We were already planning to get married Sept 2021 prior to COVID happening, so I hadn’t looked or tried any dresses on. However I just started browsing and noticed their are currently significant sales online for some very nice dresses. Guessing the sales may be COVID related.
Their is one dress in particular I like that is 60% off! At full price I would never be able to afford it. My main concern of buying 1.5 years prior is that my body may change in size, another concern I have is that down the road I might find other nicer more reasonable dresses. Wondering what others thought is regarding dress timeline?
Also wondering what is considered to be a “affordable” wedding dress price? I was hoping to spend less then $1000 although am unsure how feasible it is for a new dress + alterations. I have also considered renting a wedding dress but have yet to look into the options this in. Would appreciate others thoughts and experiences