We sent out our Save the Dates 1.5 years in advance and will be sending out the ones who are travelling invites 6 months in advance. We are also planning wedding events that not all guests are invited too. If you have had, or are having a rehearsal dinner for a destination wedding, when are you sending rehearsal dinner invites? I have read that rehearsal dinner invites get sent out after invites. When would you include these? Also, when or do you send invites and rsvp to wedding party? They are both in Saskatchewan and Ontario.
This is what I was thinking, our wedding is in Ontario.
Feb-My dad, my mom's side and Sask friends invites will get sent out (All from Saskatchewan, Alberta or the STATES)
April- RSVP due from Saskatchewan people
May- Ontario guests invites get sent out (fiances family and friends)
June-B-list can be sent out if we have any
July- Ontario guests RSVP's Due & more B lists sent out if we have any
Bridal shower and bachelorette will be in July
August 15- All pending RSVP due
September 17- Wine tour for wedding party and some out of town guests
September 18- Rehearsal ceremony (am) and dinner (pm)
September 19-Wedding
September 20- Farewell brunch for wedding wedding party and some out of town guests