So I was finally able to get an address for my uncle and I need some help how to respond. Auntie and I will be there. The other cousins to consider are:Cousin P and his girlfriend & of coursre your other cousin, Q.
I have met cousin P&Q maybe 2-3 times in my life. My mom had said he could bring one as his plus one, but I reread his message and realized my Aunty will be coming. My mom said to tell him, “Right now my numbers are tight, and that when I get back RSVPs that I will let him know.” Even if I do have room I would probably only invite his sons and not the girlfriend as I don’t even know her. Currently we aren’t even able to invite all the friends because of number constraints. I feel a little bad as I’m inviting other cousins but I know them and grew up with them. Please let me know how the wording sounds.