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Frequent user August 2019 New Brunswick


Emily, on May 23, 2019 at 07:48 Posted in Plan a wedding 0 9

71 days left.

- 71 days to finish planning 71 days to come up with money to pay for everything.

71 days to get everyone together and go over everything, to make sure I have everything we needs. meal plan still isn't 100% final yet. ( or who Is going to cook and serve the meal)

some days I feel like im in over my head!


Latest activity by Bianca, on June 11, 2019 at 14:43
  • Bianca
    Master August 2019 Ontario
    Bianca ·
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    Everything will work out Emily! How are you feeling now that you're a little closer to your wedding?

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  • Kelsie
    Master July 2021 Ontario
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    I feel this! Although I’m still over a year out - it’s like every day that ticks by you’re stressed on where the money comes from.

    Have faith and remain calm! Everything will work out.
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  • Becky
    VIP September 2019 Ontario
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    You got this Emily! I know your stressed, just remember lists, or spreadsheets of what all needs to be done and check when completed or cross out. It does get stressful and we tend to procrastinate. What we did is book day off work wake up same time as normal and we had a list of to do. we got it all done plus more

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  • Casey
    Master October 2019 Ontario
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    Unfortunately, I feel like everyone experiences the stress at one time or another during their planning, and the closer you get to the big day it becomes more overwhelming.

    Best thing, Make lists, ask wedding party and family for help, and most importantly, take time to yourself!

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  • Sharlene
    Expert August 2019 Alberta
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    I think this is a very normal feeling. I was emotional yesterday because I found out that my favorite uncle wouldn't be coming to our wedding. I have been a bit freaked out about who would be decorating our reception venue as we don't gain access it the venue until noon on the wedding day. Our ceremony is at 12:30, which means none of the wedding party can decorate (as we will be off after the ceremony for our photos). I was going to ask friends and family to help out even though I am not the person to ask for help - for this event I was going to make an exception. On the weekend a miracle happened and a new graduate from event and wedding planning course posted an advertisement looking to work for FREE setting up for wedding to gain experience and use photos from the wedding for her portfolio. Maybe you can find a wedding coordinator/planner to help you or ask sister, moms, aunties for help.

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  • Brittany
    Devoted August 2019 Alberta
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    Honestly.. .I get you. I think we all feel this way. Or atleast I do for sure.

    It's definitely overwhelming and stressful.

    It's coming up quick yes, but you still have time.

    Make a to do list.

    Start working away on whatever you can.

    Take a half hour out of the night to make something, plan something, start your timeline etc.

    It will all be okay!

    Enlist Help when needed.

    And also remember it is okay to take a break one day to refresh yourself too.

    We went to a wedding this past weekend.. and as much as they were organized... there were a lot of hiccups.

    I am not saying this to scare you... rather the opposite.

    The morning of they were freaking out, about the wind, the wine glasses being forgotten, The DJ being replaced, etc...

    But when you asked them at the end of the night...

    They wouldn't have changed a thing. They were happy. And Married. And had the best day despite everything.

    Just remember that, that's the most important thing.

    Everything will work out. And when it comes, I am sure it will be the best day for you.

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  • Erin
    Super May 2022 Ontario
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    Although it will be here before you know it, 71 days is still a lot of time to get things done and figured out. Like Tori said make a list of what needs to be done, make a list of what's owing. I know the money part is stressful especially with little ones. Your RSVP deadline is just over 1 week so that will help you figure out your numbers which will help figure out your meal planning. Are you planning on hiring someone to cook your food or asking a family friend/member to do this?

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  • Tori
    Top October 2019 Manitoba
    Tori ·
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    Yay to be close - but I would assume Holly is right about it getting more and more overwhelming...

    Have you made a complete list of everything you need to have done as well as one for the day of the wedding?

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  • Holly
    VIP June 2019 Ontario
    Holly ·
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    9 days for me and I feel the exact same.. unfortunately it gets more overwhelming the closer you get!
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