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How did he propose?

Emilie, on January 30, 2017 at 06:25 Posted in Before the wedding 0 65

Hey lovely brides and grooms! Smiley heart

This is such an amazing moment in your story together! I can't wait to hear how it all happened!

How did he propose? Smiley love

Was it all planned or was it more spontaneous? Smiley catface

Next question >> How many days until your wedding?




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  • S
    Frequent user October 2024 Ontario
    Samantha ·
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    Trevor proposed at Rondeau Provincial Park, May 8th 2021. This was where we had met for the first time in July 2016. He had a photographer and videographer hired and waiting for us. I was under the impression we were at the park for a job interview (my fiancée runs a stump & tree removal business). Upon arrival, he mentioned we are early, so lets go for a walk by the water to kill some time. We then were approached by the photographer, asking if she could take pictures of us to help grow her portfolio. While taking pictures, she asked how we met, the next thing I knew Trevor was down on one knee asking me to marry him! Smiley love 💕Smiley ring

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  • Becky
    VIP September 2019 Ontario
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    Our story suits us. Apprently he tried 3 times before this but stuff popped up and he couldn't. The fourth time he had a plan to do it after my nieces birthday. He had planned it with my brother in law we would do skeet shooting and he bought the gun I always wanted. Unfortunatly the night before I had food poising and he had the flu... so the day of he couldn't go and was going to attach it to our dogs collar but I interrupted that lol so he just asked instead and I was so excited

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  • H
    Beginner February 2018 Ontario
    Haley ·
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    We had planned to go shopping for pants (for him), and I got home to discover he had left a trail of rose petals and directions to start a scavenger hunt. He led me around the city to significant locations in our relationship (our first date, where he asked me out, our usual date spot, where we met). At each location he had someone waiting to give me the next clue.

    At the last spot, he had my best friend blindfold me and lead me to where we met. He had arranged to have the university residence open, and set up flowers and had everything ready to go. It was wonderful!

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  • Bethany
    Super July 2018 Alberta
    Bethany ·
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    We went for sushi and then went to one of his family's pastures. Then he asked to marry me and I said yes! (Just a quick version of the story)
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  • Megan
    Curious July 2019 Alberta
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    We flew down to Palm Springs to stay at a family friends home for a week. Disneyland was about an hour away so we drove there for a day trip with my mom and her friend. I am obsessed with Pixie Hollow and a huge Disney buff.

    The three of them kept bugging me to go to pixie hollow.

    We got there and i was looking over the railing at the cute little Pixies and i turned around to ask him something and he was down on his knee. "Will you be my forever?" i immediately started to blubber lol covering my face with my hands nodding. Mom crying in the background video taping the whole thing. He kept saying a bit frantically "Will you, baby?? Will you?"

    We spent the rest of our day together on the rides and being kids in Disneyland.

    We got to go back to the beautiful home in Palm Springs for 4 more days and relax by the pool in +40 weather. Soaking up each others company.

    It truly was a dream come true Smiley heart

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  • Alexa
    Devoted July 2018 Alberta
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    We were driving to Kananaskis for his work christmas party , very fancy event over 300 people show up every year. We stopped at Misk Creek(Its the creek his dad and him always camped at). He stopped said he needed to get his ventalin. He was looking in our bag in the trunk of the car. He started panicking saying he cant find it , thinks he left it at home. Told me to get out of the car to help him find it. I got out of the car and I saw him halfway down on his knee told me to hold on a minute(to get down on one knee because he fell on ice) , he got down on one knee and opened the box asked me " baby will you marry?". I said yes we kiss and we had our arms around each other while overlooking the mountains and the lake Smiley smile We got to Delta Kananaskis and everyone already knows we got engaged. The CEO f company paid for our dinner and alcohol for that night and our hotel room for two nights. My fiancée coworkers the next morning had housekeeping bring us breakfast in bed. It was a great weekend! We both agree it would have been better weekend if we had more alone time together, everyone wanted to hangout with us only got along time when we went to bed.

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  • Kayla
    Devoted September 2017 Alberta
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    He asked me during the song H.O.L.Y by Florida Georgia Line while we were at their concert.

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  • Sonja
    VIP September 2017 Ontario
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    He took me to the Embassy Suites for the weekend. We had a gorgeous view of the Falls. Then he asked me what I was doing for the next 30 years (we are close to 60) and held out the engagement ring. I was pretty shocked.

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  • Heather
    Frequent user May 2018 Manitoba
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    He dropped to one knee in the middle of dessert at Easter dinner at my parents house. He had asked for my Dad's blessing a week earlier so my parents knew it was coming they just didn't know when. I was caught completely off-guard and bawled! I knew I was going to marry this man I just wasn't expecting it then.
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  • Julie
    Newbie August 2017 Ontario
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    He had it planned for a while and totally took me by surprise! He proposed at a castle in Toronto called Casa Loma during their Winter Wonderland event in December. It wasn't snowing and the weather was nice enough to be outside in the gardens for a while. He hired a close photographer friend of mine to secretly film and take pictures. He stood me in front of this giant tree covered in blue lights and popped the question, there was even an X on the floor so that my friend knew exactly where I was going to stand (I didn't even see it). It was awesome! Totally head over heels for my amazing guy!

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  • Kayla
    Devoted September 2017 Alberta
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    He had it planned and all our family knew before hand.It was November 19th 2016. At the Florida Georgia Linw concert in Calgary. He asked me during their song H.O.L.Y.And this was after we scored free meet and greet tickets!
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  • Erin
    Expert September 2017 Ontario
    Erin ·
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    It is May 1st and we were up at my mom's cottage just the two of us to get everything opened up for the summer. We were just sitting together when he gets up and walks over to the radio and turns it out. Mine would be You by Blake Shelton starts playing from the start and he goes, "close your eyes i have a surprise for you" This has always been an inside joke with us because I always say it to him when I have something to give him, but he doesnt like doing it lol Smiley smile So i close my eyes and im thinking what the heck, he hates when I do this to him, what is he giving me? Then he tells me to open my eyes and there he was, down on one knee with the ringSmiley love of course i started bawling and was in complete shock, i truly had no idea he was going to propose! it was so perfect because it was just us, nothing fancy, except the ring of course Smiley smile

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  • S
    Newbie September 2018 Manitoba
    Salma ·
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    He proposed at the same place we met the first time
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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
    Samtam ·
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    Aw that is awesome! That's so great that someone took pics too! Always good to have those.

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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
    Samtam ·
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    Oh my gosh that is so sweet! Really nice that he incorporated your dad that way.

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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
    Samtam ·
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    Oh my gosh that sounds like such a fairytale! That must have been an amazing sight to see all those lanterns! So special!

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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
    Samtam ·
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    Wow that is an amazing proposal! He really pulled it off! So thoughtful!

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  • Amanda
    Curious September 2018 Ontario
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    After dating for 6 years, we as a couple have never been known to go overboard for Valentine’s day, and this particular day I had been scheduled to work at 11am. As we were living with my parents, it was Sunday morning and he (Matt) had been acting very strange – we ate breakfast with my parents and he barely touched anything at all. Claiming stomach troubles he stated that he “needed to go for a walk”. We have a corgi named Nala, and at that time she was about 6 months old. Not only was she a handful, but she was prone to escaping. Well Matt came into the house screaming that the dog was gone and that I had to come help him find her! In a panic I flew up, I had not yet brushed my teeth and was still in my pjs, but trudged outside to help look for her frantically. After freezing outside for 10 minutes he said “It’s okay, I found her. She is inside”. I was so thankful, and shocked when I came inside the dog was wearing a little pink sweater that said “Will you be my Valentine?” which I thought was just adorable, and very unlike him. Still acting strange, he said “you know what, take it off I think she is uncomfortable”. So I did. Underneath the sweater she was wearing a tiny white shirt that said “Will you Marry my Dad?”. As soon as I saw that I burst into tears and turned around to see him bent on one knee holding a beautiful ring. I think he asked me to marry him, I was crying too hard to hear what he was saying!! He had a whole day planned; a dress and shoes pre-purchased just for me, lunch with our families, and an evening party with ALL our friends from across Canada! And of course, he had worked it out with my boss to get the whole day off! My whole world knew before me! He even told our dentist!! So sneaky, and so perfect. A story I can tell our grandkids about one day!

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  • Ines
    Curious January 2018 Saskatchewan
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    I was having a terrible day at work so he decided to propose that evening.
    He lanterns in our hallway. Easter eggs leading to our bedroom (it was around easter). Had candles everywhere. Had our song playing in the living room. And then he had signs leading to the bedroom that said "I will love you" "Forever and always""No matter what! Will you.."And then there was a teddy bear on the bed, our other song playing in the background. And he came out of our bathroom and proposed!

    How did he propose? - 1
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  • Maegan
    Super July 2018 British Columbia
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    He didn't Smiley smile We both knew we wanted to get married, but weren't sure of when. One day while discussing future plans we just decided together that it was time. We ordered the rings online and they both arrived a week later. Basically as soon as we ordered the rings we started calling ourselves engaged and announced it to our parents, who were not surprised at all.

    We kept our engagement (early november) a secret with our close group of friends and casually announced it at our annual Christmas party (mid december) during our pre-dinner toast. Some of our friends were upset we had hid it from them for so long, but it was worth it to see everyone's reactions all at once!

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  • Lana
    Newbie September 2018 Ontario
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    Down on one knee with a ring in a box. He asked me if I would do him the honour of allowing him to be my husband. Smiley love

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  • Abby
    Curious October 2017 Ontario
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    240+ days to go
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  • F
    Curious June 2017 British Columbia
    Falisha ·
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    I felt like I was in a fairytale. He sent me and my best friend to one of the next towns over first thing in the morning (unknown to me it was through him, I was told it was a gift from someone else) for a massage, we then had lunch and came home. He did this so he knew where I was so he could put everything together. We came home and got ready for a fancy date he had planned and told me about. He had bought me a new dress and high heels to go with it. Got all fancy and went to one of the world renown wineries here in Kelowna. After dinner he took me Almost to the top of the mountain I live on, and we set off floating lanterns (which we had tried to make in the past and failed). As I was watching one float up the side, he started lighting another one. As I watched that one, 15 more rose up from just above us and I started freaking out, I turned around and he was on one knee. Turns out the other lanterns were set off by our families and friends. They started running to us after he said "she said yes" and then fireworks went off.
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  • J
    Beginner July 2018 New Brunswick
    Jessica ·
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    He met me outside after work and got down on his knee and gave me an adorable speach about how much he loves me and how he didn't want to go one more day not being engaged to me ♥ he had just got the ring back from being sized that morning
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  • Caitlin
    Frequent user May 2018 Ontario
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    He took me to Niagara Falls for my first time on Dec. 17th. We had a wonderful time on the strip, and then went for an amazing dinner. After dinner it was ice-raining so it was kind of crappy. He was going to take me around to the falls, so we could walk around, but it was too icy - so instead we went to the Sky Wheel. When we reached the top the second time, he asked me to marry him. It was the sweetest Smiley heart

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  • Maria
    Curious October 2017 Ontario
    Maria ·
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    Well... we had looked at rings together and I knew oneday it would happen but he was making me believe it wasn't happening at Christmas.. so I was ok with that. BUT Christmas morning we opens our gifts and he was over the top excited whoxhbi thought was cute... the last box I opened was a big sweater box.. and eventually in the tissue paper I found the ring box. He got on his knees.. said the sweetest things and asked me. Smiley smile Was just perfect! (It was also just the two of us which was awesome!)
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  • Vicky
    Frequent user June 2017 Alberta
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    He didn't propose he just gave me the ring told me to try it on then once I said it fits he said okay keep it then. I waited a year for him to properly propose and he never did. Instead he left me for another girl on a dating website then came back three months later. I asked him on New Year's Eve after the fireworks.
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  • Kacy
    VIP February 2019 Quebec
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    He proposed at a vineyard that we both find super gorgeous and picturesque! It was a beautiful day, and I had accidentally invited some friends... Which turned out well because they captured the moment! I had had no idea it was coming hehe
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  • Danielle
    Curious June 2018 Ontario
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    Merry Christmas to me! We spent this year at his sisters for Christmas, since our daughter wasn't even one month old. My parents & his both attended for the reason that it was her first Christmas, so I thought. It was Christmas Day & I was just finishing up a feeding session. His sister took little miss to burp & Josh gave me a gift. I opened it to find a cheesecake mix box, which he then had to prompt me to open as well. I pulled out a t-shirt that read 'Future Wifey' & to everyone's surprise I'm still not getting it. The man of my dreams is then on one knee asking that question we all want to hear one day & well I'm here, so I said yes!!!

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  • Mickaela
    Curious June 2018 Saskatchewan
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    It was Christmas (my all time favourite day of the year) we had just driven over an hour to get to my dads grave. I was sitting at his grave when he said, "he spent the rest of his like taking care of you and now I want to spend the rest of mine doing the same." He then told me to stand up and he got down on one knee and asked me. I jumped up and down and cried and of course said yes.
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  • N
    Newbie July 2018 Ontario
    Nicole ·
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    We went out on a Friday night and had a blast with a bunch of our friends. It was my birthday and I had a feeling something was up! But he didn't ask me then. he asked me the next day out in the sunshine in our back yard. He said I have something for you but close your eyes and follow me outside. I new it was coming but when I open my eyes I blubbered like a whale hehehehe so emotional!! Best birthday present ever!!!
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  • Micheala
    Curious October 2017 British Columbia
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    We were out camping and with our dogs at our feet in our 5th wheel he even got down on one knee
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