We are married! July 21st 2018 was our wedding day. The wedding day was PERFECT... day before was chaotic. Groom and Groomsmen suits were an absolute disaster! On Wednesday ( week of wedding) we went to the store to pick up suites to find out that the person who measured the men did such a shitty job... my step sons jacket was down below his knees, my husbands suit jacket was way too tight... other groomsmen suit waiste on pants were two sizes too big and pant legs were 4 inches too long.... the guy at the store deeply apologized and measured men again and said new suits with proper measurements will be expedite shipping will come in Friday and will call at 1pm for pick up. Friday comes and no one calls. My husband comes in at 2pm to find out no one knew there was anything wrong with the suites and didn't order a new set of suites ... salesmen said there is not enough time and to ask if we leave suites to be altered and pick up tommorow at 1pm. My husband said " no, I get married at 1pm tommorow, needs to be done now" so seamstress got suits tailored best she could and we picked them up 2 hours later. Than one of my bridesmaids moved with her bf in Utah mid June. She said she couldn't make the rehersal dinner or wedding ceremony rehersal on Friday ( Day before wedding) because she was driving to Lethbridge , AB on the Friday and it was a 12 hr drive. Well apparently her car broke down at 11am Friday morning she was 8 hrs away and she said she couldn't afford to fix it or to get a flight to Lethbridge AB so she didn't attend the wedding .... other than those 2 big issues the day was PERFECT! ceremony was quick and simple maybe 20 minutes long.... reception was fun .... had to drink a shot of screech to get initiated to my husbands Newfoundland family, family table ate last because to decided dinner we had a plinko board and my dad went up and got puck in the "eats last" slot , there was a twerking competition ..... it was awesome. Parry lasted only until 11pm BUT by then we were exhausted anyways so g it a ride home and got some McDonald's
Here is some photos of the wedding day!
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