My FH and I love to have fun and really any excuse to celebrate! So we are thinking of renting an Estate for a few days or a week (whatever we can find) but I am having a hard time finding something.
The main reason for this is because we are both over the hall reception (no intended to be offensive) but he is a DJ and has been to countless of them and we would both love to have a complete different idea here. The other thing is, we can all sleep there on the day before and day well as some of our closest friends and family. Also, we don't want our party to be done at 1AM.
I am having a hard time finding an estate - any tips? Any suggestions? I have tried google but estates are typically not for rent on the internet. Any other mansion grounds are already arranged venues that again have limitations - the caterer or you have to use their DJ (which I would never go with), or done by 1AM and so on...
Please any guidance is appreciated!!
We live in Guelph, Ontario.