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WeddingWire Admin May 2015 Maryland

Squad Goals! Who will be in your "I Do" crew?

Joey, on January 12, 2019 at 14:05 Posted in Plan a wedding 0 15

Sound off about your squad! Who did you ask to be part of your crew when you say "I do!"?

Tell is who is in your wedding party

Squad Goals! Who will be in your "I Do" crew? 1

Photo by Keemera in Edmonton


Latest activity by Amanda, on January 27, 2019 at 22:29
  • Amanda
    Frequent user June 2019 Ontario
    Amanda ·
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    My best friend from when I was 15 and we are now 41 will be my MOH my sister will be sharing that role at Matron O H and my soon to be sister in law. My FH has to best friends from childhood as his best men and another childhood friend as a groomsman. Then my niece and nephew will be walking down together and my 2 sons 11 and 2 will be walking me down the aisle.
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  • Alix
    Expert June 2021 Saskatchewan
    Alix ·
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    I chose my best friend since 4th grade to be my maid of honour, then 2 really close friends of mine; one from high school and one from University as well as my soon to be sister in law. My fiance chose his childhood best friend to be his best man, then another close friend of his and both of my brothers.
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  • Cindy
    Devoted July 2019 Ontario
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    I'm also Filipina trying to scale down the wedding party. I think we're going with 6 Principal Sponsors, 2 light, 2 Ford, 2 veil and then 8 people for bridal party of bridesmaids and groomsmen. We might have a ringbearer. I think I've thought of them all. As FH is not Filipino I dont want it to be too traditional
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  • Toni Rose
    Frequent user October 2023 Ontario
    Toni Rose ·
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    Traditional Filipino weddings normally have 50 people in their wedding parties! - including bridesmaids, groomsmen, flower girl and ring bearer but we also include 'marriage sponsors'. They are people the groom and bride look to in terms of marriage wisdom and guidance. We also have rituals during the ceremony that signify the couple becoming one, cementing their bond and honouring their responsibilities to one another. We decided to scale that down quite a bit (our wedding party has about 25!) and modify these rituals. It's also a great opportunity for me to share my culture with many of our friends - it's not something I can regularly do and I'm very excited to do so! My bridal party is mixed gendered, my godparents are one of our sponsors along with my future sister in law and her husband and my partner's uncle & aunt who gave us housing in our first few months of dating.

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  • Bianca
    Master August 2019 Ontario
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    We're keeping our bridal party incredibly small with one bridesmaid (my sister as MOH), and FH is having his two childhood best friends as his co-best men.

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  • Rachel
    Frequent user July 2019 Ontario
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    My FH has 4 brothers and wanted them as his groomsmen. He did not choose a best man as he couldn't bring himself to choose between his brothers.

    I have my sister, my 2 closest girlfriends, and then I also have a "bridesman" who is a very dear friend of mine, and was unofficially adopted into my family as a teenager, we were roommates in college and best buddies for many years! I also decided not to choose a maid of honour as not to offend any of my bridal brigade. Instead, we have chosen to give each member of the bridal party their own jobs in the wedding (signing documents, doing the toast, readings in the ceremony etc).

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  • Tori
    Top October 2019 Manitoba
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    For me: My MOH is my sister, then I have a two friends (my friend since grade 8 - known for 8 years and my friend from work who introduced me to my FH - known for 3 years), my FH's cousin who has become really close to me, and a girlfriend of one of the bestmen who I have hung out with as much as you can for people with opposite work schedules.

    For him: He has two BM - both friends from HS, then he has 3 GM who are also friends from HS (which you know are forever seeing as how his HS days were over a decade ago! lol old man)

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  • Brittany
    British Columbia
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    Sort of all sisters. I have my full sister, one year younger than me, as my MOH, my half sister (9 yrs older) as a bridesmaid, and my future brother in law's girlfriend (possible future SIL) as a bridesmaid. I was supposed to have my best friend from high school as a bridesmaid as well, but she is going to grad school in England, and the wedding is smack in the middle of her exams. Smiley cry So she is an honorary bridesmaid, and will be sent a plethora of photos and videos all day.

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  • Alexandra
    VIP November 2019 British Columbia
    Alexandra ·
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    I have my three sisters, my bestie, my fiancé’s sister and his SIL in my party.

    My fiance had his brother and 5 of his close friends in his party!
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  • Allen
    Devoted April 2019 Ontario
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    I have my sister, my niece, my best friend as MOH, my coworker (whom I work with for the last 9 months and work together day in and day out and we've became close friends) and his sister in law (brother's wife). Flower girl is his niece.
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  • Allison
    Master October 2019 Ontario
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    I have his sister as a bridesmaid and my brother is a groomsman. We both have our longest childhood friend as a bridesmaid/groomsman. I have two good friends as a bridesmaid and MOH and his college friend is best woman. Our niece/nephew are our flower girl/ring bearer.

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  • Kaisha
    Super March 2019 Nova Scotia
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    We have a unique bridal party, I asked my sister to be my MOH and my cousin to be a brides-man. I lived with him for a while and we have always been super close. I also asked my best friend here, the rest of my bridal party is from out of province and she has been super helpful since I told her we were engaged. My FH asked his 2 best friends to be his grooms-women. We ended up deciding against having a ring bearer and flower girl.

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  • Stephanie
    VIP May 2019 Ontario
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    The people who mean the most to me! The ones who have known me and helped me through the dark times I want to be with me for the greatest time of my life!!
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  • Casey
    Master October 2019 Ontario
    Casey ·
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    We are keeping it to family. Makes it easier and no one gets offended!
    My sister will be my MOH and my 3 future sister in laws
    his brother will be the best man. And then his 2 brother in laws and my brother
    Nephew on my side will be the ring bearer and his god daughter/ niece will be our flower girl!
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  • Robyn
    Super June 2019 Ontario
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    We're having a small party, just his Best Man - his brother - and my Maid of Honor - his sister Smiley smile We thought about having groomsmen and bridesmaids but the selection process would have been wayyyyyyyyy too political lol

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