My fiancé brought up that he thinks we should postpone our November 16th wedding. We don’t have any savings, we have been cutting things from our lifestyle in order to pay for our wedding. We’re also doing a lot of DIY. Our photographer is fully paid off, I have my dress, our venue is over half paid off (must be paid off by September 16)
The reason he wants to postpone is because work hasn’t been as busy as he was expecting. I am a stay at home mom of two, so his job is our only income. However, I am coming into a good chunk of money mid August which will be enough to pay for what’s left of the wedding. I was planning to put the money into a savings account and also invest a portion of it.
I don’t know what to do. I get where my fiancé is coming from but I don’t want to postpone.
Thoughts? Advice?