Hello Everyone!
For the past year, even before we got engaged I found myself always reading these short stories about how these couples got engaged on facebook. Even if I was having a bad day after reading these stories I would be feeling much better and smiling ear to ear while reading. Anyways I am going to start by sharing our engagement story cause to this day i'm still so surprised that he pulled this off. Please feel free to comment below with your proposal story. I would LOVE to read it. Hope you enjoy these as much as I do!
So a whole bunch of friends had made plans for us all to go way to Penticton, BC for the Canada day long weekend. We all had discussed what we should do while in Penticton but no one ever made for sure plans. It wasn't until we all were in Penticton that we actually booked for us all to go zip lining the next day (July 1st). We booked a two line tour because as it turns out only 2 couples actually booked it in. When it came to deciding who should go first I immediately shot my hand up. The tour guy says "nah we will do the biggest guy first". I remember thinking sassy remarks in my head because I wanted to go first. It wasn't until the last line on the way back to where we started that I noticed my fiancee bent down on the landing. I remember thinking to myself, "why is cam standing there?" But thought nothing of it. When the tour guy unhooked me and I turned around I immediately knew why he was standing there. Here he was down on one knee with a purple box in his hand and a sparkling gold thing sticking out. Tears and so on began and I yelled YESSS!
Turns out that he had spoken with my mom before we left about his plans and really wanted to surprise me. He could have proposed a million different ways but if he were to recommend something that was romantic I eventually would have caught on. This is why the zip lining was planned so last minute. He has never been the sneaky surprise me kind of guy so this really took me by surprise! Everyone knew about this except for me of course. The zip lining people popped a bottle of champagne and the staff were taking pictures and sent us home with a video of the whole thing as well.
I picked the ring out a few years before this happened. I wanted it to look similar to my mom and dad's engagement ring.
The rest of the day was spent on the lake boating and day drinking with the occasional cry from me being so happy. It was the perfect day for an engagement!