I've been thinking about sending rehearsal dinner/day after-brunch invites along with the wedding invitations, but some websites suggest this could be a faux-pas. They take into consideration that not everyone will be invited to those events and those who weren't invited might feel hurt if some else mentions the other invite. All 3 events will be paid/hosted by different people: the rehearsal dinner will be my FH's dad's, the wedding is my parents, and my FH and I are holding the brunch. Some etiquette websites say if there are different hosts, people should get separate invites for each event.
Also, my parents are having troubles grasping the fact that the rehearsal dinner isn't going to be in their control - they want certain types of food/bar service where we have different ideas/views. We will be visiting the venue again in June and confirming menus for all 3 events and we will have Fh's dad with us, possibly our parents too. I don't want people to get into arguments before our two families become one.
Who should be invited to rehearsal dinner/brunch? Etiquette suggests inviting out-of-towners to rehearsal dinner but out of 145 guests, 130 will probably be staying at the hotel the night of the wedding. If some are coming in the Friday night from farther away, we are already factored them into possible invites. My parents suggested inviting all aunts/uncles/cousins to brunch, but that's going to be more than I planned for (75 plus wedding party if we invite them to that too).
Any advice for how how the invitations should go out/how to deal with both my parents and FH's dad/who to invite? Or just reassurance since my brain has spiraling about this all week and I'm stressing out lol