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Newbie August 2018 Ontario

What to do to get our minds off the wedding

Beth, on July 25, 2018 at 22:09 Posted in Before the wedding 0 14
The last couple of months have been crazy with new house, new jobs and life stuff not to mention we are consumed with our wedding that is happening in a couple of weeks.

With August long weekend coming, we are looking for something cheap and cheerful to do to get our minds off the hectic 2 weeks following. It will be just us on August long weekend before we host family and friends from out of town and run our buns off before our big party.

What suggestions do you have for something relaxing and fun that we can do? What will you do to de-stress before your wedding?


Latest activity by Kaisha, on July 29, 2018 at 16:00
  • Kaisha
    Super March 2019 Nova Scotia
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    We have a few go to's when we need a break, we like going on hikes with our dogs we also have movie marathons. We re-watched all the fast and furious movies and watched a collection of Nicholas cage movies (we watched one each Friday). Once a month we do a board game night also, we set aside at least an hour, we put our phones away and just have fun.

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  • Beth
    Newbie August 2018 Ontario
    Beth ·
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    Thank you all for your suggestions. There are some great ideas that we can use here. We recently purchased a projector and may even spend the weekend evenings watching movies outside on our fence.
    Maybe we will camp in our backyard too...?

    Wishing you all the best for weddings and a lifetime of love and happiness.
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  • Stephanie
    VIP May 2019 Ontario
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    Take a trip to the city and stay in a hotel! Enjoy a nice dinner out without needing to do the dishes or clean the room in the morning! Have a nice night on the town date night maybe some dancing~ find a hotel with a jacuzzi in the room and have a nice romantic bath!!!
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  • Angel
    Frequent user June 2019 British Columbia
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    Last time when we were really stressed out, we just booked a hotel room in our city and spent the night there. We relaxed at the swimming pool, played in the casino and had a nice dinner at the buffet. Any getaway from your usual routine is a good way to relax!

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  • Stephanie
    Master July 2018 Alberta
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    My husband and I enjoy escape rooms! Grab a few friends, (most rooms have a max of 4-6 people), solve some clues, and try to get out of that make-believe situation.

    I've also heard of city-wide scavenger hunts. Have never tried them though. Urban Quest is the name of one but I think there are more companies that do it. I'm sure you can Google it.

    Groupon experiences is another thing to try! They have discounted prices on local restaurants, spas, other experiences to try something new.

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  • Sydney
    Expert August 2018 Ontario
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    For us we would probably go for dinner (it’s always nice not to have to cook or clean up once in a while), maybe go mini putting or something fun, and then come home and play board games!
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  • Maegan
    Super July 2018 British Columbia
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    Lol this was me! For about 2 months leading up to the wedding I work a full time job that i was having to work OT, and I work a second part time job at a boxing gym, which is normally super fun but was taking up all my spare time... And my husband was forced to work a couple hours of OT every day at his job. We were both just coming hone exhausted and unable to be productive, which made us both stressed out because wedding brain haha.

    Our only saving grace was that we both took a full week off work right before the wedding so were able to get thigs done at that point. But we were absolutely struggling hard to keep up with life for a while!

    Ps. Brooklyn 99 is the best show ever and theres only a couple wedding episodes... Once you get through those it will be more relaxing!
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  • Phaidra
    Frequent user October 2019 Alberta
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    Omg I want to do this one.

    Lately my FH and I have been binge watching Brooklyn 99, but there's characters getting married rn so's not really helping. So...the gym maybe? I've been going at 5am with a coworker and by the time the end of the work day comes around I'm so exhausted I can't think of anything other than petting my cats and passing out. TL;DR - The wedding is always on my brain, and it's pretty tiring.

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  • Erin
    Master September 2017 Ontario
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    I would say go camping or something for the weekend. Unplug and just enjoy each other's company and nature. Make the wedding a no-go conversation topic as well.

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  • Alexandra
    VIP November 2019 British Columbia
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    Put the phones away in another room and just game nights or a movie marathon. It’s my fiancé’s and my anniversary on the 2nd and we’re going to order in some food and just sit and watch a movie or play some games with some wine and just put our phones in the other room. I’m really excited about it honestly because it’s totally a chance to just de stress and really enjoy each other’s company.
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  • Carmela
    Devoted April 2019 Ontario
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    My FH just purchased bikes, so we have been going on a bike ride almost 4x a week. We talk about anything but the wedding. It’s nice to not think about money, or the way things look, and just focus on each other
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  • Maegan
    Super July 2018 British Columbia
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    We had a date night where we bought ALL the candy we wanted at London Drugs and then came home and ate it ALL and played board games and drank scotch haha. It was the loveliest evening.
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  • Marcia
    Super August 2018 Manitoba
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    A staycation getaway, or a hiking trip, with no wedding talk! I definitely understand where you are at right now, we are getting married in 16 days and I'm starting to feel its getting hectic, especially with normal life stuff. I find anything to do with nature and exploring something new really helps. We are planning a quick trip away before the wedding just to help us relax!

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  • Vinod
    Top August 2017 Ontario
    Vinod ·
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    Go for a picnic or walks in the evenings to get some fresh air. Have game nights to have fun and laughter.
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