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WeddingWire Admin May 2015 Maryland

Back to Basics - Where did your proposal happen?

Joey, on July 2, 2018 at 09:06 Posted in Before the wedding 0 40

What was your proposal story? Was there a ring? Was someone down on one knee? Was there a sentimental location? Tell us where your proposal happened.

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Photo of this gorgeous scenic proposal spot is from WeddingWire's Instagram

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Latest activity by BunnyBride, on September 27, 2018 at 19:03
  • BunnyBride
    Super August 2334 Nova Scotia
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    In our living room on Christmas morning as the last gift "opened" with the fire going and the room all cozy warm!

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  • Meagan
    Frequent user October 2021 Nova Scotia
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    My Fiance proposed to me in our backyard when I got home from work one day because he couldn't wait any longer! He'd had the ring for a few months and I guess he'd had enough of waiting hahah It wasn't the most scenic proposal but it was so perfectly imperfect and just so us!

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  • Geneviève
    VIP September 2020 Ontario
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    I proposed at Gulfoss in Iceland! It's the definition of wildly gorgeous, even if it had a lot of tourists at it. She proposed to me in a more private setting and took me to the Queenston Heights lookout for nostalgia. Both were equally sweet.

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  • Casey
    Master October 2019 Ontario
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    On the beach in Cuba. He was never really a guy to travel, so I was shocked that this was our second vacation in 4 months.
    The first full day of our vacation we all wanted to go walk down the beach to watch the sunset. So the 6 of us (his sister, brother in law, 2 friends and us) walked down the beach, walking in the water, looking for shells etc. As we were walking I noticed that everyone had fallen behind, but we just kept walking. Once we got to a point far enough down the beach where you could see the sunset and we were away from everyone, he got down on one knee and proposed. It was great planning on his end, because his sister and her friend were there to take pictures, and have a video, plus some really nice pics !

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  • Kaisha
    Super March 2019 Nova Scotia
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    He proposed in our living room, he had a plan for one of our hikes but the weather wasn't cooperating. I didn't care I was with him and my dogs and that's all that matters.

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  • Jessie
    Expert September 2018 Ontario
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    It was our dating anniversary and he decided he was going to plan the whole thing as a surprise. We ended up going to Niagara falls for a night and doing dinner at the Keg and went on the sky wheel at dark. When we reached the top of the sky wheel he started his adorable loving speech and asked me to marry him. There was a ring and it is beyond beautiful but wasn't able to get down on one knee as there wasn't room on our little sky pod. It was the best proposal!

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  • Natalie
    Frequent user August 2019 Ontario
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    A girlfriend took me out for drinks one night asking for advice with her business. We ended up having a good time and staying later than expected. But I swear at one point I said “If you know something, don’t tell me anything, but I think Tim is going to propose soon!” She asked why and I mentioned how he’d been acting suspiciously nice lately and had given up too quickly in a little argument we had earlier. Hours later I went home and there were candles and rose pedals everywhere, Frank Sinatra and a picture slideshow playing on the TV, and he’d put the cutest little bow ties on our three cats! Poor guy was pacing for two hours while I was having drinks and turns out the girl who took me out was in on the whole thing

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  • Leanne
    Expert September 2018 Ontario
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    While we were out for a hike with our pup at Laurentian Conservation Area, at "the rock" which is a cliff that over looks Laurentian University's soccer field, where I used to play!
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  • Amber
    Devoted September 2018 Alberta
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    The Fairmont hotel in Banff. We were away on a week end getaway and he proposed on our patio with the beautiful mountains in the back it was perfect!

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  • Bianca
    Curious July 2019 Ontario
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    By the Eiffel Tower in Paris, we took a Euro Trip last summer. We just arrived from London and we went exploring and found the Eiffel tower so he had me filming (he likes to make videos as a hobby) he "had to tie his shoe" while I was looking the other way and when I turned around he was on his knee. I actually didn't believe him lol it was a sweet moment now caught on camera Smiley shame
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  • Lisa
    Expert August 2019 Alberta
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    We were on a trip to South Africa - and he proposed on the last evening on safari. He had arranged with the driver/tracker to have champagne ready and to stop at a spot overlooking a gorgeous location as the sun was going down. We've been together for 10 years and I had no idea!! He had originally planned to propose at the top of Table Mountain in Cape Town, but it was rainy and not possible for us to hike it that day, so he changed his plans... Such a memorable and amazing trip made even more spectacular!

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  • Rachael
    Super October 2019 Ontario
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    My fiancé was set on proposing on Valentine's Day to catch me off guard as I had a "no holidays" rule; unfortunately, I was sick with the flu and messed up his original plan!

    I still remember the night before getting annoyed with him for asking if I was going to work on the 14th as I clearly did not feel better, but he knew he'd need the house as I wouldn't want to be in public in my state. Anyway, he requested to leave work early, bought champagne, set up a charcuterie board, asked me to change so that we could pretend we were out on a date, and had me open my Valentine's Day presents and card, which he asked me to read aloud. I read it too quickly (which he somehow didn't anticipate despite me being a fast reader, LOL) and just as I finished, he got down on one knee.

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  • Nicole
    Newbie June 2019 Ontario
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    We were out on the lake fishing at the cottage! the sun was setting and I just hooked a big one! Just after I said yes, I hooked another fish and hooked my finger while trying to unhook the fish!

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  • Kaye
    Frequent user September 2018 Ontario
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    Ours was in front of Niagara Falls during the New Years Eve fireworks. Thats where we had our first date the previous New Years. It was much colder this year!
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  • Brittany
    British Columbia
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    We go to the 12 Days of Christmas Light Display at The Butchart Gardens (Victoria) every winter with my mom & step-dad. I honestly thought it was going to happen the past 3 Christmases in a row... So this year I really thought it would, but I also really didn't want to get my hopes up again. He's not too sly, and even asked me where my favourite part of the gardens were (it's the Rose Garden)... we walked the entire gardens, and he said my face kept lighting up, then looking crestfallen when we kept walking... We got to the very end and he said "this place isn't as romantic as I remember". I flipped out "What do you mean it's not romantic?! It's soooo romantic!" So he goes "Okay do you want to go back to the Rose Garden then?" Yes yes yes...

    Even still, as we got there, he started talking about how much he loves me, and when he went to get down on one knee, it's like all the expectation flashed away, and I still felt truly surprised. I bawled my eyes out and said yes!

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  • Jane
    Frequent user July 2018 British Columbia
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    She proposed on New Year's Eve, in Horseshoe Bay, an area we usually go to for a drive. It was a snowy day for Vancouver's standards. We were moving the next day (terrible day to move. 10/10 would not recommend moving on New Year's Day).
    Next thing I know she's kneeling infront of me with a little silver box. I knew she was planning something but didn't expect it to be then. It was a fantastic way to end a crappy week at the end of a stressful year.
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  • Sydney
    Expert August 2018 Ontario
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    On our balcony in Jamaica! So glad I never saw it coming!
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  • Susy
    Curious August 2018 Ontario
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    On a suspension bridge on vacation at beautiful Ferris Provincial Park!

    We were standing to take a picture and he said "hey I need to ask you something"

    I was like "what? just take the picture with me!" and then he was down on one knee and asked me!

    My sister and her bf got pictures and video because they were in on the whole thing!

    So very sweet Smiley heart

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  • Erin
    Master September 2017 Ontario
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    He proposed with a sticky note treasure hunt through our apartment on Christmas morning 2016. The last clue was confusing and I was frustrated and when I turned around he was in the middle of the living room on one knee with the ring box open in his hands.

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  • Valérie
    VIP September 2019 Quebec
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    Somewhere in Kananaskis between Mt. Engadine Lodge and Canmore at the edge of a frozen lake! It was pretty magical Smiley smile

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  • Marie-Claire
    Devoted August 2018 Quebec
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    On the sidewalk on my street...

    There had been a snow storm that day, but I really wanted to go skating, so we decided to walk to the park to see if the rink had been cleared (although I knew it wouldn't). When we got there, there was almost a foot of snow over the ice, but my boyfriend surprisingly didn't seem eager to leave, so after walking a bit in the park, I asked my boyfriend if he wanted to go back home or walk to the other rink that was nearby.

    We walked to that other park, but as we got closer I could see that the ice was also covered, so I didn't see the point of going in the park. We argued a bit about it, as my boyfriend really wanted to take a stroll in the park anyway (and I still had no idea what he was up to), but ended up just walking back to my apartment.

    He still wanted to walk more, and suggested we walked up to the auction store further on the street to see if they had anything interesting in the window (they had a stuffed beaver at the time!). By that point, I really just wanted to go back home, but I gave in.

    It was on the way back that he just stopped and said, "I was looking for a nice spot to do it, but I just can't wait anymore". That's when he dropped on one knee and proposed. The ring is the one in my picture, it's silicone, in my favourite colour, and I love it.

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  • Tyanna
    Super June 2019 British Columbia
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    On the Sunshine Coast Trail at the Rieveley's Pond Hut. We had just finished a 9 hour, 11km hike in the rain and were both pretty cold and tired. He was determined to get a fire going in the rain and I was getting annoyed because I wanted to go to bed😂. He got a fire going despite the rain and we sat by the fire as it got dark and the next thing I know hes asking me to marry him❤

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  • Tori
    Top October 2019 Manitoba
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    I took him to our city's winter light show and proposed in the tunnel of love with a pair of bracelets that I had bought at Claire's that said "her one" and "his only".

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  • Vinod
    Top August 2017 Ontario
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    It was just as i moved in and considered his rings as proposal which fitted me well. Nothing formal at all.
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  • Jennifer
    Super August 2018 Alberta
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    It’s happened on my birthday at Eden in the Rimrock Resort in Banff. We asked the waiter to take our picture and he got down on one knee and proposed! It was the most special evening of my life so far Smiley heart
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  • B
    Devoted September 2019 Ontario
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    It’s ok. Mines not exciting either.
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  • B
    Devoted September 2019 Ontario
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    Got Engaged in the Hotel During the Royal Wedding.
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  • Bianca
    Master August 2019 Ontario
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    FH and I were on a spontaneous trip to Mexico this past October and I wasn't expecting anything! At the time we had been together nearly 8 years and I had made peace with the thought that he was never going to propose tbh. I wasn't expecting a thing!

    It was the last night of our trip and we were up late getting ready to leave the next morning when we took a break to enjoy the sounds of the ocean and warm Mexico air. I was just about ready to go back inside when he grabbed me and gave me a long hug and told me how great this trip had been, and all of a sudden he's down on one knee! He pulled out a ring that he apologized for since it was a placeholder ring (I loved it all the same) and asked me to marry him. I proceed to laugh and laugh for a good 2 minutes before I said yes.

    The whole element of surprise and spontaneity of it all really got me Smiley smile

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  • Michelle
    Super September 2018 Alberta
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    On vacation in palm springs at a restaurant

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  • Marleau
    Devoted October 2018 Ontario
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    In the forest, on my grandmothers birthday, with the vintage ring that reminded me of her. He also caught it on camera! Lol
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  • Stephanie
    Master July 2018 Alberta
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    In his living room. Haha. Not an exciting story at all
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  • Holly
    VIP June 2019 Ontario
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    June 18th, 2017. MacGregor Point Provincial Park in Port Elgin, ON.
    We were camping for our anniversary, I went into the tent and when I came out he waiting for me. Then he got down on one knee and asked!
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