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Expert December 2017 British Columbia

Guest question

Cheryl, on October 19, 2016 at 12:10 Posted in Plan a wedding 0 13
I'm debating whether or not I should add some more of my family members to the guest list, I have less then half of how many he's invited. I don't want to offend my family yet I don't want drama. Could I get some opinions on what you'd do?


Latest activity by Emilie, on November 2, 2016 at 12:59
  • Emilie
    Featured Quebec
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    That's amazing Ashley!! Smiley heart Did you have a choice on colours and flower types? Smiley love How are you managing the paper stuff to officialize your wedding?

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  • A
    Frequent user April 2017 Ontario
    Ashley ·
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    Emilie, most of the planning is done through the resort. They have an on site wedding planner that takes care of things I just have have to pick options based on the package we have chosen. A lot of things are included in our wedding package such as our flowers for the bride and groom, decorations for the vows and ceremony.
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  • Emilie
    Featured Quebec
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    Hi Ashley Smiley heart

    It's so wonderful that you'll be having a destionation wedding! I definitely can't wait to see what your wedding pictures will look like! Smiley love How have you been planning your destination wedding? Do you have someone onsite to help you plan? Or are you organizing everything from here?

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  • Emilie
    Featured Quebec
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    Hi Cheryl Smiley heart

    I'm so glad you got such valuable inputs in your discussion!! Smiley smile

    Like everyone said, I think this is your big day so you can choose who to invite or not, but it's also a touchy matter since it can offend people you or your family are close to... So it can also be quite a tough decision to make.

    I made these lists here to help out:

    How To Make a Guest List in 5 steps

    10 questions to cut down your guest list

    I also wanted to mention that the best way to thank people who participate in your discussion is to click reply on their comment. That way they'll receive a notification and know that you read their comment. I'm sure they'll be glad to know that their feedback helped you out and what decision you'll end up making in the end Smiley smile

    How many guests are you inviting in total to your wedding?

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  • Emilie
    Featured Quebec
    Emilie ·
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    Hi Rosemarie Smiley heart

    I think you're right, your wedding should be about the two of you and celebrate your love together first.

    As you say, for your wedding ans guest list it really depends on your budget. It's too bad that your immediate families haven't offered to help much but I'm sure you'll be able to make this day very special anyhow. That's also something to consider in whether you'll want a big wedding or just a small intimate one. Smiley winking

    You should have a look at this article:

    7 Things to Consider When Making Your Wedding Guest List

    I hope you'll find it useful! Smiley smile

    I like your suggestions of an all-inclusive venue for Cheryl. You know you could find one in your area too. We also have venues in our directory who offer all-inclusive packages:

    Wedding Venues Winnipeg

    You should take a look and ask them for quotes to see if they're in your budget!

    Will you celebrate your ceremony and reception in the same venue?

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  • A
    Frequent user April 2017 Ontario
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    It's YOUR wedding and I say have the people there that you want to share in your special day and who support you and your FH. And who will be there to share in your journey of married life.
    We are doing a destination and that really took the guess work out of it for us. I sent out about 150 invites and we have about 68 people coming with us. Most are immediate family and friends.

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  • Cheryl
    Expert December 2017 British Columbia
    Cheryl ·
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    I am definitely adding some family after hearing from you girls, thank you so much! Our budget is small but flexible, just a little tweaking and they're all added. I want to thank you all again, I appreciate the help so very much!!
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  • Simone
    Master August 2017 Manitoba
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    Hi Cheryl, I agree with all of the ladies on here. I will say that it's important to invite those you want to share in your special day as it is your wedding. Do hat you feel suits you in terms of all factors such as budget, numbers based on how much you want there and what the venue holds, etc. I wish you all the best!Smiley smile
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  • Nelly
    Expert September 2017 Ontario
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    It's your wedding, invite who you want

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  • Rosemarie
    Frequent user December 2016 Manitoba
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    A friend of mine told me when he got married, it's "YOUR wedding... YOU invite who YOU want. Who cares if it offends some of them, most people will be undestanding with whom you have chosen to invite and not invite. You don't want to waste money on food or accomodations for people who you don't like. Invite people who you have a positive relationship with etc. You're not going to live a happily ever after with ___ you'll live a happily ever after with your significant other."

    For me, I'm still indecisive as my wedding is in 2018. I don't know if I want a huge wedding with both my mom and dad's sides of the family (it's like 80% of the guest list of 120+ people) and my significant other's side or if I want something with just the family here (immediate and the people who lives within the city). Again, there's that budget factor that I'd like to keep within budget. Who knows if the people will show up and whatnot.

    Neither parents are contributing for mine, it's basically a "let's figure this out and what we got to do... And now we're lost with what we're trying to plan" type of thing. I've been engaged for 4 years and neither parents has shown that they want to help financially by helping us put things together. Sure his mom tried to help plan but barely anything except her saying "I'll see what I can do to see what kind of flowers would be nice." And then never a word of anything again! I ended up doing a lot of the things by myself on etsy.

    It's tough! You did mention you're from BC, I heard a thing called pop-up weddings that does budget weddings for up to 248 people for your month and year:

    ^ Maybe it'd be within your budget (unless you have it all planned out). Hope this helps.

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  • Cheryl
    Expert December 2017 British Columbia
    Cheryl ·
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    Thank you both, I'll definitely think about what both of you said!!
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  • Valerie
    VIP April 2017 Ontario
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    I don’t really think you should invite people just for the sake of numbers. For us, FH is closer to his family than I am with mine and our guest list REALLY shows that (out of about 90 guests only 8 are my family and about 40 are his!).

    How we decided on our guest list was to make a list of everyone we would want there, then we asked our parents (who are helping pay for the wedding), if they had anyone that we missed or that they wanted to add. They gave us their names. We have revised the list REPEATEDLY since then, but that gave us the core of our list. My family is a little upset about “paying for his family to eat” (since his mom’s side of the guest list is the biggest and she isn’t contributing), but we worked it out that they are just putting “their money” towards things like photography and ceremony costs and that seemed to make them happier about it.

    If your parents are contributing, I would just ask them if there's anyone else they would really like to be invited. If they get a little over-zealous with adding, just gently remind them of the cost of weddings. My parents haven’t had to plan a wedding in over 30 years… so they just had absolutely no idea that things cost what they do now.

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  • Melissa
    VIP June 2017 Ontario
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    Our guest list had a lot to do with budget- so if you still have space in the budget, I think it would be great to add some more family!

    If you are concerned about upsetting some family memebers maybe set a guideline to help you choose. It is hard to suggest without knowing your family, but for instance we are inviting some cousins, but no one underage.

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