Originally I was going to go with tulleandchantilly.com but my sister(MOH) couldn't find anything she liked(wants high neckline, no back showing, and no lace). I found a dress I really like and think fits her style she is just worried if we do get lace dress that it might look cheap quality in person. Her dress I want to get is forherandforhim.com and two other bridesmaids dress I like is from tulleandchantilly.com
This is my sisters dress I want her to get
This is the dress from tulleandchantilly my two other bridesmaid liked and plan on getting.
My question is should I get both dresses and risk colour variation since both dresses are from different online store and do they match? OR ask my other bridesmaids to try to find a different dress from other online store that I want my sister to get her dress. forherandforhim.com has a 40% off sale and free shipping to Canada which ends Nov 30th, dresses around $140 with discount and tullechantilly has a 10% which ende Nov 30 dresses around $170 with discount.