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Frequent user December 2023 British Columbia

Am i the only one driving my fiance banana's?

Kimberly, on February 26, 2017 at 11:47 Posted in Plan a wedding 0 20

Phil did not know what he was getting himself into when he proposed to me even though we have been together for 8 years. He did not see my addiction to Say yes to the dress for years. I've hidden my longing to enter a bridal salon looking for dresses for decades. Flowers, venues, menus, chair covers, musicians, dj's, cakes, hair & makeup, he had no idea. I'm so excited I can't contain it, and he is nervous. I've been waiting to be the belle of the ball for like I say, decades, and he is terrified of being in the spotlight. I keep trying to convince him that people will be looking at me not him on the big day, and that we can get dance lessons to reduce how nervous he is of dancing, but I'm not sure that has put him at ease at all. We still have a year and a half before our big day, and I forsee me getting MORE excited and him being MORE nervous. He keeps joking he would like a stunt double.


Latest activity by Kacy, on March 6, 2017 at 20:07
  • Kacy
    VIP February 2019 Quebec
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    It is cute indeed! Keeps me interested hahahah

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  • Kimberly
    Frequent user December 2023 British Columbia
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    Thanks Kacy! It's funny how the guys can be all gregarious in every other way but when it comes to this they are nervous. I think it's very cute.

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  • Kacy
    VIP February 2019 Quebec
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    Yes, same for my guy. He's not really shy but he definitely does not want to say vows in front of everyone! Well good luck with your new job!! Smiley smile
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  • Kimberly
    Frequent user December 2023 British Columbia
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    I think I may be driving everyone I know nuts in fact. I'm glad I've started a new job so I've got something else to talk about!!! It's great to come on this website and be able to chat with people just as excited as me!!!

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  • Kimberly
    Frequent user December 2023 British Columbia
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    I didn't think he was very shy, but I guess he is a bit about being in front of people. I know when it comes to time, I've just started a new job and have much less free time to get the things done now. Even checking out weddingwire is suffering!!!!

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  • Kimberly
    Frequent user December 2023 British Columbia
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    I love a good Triple O burger, but I would take a nice steak over that any day of the week!

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  • Brenda
    Expert April 2018 Ontario
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    I understand completely. I have waited what seemed like forever. I'm excited beyond!
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  • Kacy
    VIP February 2019 Quebec
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    Hahahha that's funny that he finds that to be a lot of people and that 8000$ is a giant budget! Is he a very shy person? I think that it's good to look as early as possible in order to better space things out as you get closer and closer to your date, so I fully support you!! Haha Smiley winking
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  • Natasha
    VIP August 2017 Ontario
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    I got a little crazy in the begining but now .. im like oh crap i gotta get that done oh crap that still has to get done lol ... life is getting busy and my kid keeps me super busy so that has helped with balance wedding planning and my life lol ... but I know FH in the begining was just shaking his head saying omg

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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
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    That's a great song to dance to! That will be so beautiful. And I love yorkshire pudding so I'm with your fiance on that one! So good! Haha I have actually been to a wedding that had an In N Out truck for their reception so they served burgers and fries and it was awesome! Not sure that McDonalds does that though Smiley winking My mom had really been pushing for White Spot for our rehearsal dinner because she wanted a Triple O burger but we ended up going to Cactus Club.

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  • Kimberly
    Frequent user December 2023 British Columbia
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    Yes we will be dancing to At Last by Etta James. We agreed on it because we have been together for 8 years so really it is about time and it's a short song which Phil Phil is not a fan of any music that isn't heavy metal so he doesn't get to pick very much music at all. His vision for the wedding is going to a JP and going to McDonalds after. He has said he'd like to serve big mac's at the wedding, jokingly I think....then he said he wants Yorkshire puddings so I'm going to make sure that is on the menu. He doesn't want to be married outside, so I'm only looking at indoor venues. He prefers a baron of beef to prime rib, so I'm taking that into account too. I love doing all the running around and if he doesn't want to that is fine by me really. I give him the low down when I get back from my adventures. That's when he looks at me like I'm a wee bit crazy.

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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
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    My husband watches Say Yes to the Dress with me (and 4 Weddings Smiley winking ) so I can't relate in that area but it's understandable that your fiance is nervous. A wedding is one of the biggest events you will host in your life and usually you don't have any experience going into it so no wonder he's intimidated! Luckily you have a long engagement so you can ease him into the wedding planning process. Make sure to enjoy being a newly engaged couple before throwing yourselves into wedding stress! It will be here before you know it and you only get to call each other fiances for a short time so take advantage of it!

    While you're right that everyone will be looking at the bride, it is about the couple and he will be getting just as much attention as you. A wedding is the joining of two people together so it should be a reflection of both of you, not just the bride and not just the groom. Maybe try talking to him to see what he's envisioned for his wedding so you can find some common ground and help ease his nerves. A good place to start with wedding planning is to each write down what your top 3 priorities are (photography, videography, flowers, decorations, cake, dress, food, location, etc) so that you can build your budget and your overall vision for the wedding around it. Is there something that he likes doing or that he's good at that coincides with wedding planning? (Like if he likes wood working, maybe he can help make a cake stand for the wedding. Or if he loves music, he can help pick out the songs for the ceremony) I think it's important that he feels included in the wedding and that way you have support and aren't doing everything yourself! You two are a team so you should be doing it together.

    I love the idea of doing dance lessons before the wedding! My husband and I did them for our first dance and it was so much fun! (And it looked much better than just swaying back and forth for 90 seconds. Smiley tongue ) I'm keeping my eye out for Groupons so we can do more dance classes because it was a great date night and I love learning new things. Do you know what you want your first dance to be?

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  • Kimberly
    Frequent user December 2023 British Columbia
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    Well I've got a few catalouges from tailors for him to check out what he likes and I've been talking up the cake tastings and catering tastings, but that's about where it ends as far as his real interest is. He gives me a kiss goodbye and tells me to have fun when I'm off to a venue viewing. Beyond that he listens politely to me about wedding issues, makes a couple of comments about how he thinks I've lost my mind, and then carries on with his day. He is starting to see how reasonable I'm being when he was talking to his brother, and his brother was complaining that he had to do a speech when he got married, but Phil won't have to because we've decided not to bother with them. I think it is starting to dawn on him that I really am tailoring it to suit us.

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  • Emilie
    Featured Quebec
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    Hey Kimberly! It's so interesting that you're bringing this up. Since you've been researching a lot, he might not have the same understanding of what weddings are these days. Smiley laugh Has he been looking a stuff too? Venues, suits, catering? Maybe that would give him a better idea of what you've been doing and why you made these decisions?

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  • Kimberly
    Frequent user December 2023 British Columbia
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  • Katherine
    Super September 2017 New Brunswick
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    You guys will be with family and friends on your wedding so its not like they are all strangers... Plus you are right most of the attention will be on you... I'll freely admit to being obsessed with the wedding... I maybe driving Troy nuts with the wedding planning but the real issue would be him driving me nuts... He has no problem with me doing all the work but likes to complain that I keep changing my mind when I make compromises for the budget... I know alot of it is teasing, he is an agitator but I don't really have a sense of humor about the wedding.
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  • Kimberly
    Frequent user December 2023 British Columbia
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    I sure like that phrase! Think I'll pass that one on to Phil! Phil hates speeches so much that I said we won't bother with them. That way it will take the pressure off of the bridal party too. And me. We'll just do a champagne toast and that's good enough! Phil isn't interested in checking out the venues either, or any of the wedding shows. I go to the wedding shows with my bridesmaids and go to venue viewings by myself. I give Phil the low down when I get back. His big thing is that he wants yorkshire puddings. That's about it. As long is I am keeping him in mind while I am making the arrangements he is fine with it. I think I'd like to take our dance lessons soon so that we can get lots of practicing in. I sent a request to find out how many classes a couple with four left feet are going to need and what the cost is going to be. I'm sure looking forward to it!!!

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  • Barbie
    Curious November 2017 Alberta
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    Funny but true... i think alot of men are terrified by the wedding topic and thw detail that goes into its planing.. my man is so so terrified about the fact that we are having 100 guests and aviods the weddding talks saying its too early to be planning for it. He hates speaches so i told him we shall come uo with a video/slide show to express most of what he would like to say. He hates dancing so we shall be going for dance classes in fall.. he doesnt wanna be so involved in planing and walking arround to bridal exposes and such staff so he encoirages me to do anything i want as long as i fill him in... he keeps saying "happy bride, happy marriage"
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  • Kimberly
    Frequent user December 2023 British Columbia
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    Thanks Kacy! It's good to know I'm not alone! Phil thinks that 40 guests is a huge wedding and that my budget of about $8000 is extravagent. It's hilarious when he complains to his friends that I'm trying to plan a big fancy wedding. I keep telling him that 40 people is not big, and that I can't be that fancy with only $8000! He is completely clueless about all this stuff and what a feat it will be if I'm able to pull off spending that little money on a nice wedding for us. The one thing that reasurres me that I'm not going overboard is speaking to the professionals who confirm I'm not checking things out too early etc.

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  • Kacy
    VIP February 2019 Quebec
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    Oh I'm driving David bananas too, but in a different way! He finds I'm too obsessed with wedding stuff right now, always looking and researching, which is true... but to be fair, it's partly because he only JUST agreed to finally sit down and set a budget, and I've been scrambling to find something that fits. It doesn't help that every once in a while he'll tell me that this one thing is super duper crucial and then it's like, ok, back to the drawing board! He told me that he felt like all I wanted to talk about or do was wedding-related, so I decided to cool it a bit. I'm doing this by not blurting out every thought or cool idea I saw or came up with, gathering my thoughts and questions so that if and when the wedding comes up I can bring it all up in one shot rather than spread out throughout the day, and also trying to get him more involved so he can better understand WHY I'm thinking and researching about the wedding all the time! The funny thing is, he's the one who is really insisting on planning a "big" wedding (it's not that big, relatively speaking) and who is holding on to more of the traditional bits, lol! Not sure if this helps, but I just wanted to let you know that you are most DEFINTELY not alone!

    Am i the only one driving my fiance banana's? - 1

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