not hers. I'm the type of person who worries about others before I worry about myself. And the thing that makes me the most angry about all of this is that I haven't asked my bridal party to do anything! We put off picking things as a group until after my ex MOH's brothers wedding is over this month. I haven't been a bridezilla once. All I did was get angry about her lying to me and she backed away. ugh.

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  • Jen
    VIP June 2018 Ontario
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    I may have been reacting in the moment but I feel good about my decision. There have been numerous things that have happened up until this point. It hasn't been one thing that has sent me over the edge and made me react the way I did. And there have been many many times where she has lied or hidden things from me or hasn't been able to talk to me when we have come to a cross roads. Our relationship just isn't as strong as it once was and I'm okay with that. People grow apart.

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  • Jen
    VIP June 2018 Ontario
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    Thanks Bethany. That's how I have felt since I asked her to be my MOH but didn't know how to go about trying to execute this. It has honestly lifted a lot of stress off of my shoulder since this happened. I thought that if it ever came to this in our relationship that I would be devastated but I'm not at all. I actually feel much less stressed!

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  • Jen
    VIP June 2018 Ontario
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    She decided to remove herself then told me to give her time to think about it. I would never have to think about whether or not I would be her MOH or apart of her big day at all if she asked me. She hasn't been herself since we got engaged.

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  • Jen
    VIP June 2018 Ontario
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    We have had the same issues with her too. She hasn't been able to make any of the group outings that we have tried to plan and usually has some lame excuse as to why she couldn't make it or why she had to cancel at the last minute.

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  • Carol
    Super March 2018 Ontario
    Carol ·
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    I'm sorry this has happened to you, and it's jealousy on her part, either for your FH taking you away from her, or jealousy that you are marrying before her and her boyfriend hasn't stepped up yet. Some people can't get out of their own heads to be there for others. You are not overreacting, and truthfully I would love to remove someone from my party because she is making it about her, trying to relive her wedding that she didn't get to plan. I'm also the type of person that if you say you're out, then you're out, I don't have sympathies for liars especially when she has known everything in advance.
    I unfortunately had to come to a hard decision along with my favorite cousin to let her step down from my wedding party, do to so many heartbreaking factors, from the death of her father, my uncle recently, her health and some other personal matters. We cried and cried, and she was heartbroken thinking she was letting me down, but all I really want is for her to be there for me, and her being there as a guest is more important then making her stand beside me. She is there for me no matter where she sits or stands. I just want her there.
    Let you MOH go, and don't worry a out it for long, this is your time and be happy with your time. One day she will realize what she has done, Probably when it is her turn.
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  • Sonja
    VIP September 2017 Ontario
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    Hi Jen, I'm really sorry you had to go through that. It doesn't seem fair. But the truth is that our wedding is not as important to other people as it is to us. For us, it's the most important day of our lives. For others, it's just another wedding. Is it possible that she really did take the time off because the uncle was in bad shape? Is it possible that she didn't want to come out and tell you that she didn't want to make a 16 hour journey for the party, so she made excuses instead? Sure, she should have been honest but some people would rather skirt around the issue instead of dealing with it head on. I understand your disappointment but maybe you were reacting in the emotional moment. If you really would still like her to be in your wedding party even after this problem, get together with her and talk about it. It sounds like you're hoping she'll still come through.

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  • Lisa
    VIP May 2018 Ontario
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  • B
    Super August 2017 Alberta
    Bethany ·
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    You know you're not overreacting to tell her not to bother haha she was overreacting when she said she doesn't want to be in ur wedding party. You're not getting the same commitment from her that you would give her on her special day. It hurts when ur best friend doesn't show up for you, basically doesn't support you. You need someone who's going to alleviate stress from you and someone you don't have to chase down.
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  • Simone
    Master August 2017 Manitoba
    Simone ·
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    After reading this, it made me so mad that you are going through this. My MOH gave me issues and if I could have turned back the clock, I would have chosen someone else. In this case, have a discussion with her and I would look at removing her from the party. If she is going to lie to you now, what will happen on the wedding day. You have every right to feel the way you do.
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  • Lesley
    Super September 2017 Manitoba
    Lesley ·
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    That is really upsetting. I understand why you said that. No I don't think you're overreacting. Some people act really weird around weddings.
    When my MOH got married, one of the BMs started acting really weird. Could never make group get together, Cancelled on the stagette (even though she changed the original weekend and I even changed my flight to accommodate her changes), and she didn't make the rehearsal dinner which was literally booked around her schedule.
    She showed up on the day but I don't think their relationship has been the same way since. I think there was probably some jealousy there and she didn't know how to deal.
    I hope the rest of the stag & doe was awesome!
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  • Lisa
    VIP May 2018 Ontario
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    Oops! I think you just answered your own question!
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  • Lisa
    VIP May 2018 Ontario
    Lisa ·
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    Well then I think you just answered yiur
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  • Jen
    VIP June 2018 Ontario
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    It's been more than one day though that has led to this. She hasn't really been there the last few years and I've felt us slipping away. The only time she would contact me is if she needed something from me. Otherwise we don't talk.

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  • Lisa
    VIP May 2018 Ontario
    Lisa ·
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    I didn't need to read this whole thing to know that, if it were me, it would be an easy decision! Plain and simple she lied to you. Regardless of all the other details and drama, she lied. True friends don't lie to eachother. Period! So I wouldn't be friends with someone who lied to me. EVER. It's your day so you can do what you like. But if you choose to maintain a friendship with this person you have to decide if 1 day is worth ruining a 10 year relationship over. And remember the higher your expectations of people the greater the disappointment. In most cases it's our expectations that gets us into these situations, not the individual. I have had to learn that lesson! Good luck!
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