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Devoted August 2018 Ontario

Dress Disaster

Ashleigh, on July 26, 2018 at 09:39 Posted in Wedding fashion 0 10
My wedding is in 31 days and my mom has been working so hard on making my dress, but the top remains bulky and unflattering, which I've expressed many times over the last 2 weeks. It was slowly improving though, as things moved along and I was still remaining hopeful. However, recently I was becoming worried because she's been disregarding my concerns about the ripples and bulky feeling of the top. She's seemed more concerned about getting it done, over me being happy with it. I think too, her image and praise from guests for making the dress is more important to her, but she's hurting me in the process.
Yesterday she started sending me pictures of dresses from a local bridal shop and she asked if I could leave work to try some on. Luckily I was able to slip out, but I had a breakdown on the way there. She proceeded to tell the sales associates that I have another dress, but I just couldn't get my mind off of this dress 😑 She said it again aaand I flipped and said, "Thats not what happened, please don't place the blame on me." They totally understood and said things happen, we don't need an explation. Awkward. I ended up buying a year old sample that was quite handled and dirty, so it's being dry cleaned and alterations are next week. Our dress was modeled after this exact dress, so I'm lucky there. It was 2400 + tax last year when I tried it on, they only charged $1000 + tax.

What bothers me is that she was so smug during this whole ordeal and deflected the blame onto me immediately. She hasn't offered any explanation or apology for bailing on the dress-making at the last minute or causing such a stressful situation. In the end, I believe she will just blame me for not liking the dress she made.

As we left the store, she patted me on the back (like you would pay your little buddy) and with a smug smile she said, "don't look like such a sour puss." I was just staring at the ground walking to my car. As we parted ways I said, "This should be a happy time in my life and I feel like it hasn't been. This isn't normal." At the same time she was just talking over me, smiling, saying, "I know, I know, I know."

So thats where I'm at. After doing some research, I believe she has a lot of characteristics of a narcissist. Unfortunately, I don't think people react well to being told that. So I'm definitely going to need therapy after the wedding. Haha. Thankfully I've had a good chat with my dad (they are divorced), my best friend and my FH. My dad knows what's up. I'm a lot calmer now. I feel weird sharing this, but I need all the support I can get right now.

30 days out! 😆


Latest activity by Bianca, on July 27, 2018 at 09:33
  • Bianca
    Master August 2019 Ontario
    Bianca ·
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    WOW. I'm really sorry you're going through this. It can be extremely tough being attached by blood to someone who behaves that way and it can be really difficult to navigate the waters of them. I'm so glad to hear that you're getting your dress and it will be professionally handled, since your moms version sounded like a loose cannon lol.

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  • Jennifer
    Frequent user February 2024 Ontario
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    Wow what a horror story! The dress is supposed be the fun part. So sorry your mom is putting you through this. I know how it is, my mother's a narcissist, my aunts and my grandmother too. Try the FB group narcissistic parent answers, it's a great resource. I did therapy a few years back and I highly recommend it! Life changing, they teach you tools you can use to deal with her. A good support system is great and all for venting cause they know what you're dealing with but only a professional can give you the tools you can use to get control over her toxic influence in your life.

    Anyway at least you got a good dress you love and will look stunning at your wedding. Just remember narcissists say derogatory or joking not joking or otherwise inappropriate comments to get a rise out of you so try to let it roll off your back, shrug it off, laugh and she'll see it's not working. They want you to snap where people can see like you did in the bridal shop so don't let her suck you in. You have to keep your cool, walk away if you feel your blood starting to boil at something she says. Removing yourself from the situation is the first line of defense against a narcissist parent.

    In any case if she tries shaming you over the dress at your own wedding it's only going to make her look bad so no one will be judging you. It's your special day after all and everyone just wants to see and hear good things so she will seem out of line not you.
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  • M
    Devoted August 2018 Ontario
    Megis ·
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    Hang in there. Wedding stress is highest during the days before. Your mom does sound a bit toxic though. Good that you are seeking support from your other family
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  • Brittany
    British Columbia
    Brittany ·
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    That's a really tough situation to go through... I'm sorry you're dealing with all that!

    I suppose the silver lining is, you get your professional dress you liked at a crazy deal... hopefully it turns out beautifully!

    In terms of your mother... sometimes it's really difficult, or impossible, for some people to admit fault or weakness... and if she realized that she wasn't able to make the dress like she thought, or that it wasn't going to be perfect... rather than admitting it, she'd definitely find any other excuse (mainly blaming you), to abandon the project without having to admit she couldn't do it.

    The people closest to us have the ability to hurt us the most, and drive us insane... just try to focus on your more positive relationships for the next month, and don't let her bring you down!

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  • Allison
    Master October 2019 Ontario
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    I'm sorry you're going through this! I used to date a narcissist and your mom seems to fit the label. He would never take the blame for stuff that went wrong (even if it was completely his fault), He had zero empathy for me or anyone around him, and he needed people to admire him.

    I was made to feel like I was the one to blame for our relationship ending and that I was a heartless b****. Also he thought I was 'broken' for having depression which made it worse! At the same time, he made me think that I needed him because no one else would love me, then get jealous when guy friends wanted to hang out with me. In reality, he needed me so he could have someone to manipulate and a scapegoat to blame.

    I was in therapy for a good duration of our relationship and afterwards, I initially started for depression/anxiety but I got help during the relationship I desperately needed. It was then when I first heard the word narcissist and knew that's what my ex was. I'm very empathetic and I thought my ex would be hurt by me would be bad, even though he had hurt me a million times more.

    I was very quiet about my therapy for a while because I didn't want people to think I was broken/other things my ex would say. He knew I was in, but didn't see why it was necessary since "I had him"! My friends supported me when I did eventually tell them and thought it was good that I did end things with him.

    Long story short: narcissists can suck the life force out of you and therapy can be helpful in coping with it. Sorry to rant on your post but I hope things work out for you and your wedding! If people ask why you're not wearing your mom's dress, just crack a small joke like Tori said. At least you have your FH, dad and BFF! A good support system really helps with dealing with a narcissist!

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  • Angel
    Frequent user June 2019 British Columbia
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    I can totally see my mom doing the exact same thing...She is very similar to your mom! Knowing that she is that kind of person, I would never ask her to help me with something so important for my wedding. I think it just helps to avoid grief for the both of us. I hope that you and your mom's relationship will be more favourable now that this dress is no longer a point of tension. It is great that you still have your dad, best friend and FH to support you. There are always negative people in our lives but we just need to learn to not let them bring us down! Your wedding is going to turn out fine now that you have a beautiful dress!

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  • Peggy
    Super May 2019 Alberta
    Peggy ·
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    Wow - I am sorry you went through this. It is not an enjoyable situation. I really like Tori's suggestion on how to handle it - don't let your mom get away with putting the blame on you. You did nothing wrong!

    While Stephanie is right, and making a wedding dress is very hard - I am a professionally trained seamstress and people kept asking if I was making my own dress and my answer was very simple - HELL NO! I'm so sorry your mom tried to do this for you when it sounds like it was beyond her abilities - that just makes it so much worse for you.

    I AM glad that you ended up getting your dress that you wanted! Do you have pictures?

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  • Stephanie
    Master July 2018 Alberta
    Stephanie ·
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    First of all, it sucks that this is all happening--especially so close to the wedding!

    Second, I agree with Tori--making a little joke out of it if she tells people you didn't like her dress.

    Not to excuse your mom's behaviour, as she was not being very supportive: I have heard it's extremely hard to make a wedding dress: even the most experienced seamstresses will avoid making one. It's too bad she can't just admit this though.

    I'm glad you were able to find the original dress at a reasonable price!

    30 days: so exciting! Here's to hoping no more (major!) stress before the big day!

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  • Erin
    Master September 2017 Ontario
    Erin ·
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    It sucks that she put you in that situation! I hope you can fix things with her and are actually happy with the dress you bought.

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  • Tori
    Top October 2019 Manitoba
    Tori ·
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    YOU CAN MAKE IT THROUGH!!! lol Tbh, if this was my situation I would plan that if anybody is told that you just didn't like the one she made or whatnot that I would say "Oh, is that what she is trying to tell people? lol No, the only reason I didn't want to wear it was because she couldn't finish it in time and I didn't want to wear half a dress down the aisle hahahaha" Very nonchalant... But still putting it in their brains that in no way were you the reason for not wearing what she made... or rather didn't make... Good luck and put all the stress about it away - at least now you know you have a dress that you like!

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