Zurich, Ontario · From April 2017
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- 16 points
Happily married 🎉
May 26, 2018
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Zurich, Ontario · From April 2017
Happily married 🎉
May 26, 2018
Beautiful spot that I worked at for 6 years prior to going off to university! Now I am coming back to get married there!
Hi lovely brides-to-be! We’ve arrived at the last question of this game. Will you go on a national or an international destination for your honeymoon? *** pinterest Follow >> Last step of this...
Hi everyone! We are getting closer to the end of this game. Don’t forget - if you finish everything, you will win a gift. Next question: Will you be using round or rectangular tables? *** pinterest...
It's finally your wedding month!! Come chat with your fellow May brides about how you're feeling and what you still have left to do: https://www.weddingwire.ca/forums/may-2018-brides--t15713
Are you getting married in Ontario in 2018? Come share your planning progress with each other in this community discussion: https://www.weddingwire.ca/forums/who-is-getting-married-in-ontario-in-2018--t13031
Hi there! How is the planning going? I made this discussion and I thought you might like it. 😊 It’s about the 10 steps every bride goes through. https://www.weddingwire.ca/forums/10-stages-every-bride-goes-through--t4916 Let me know if you like it. xx
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