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Frequent user August 2018 British Columbia

Proposal stories and show us that bling!

Ashley, on March 14, 2018 at 21:03 Posted in Before the wedding 0 59

Hello Everyone!

For the past year, even before we got engaged I found myself always reading these short stories about how these couples got engaged on facebook. Even if I was having a bad day after reading these stories I would be feeling much better and smiling ear to ear while reading. Anyways I am going to start by sharing our engagement story cause to this day i'm still so surprised that he pulled this off. Please feel free to comment below with your proposal story. I would LOVE to read it. Hope you enjoy these as much as I do!

So a whole bunch of friends had made plans for us all to go way to Penticton, BC for the Canada day long weekend. We all had discussed what we should do while in Penticton but no one ever made for sure plans. It wasn't until we all were in Penticton that we actually booked for us all to go zip lining the next day (July 1st). We booked a two line tour because as it turns out only 2 couples actually booked it in. When it came to deciding who should go first I immediately shot my hand up. The tour guy says "nah we will do the biggest guy first". I remember thinking sassy remarks in my head because I wanted to go first. It wasn't until the last line on the way back to where we started that I noticed my fiancee bent down on the landing. I remember thinking to myself, "why is cam standing there?" But thought nothing of it. When the tour guy unhooked me and I turned around I immediately knew why he was standing there. Here he was down on one knee with a purple box in his hand and a sparkling gold thing sticking out. Tears and so on began and I yelled YESSS!

Turns out that he had spoken with my mom before we left about his plans and really wanted to surprise me. He could have proposed a million different ways but if he were to recommend something that was romantic I eventually would have caught on. This is why the zip lining was planned so last minute. He has never been the sneaky surprise me kind of guy so this really took me by surprise! Everyone knew about this except for me of course. The zip lining people popped a bottle of champagne and the staff were taking pictures and sent us home with a video of the whole thing as well.

I picked the ring out a few years before this happened. I wanted it to look similar to my mom and dad's engagement ring.

The rest of the day was spent on the lake boating and day drinking with the occasional cry from me being so happy. It was the perfect day for an engagement!


Proposal stories and show us that bling! 1


Latest activity by Alexis, on April 26, 2018 at 18:44
  • Alexis
    Devoted October 2018 Ontario
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    Two summers ago, my FH, in passing, mentioned that he'd been to jewellery stores. He proceeded to tell me that he didn't know how to respond to a text from my mom, offering to gift us the 1ct diamond from an engagement ring from her last marriage. At that point, we had openly talked about marriage, but it was still a bit of a surprise.

    We started the process of looking at rings and what it would cost if we used the diamond from my mom's ring, and settled on the perfect one for me. But I told him the rest was up to him. I didn't want to know when it was ready or picked up.

    On October 21, 2016 we were headed to my in-laws house for my father-in-law's retirement party the following day. Each year around Halloween, the park across the street hosts what is called “Pumpkinferno” and we make a point of going each year with our friends. Since we were going to be in town, he asked whether I wanted to go and if we could invite more people this year - to which I answered “yes” - the more the merrier.

    It was raining but warm, and I was three weeks into recovering from a major surgery. Having spent those three weeks on the couch, there was no way I was missing this. I remember thinking he looked extra dressed up to be walking outside in the rain, but didn't question it.

    After Pumpkinferno we went back to my in-laws place for hot chocolate – part of our annual tradition. I walked in, completely missing the whole proposal setup in the dinning room (directly beside the entrance). I was simply following my normal routine - go to our room, drop off the bags and then head through the kitchen to say my "hellos" to his family. It wasn't until I noticed pumpkins in the dinning room that I took a peek (loving all things Fall) and saw "will you marry me" carved into the pumpkins, and my FH down on one knee.

    Proposal stories and show us that bling! 2

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  • Jen
    VIP June 2018 Ontario
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    I'm going to post my story from our website because it's WAYYYYY too much to type! haha


    It happened really early in the morning, almost too early for some people (around 7:40am) , just after I had finished a night shift. The date was October 5th, 2016. I wasn't feeling well and was actually going to come home in the middle of my shift. However, I felt guilty leaving my partner (who is very pregnant) at work alone without anybody to cover for me. I called Adrian on my break, as I usually do, and could tell something was off. He wasn't very talkative and seemed very distracted. His reason was that he was "really into the homework he was working on". Liar. Turns out he had worked on putting the proposal together pretty much all evening and night.

    When I got home in the morning I could smell candles burning in our apartment. I didn't really think too much about it at first until I noticed there were lights on in the kitchen and a pile of stuff at the bottom of the stairs. I thought at first that Tucker (our dog) had chewed up one of his toys and Adrian forgot to clean it up (it was rose petals but I couldn't make it out in the darkness).

    From the kitchen, I could hear him call my name. It sounded like he had been crying and that something bad had happened. When I walked down the stairs he was standing by the dining room table in a dress shirt and pants, looking as adorable and nervous as one possibly could that early in the morning. He had printed out what seemed like hundreds of pictures of us, my daughter Layla, our friends, family and pictures from our trips from this past year. He used them to spell "will you", which was taped up in front of the blinds in the living room. He had wooden block letters painted in white and my favourite colour (teal) on the coffee table, surrounded in candles, spelling out "marry me" with more pictures in the shape of a question mark on the carpet with a trail of rose petals leading to the display. He planned, before he even proposed, to take me to the "Plan Your Day" wedding planning event at the Valhalla Inn, so on the coffee table, surrounded by candles in a heart shape, he printed out our tickets to the event! He also knew how big of an obsession I had with the Backstreet Boys so he had their music playing in the background on the TV.

    I was in complete shock. I knew he was going to propose at some point because I found out about the ring (ask him about that.. it's a funny story) but I had no idea it was going to happen that particular day. I couldn't speak at first. All I could do was stare at everything he had done in our apartment and smile. When I finally found words, the first thing I said to him was "I'M IN SCRUBS AND YOU'RE DRESSED UP! I LOOK LIKE CRAP!". He laughed at me, told me to shut up, got down on one knee and then asked me to marry him. Of course I said yes! How could I not to that adorable proposal? Not only did he make that big display with the music playing in the background, but he also bought more flowers, champagne and poured me a warm bath surrounded in candles with rose petals in the tub because he knew I wasn't feeling well.

    It was the most amazing day I have had so far with this man (until our wedding day). He amazes me every day with how kind and generous he is as well as loving and accepting of myself and my daughter. I can't wait to spend every single day together, forever, with him.

    Proposal stories and show us that bling! 5

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  • Jennifer
    Super July 2019 Ontario
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    Oh my gosh. All these stories got me right in the feels (and so needed with having a bad day today).
    We got engaged Feb 4/18.
    We have known for a couple of years that we would get married. Was just a matter of money for a ring because he wanted or to be perfect.
    We were on a cruise for our really good friends destination wedding (the couple are part of our wedding party). On the 2nd day on board we were at sea. My FH ended up winning a decent amount of money at the casino (he came and told me. And made me take the money so he wouldn't spend it).
    He was supposed to meet us and 2 other friends for dinner. And hes late. And im getting hangry. Hahaha.
    He shows up. We eat dinner. After the photographer comes to each table and takes photo. She takes a couple photo. Him standing behind me. He then doesnt come back to the table and for a solid 15 seconds I didn't turn around till someone said my name. I turn around. And hes down on one knee. And all i can say is "oh my gosh/for real/is this really happening etc". He takes the ring out of the box and says "i dont know what hand it goes on". Hahahaha
    Little did i know at the casino our groom friend saw my FH was up. Said cash out, lets go to the shop and get her a ring. Our friend helped pick it out cuz he knew what I liked (key for me was a unique centre stone).
    So a surprise for both of us.

    the ringProposal stories and show us that bling! 6official cruise photo of the momentProposal stories and show us that bling! 7

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  • Krystal
    Curious August 2018 British Columbia
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    I meant to post these pictures with my storeySmiley smile

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  • Krystal
    Curious August 2018 British Columbia
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    We finally got a chance to go quading for the first weekend all summer. So my fiance took me out quading and found this perfect spot which btw I had no idea he was planning this. We always have the gopro set up so i didn't think anything of it when the go pro was recording. We pulled up to what I call the absolutely perfect location where we got out and took in the incredible view. He then proceeded to get down on one knee and propose!!!!!! Which before he could finish the sentence I said yes. Lol. I could not have asked for a more perfect moment!!
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  • Ashley
    Frequent user August 2018 British Columbia
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    It makes me so happy when others can benefit from our stories. Congratulations! What a special moment! One you will never forget I’m sure.
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  • Ashley
    Frequent user August 2018 British Columbia
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    Could you imagine if it to a few try’s? Lol. Makes for a good story! Congratulations! I bet you both are getting excited!
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  • Missa
    Frequent user August 2019 New Brunswick
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    We got engaged last May in Niagara Falls as well. My (now) fiance asked my dad for his blessing in March when we were visiting the family. Originally, he was planning a July proposal by recreating our first date ( would also have been amazing since we ended up next to the Rideau Canal in Ottawa). However, one of my best friends was getting married in Barrie in May and the week of I mentioned how I always wanted to go visit Niagara Falls with him so we planned a last minute impromptu 24h in Niagara Falls. It was our first '' get away'' together that wasn't only to go visit family or attend a wedding so we were very excited. I didn't know it at the time but he decided to change his plans at the last minute and propose there! He got the ring within a week (we got lucky!) We had a beautiful day that was all about what we love to do ; wineries, trying new local beer, we went on the boat ride to see the falls, and that night we had reservations at the beautiful ''Windows'' restaurant with the view on the falls. After dinner, we went back to our room and he asked me to go on the balcony with him to look at the falls. That's when he got on one knee and asked me to be his wife. It was a beautiful moment and of course, because it's Niagara Falls, there were FireWorks right after ! I was very surprised because we always said we'd buy the house before the ring but he really wanted to surprise me. We are getting the house this year, and getting married in August 2019. Can't wait ! Smiley smile

    The ring !Proposal stories and show us that bling! 10

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  • Stephanie
    VIP May 2019 Ontario
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    I'm bringing this back because I've been in a rough mood but reading through all of the pages of stories has warmed my heart and brought me to tears a few times :')

    Our anniversary is Christmas Eve! And since Christmas is such a huge time with families and Church we always try to celebrate a few nights before. Last year was rough for us both (we worked for the same company that shut down so we were both suddenly laid off) and hadn't had much time to just us with new jobs searching and new schedules and everything. We also don't live together so time together had been much less.

    We decided to go to Niagara Falls just the 2 of us for 2 nights before Christmas which I was INSANELY STOKED FOR, just to have him all to myself for a couple days! On the second night we decided to go out for a fancy dinner to celebrate our anniversary which would have been the following day!

    I actually ended up picking the restaurant (I'm a huge foodie), we got there and the table we had had a BEAUTIFUL view of over the Niagara Falls (which were light up in pinks and blues for the night) During our dinner the nightly fireworks started going off over the falls (not planned but WHAT A COINCIDENCE!) at the end of dinner my fiance asked out server to take some pics of us with the falls in the background and thats when he got on one knee and proposed (totally crying now just typing this) I cried a whole lot before I said yes it was all just so wonderful and perfect!

    Pic of the fireworks from our view at the table over the falls, the proposal (you can see the falls right out the window!) and the ring! Smiley heart Smiley heart

    Proposal! Proposal stories and show us that bling! 11

    One of the cutest things was all the congrats we got from other people eating at the restaurant haha!

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  • Jason
    Curious September 2018 Alberta
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    box o' ringProposal stories and show us that bling! 12

    engagement ringProposal stories and show us that bling! 13

    Resort near Playa Del Carmen Mx. Brought the ring with me, just waiting for the right time. Very nervous that airport security would ruin the whole thing by searching the carry-on backpack i had the ring in.

    Try #1 - dinner night one, ring in my pocket, she got a bit sick and tipsy so that was not going to work.

    Try #2- Beachside lunch, she noticed staff getting ready for a beach wedding and kinda sighed wistfully and said we should crash it. I brought out the ring and said something like (its all a blur now), "or we can we just have our own". Silence. Disbelief. Tears. Excitement. She says she was genuinely surprised, completely shocked. Relief on my part that I actually pulled it off. Date: Sept 8 2018. 150 days to go.

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  • Brittany
    British Columbia
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    Thank you Smiley smile he picked it himself!
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  • Ashley
    Frequent user August 2018 British Columbia
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    So cute! Your ring is beautiful!

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  • Ashley
    Frequent user August 2018 British Columbia
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    Both rings are beautiful! Happy planning!

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  • Ashley
    Frequent user August 2018 British Columbia
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    Wow! What a great place to purpose!

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  • Ashley
    Frequent user August 2018 British Columbia
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    So thoughtful and such a special moment to look back on Smiley heart

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  • Shelly
    Curious June 2019 Ontario
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    FH asked me to marry him in front of the Trevi Fountain in Rome! I booked the trip last minute and he decided to propose even more last minute because he had a back-up ring in case my ring didn't come in before we left.

    Here's the engagement ring (right) AND back-up ring (left).Proposal stories and show us that bling! 14

    He did pretty good I think :pProposal stories and show us that bling! 15

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  • Brittany
    British Columbia
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    I love these stories so much!

    So, disclaimer, I was one of those "crazy" gfs... we'd openly talked about wanting to get married for about 4 years (been together over 5 now), but I would take it a liiiittle too far, buying wedding magazines, asking about wedding details, etc. My (now) fiance never bothered me about it, too much, unless I started pushing about the actual proposal/ring. He had some trouble with full time employment between school and changing careers, so it was never really in the cards to drop a few grand on a ring.

    I am a complete Christmas nut. I decorate the first week of November, I obsess all season, I wrap my gifts like a pro... And he thinks it's adorable. Every year we go visit my mom and step dad on Vancouver Island, and we go to the 12 Days of Christmas light display at Butchart Gardens. 2 years ago, he mentioned that I should dress up a bit, and we should look "fancy" for our date night to the light display. I flipped out (on the inside), thinking "this is it". NOPE. Didn't happen. I even told him after and he felt really bad.

    Jump ahead a year and a half, September 2017 we are in Arizona with my dad for family vacation. We had talked about possibly having a wedding down there, so we booked a venue tour of a ranch near the house. I knew we wouldn't be getting engaged on that trip, but I though, hmm, maybe he'll ask my dad for his blessing.

    Jump ahead further to this past Christmas. My (now) fiance had been away working the month leading up to Christmas, and the day after he got home, we went to the island to visit my mom and step dad. I told my mom I thought it might be this Chrismas and one of the first things she says to me is, "well, you know you thought he asked your dad for his blessing, he hasn't asked your other dad yet" (my step dad raised me from 7 years old, I call him dad as well). So I was heartbroken, thinking it's not happening this Christmas either. We were going to the Light Display again a couple days later, and my FH asked me what my favourite part of the display was. I told him it was the Rose Garden (all beautiful roses in the summer, absolutely covered with lights in the winter, with beautiful arches and mistletoe everywhere).

    Once we got to the gardens on December 28th, we walked around the entire garden. 1st Day to 12th Day. Nothing. Even as we walked through the rose garden he asked "so this is your favourite part?" and I go "yeah!..." *waiting*.... nothing. So finally we get to the end and he pulls me away from my parents and says, why don't we go back to the garden before we go. My heart started to race. We got back to the rose garden, and he started his speech about how much he loves me, and got down on one knee and pulled out the ring! I couldn't believe how much I cried considering I'd been expecting it for years.

    Turns out, the day we got to my moms, right after she made the "blessing" comment, he had asked my step dad for his blessing. My step dad told him he says yes, but he should really be asking my mom. So he asked her too, and she started crying. He to her to stop it or she would ruin it (I was downstairs). He had tricked my mom by saying the ring was being made, that he didn't have it yet. Which was true... but he left out the part where he'd taken the prototype on loan for the proposal, so my parents were just as surprised as me!

    Now I actually get to plan the wedding, and we are so excited!

    Rose GardenProposal stories and show us that bling! 16

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  • Brittany
    British Columbia
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    Oh my goodness, so freaking cute!!

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  • Candace
    VIP May 2019 Ontario
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    My fiancé had been working a whole lot of overtime one week so he was really tired each night. finally Friday they let him come home at a decent time and we were browsing through netflix looking for something to watch when we noticed that they added another 9 seasons of Forensic Files to Netflix (which is one of my favourite shows). So he told me that he was super tired but he wanted to stay up and watch it with me. After 4 hours of watching it, we decided that it was midnight and he should get some sleep. So we went to lay down but he said he forgot something in the living room, I thought he forgot his water bottle but when he came back in the bedroom he got down on one knee and said "I waited till 12:30am to ask you to be my girlfriend so I had to wait until the same time to ask you to be my wife" and I was so happy!
    Then he fell asleep about 2 minutes later lol

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  • Jennifer
    Super August 2018 Alberta
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    So cute Smiley love and romantic!
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  • Rebecca
    Frequent user October 2018 Ontario
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    On our first date we grabbed a coffee and took a nice long walk along the lake and out onto a pier that was over the water. Right there is where we had our first kiss and we sat there on the edge of the pier for HOURS just talking and getting to know each other.
    I have since moved from that city so we haven’t been back there since. One day he asked if I wanted to go to a new lunch spot in that city and I of course agreed and I even mentioned we should stop by the pier if we had time. After lunch we walked out on that same pier, he asked if I could turn around so he could take a picture of me from the back with the scenery and everything in the background. Once i turned back around he was down on one knee, asking me to spend the rest of my life with him. We had our first and last kiss out on that pier as bf and gf.. and we had our first as fiancés Smiley smile

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  • Jocelyn
    Beginner April 2020 Ontario
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    About two years ago, we decided that we would get married but we were in no rush to get there. We knew it was the plan so it didn't need to happen right away.

    We went on our first vacation together to Mexico at the end of February. There were a few times on the trip when I thought he might ask but he didn't, so I figured he would wait until we got home. Our last night, we had tickets to dinner and a show. We took a catamaran across the bay to a stunning beach that had a gazillion candles. Waiters lead us to a table just off the water where we had dinner. My FH went back to the buffet to get more dinner and some desert. I started eating his chocolate cake when he got back and he says 'You shouldn't do that you know, I haven't had any yet'.

    I joked back 'You should get used to this, you signed up for it for the rest of your life!'

    He reposnded with 'Well in that case, lets' make this official. Will you marry me?'

    Turns out, he carried the ring in his pocket the whole trip, even when we went snorkeling!

    dinnerProposal stories and show us that bling! 21

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  • Mandy
    Devoted July 2019 Alberta
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    Thank you. I really love it. Even though we had gone ring shopping he picked his ring out. It is very me as well as very him.
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  • Genis
    Frequent user January 2019 Alberta
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    That is so sweet!

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  • Genis
    Frequent user January 2019 Alberta
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    We were so lucky!

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  • Genis
    Frequent user January 2019 Alberta
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    How stunning is that ring!!!

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  • Lyla
    Devoted July 2018 Alberta
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    My fiancé and I had kind of talked about getting engaged previously, so we ended up browsing rings and I fell in love with mine.. I had talked about maybe going into the mountains for a retreat and doing it on a horse carriage ride.. long story short, I totally knew he was going to do it because he was so nervous he basically told me he was going to do it at his Christmas party. We had our families there, and there was a horse carriage ride where about 12 of us went out singing Christmas carols around a huge field of snow, at the end of it he hopped off, helped me down, and got on one knee and asked me to marry him with my favorite ring Smiley heart despite knowing that it was going to happen, it was still so perfect Smiley smile

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  • Mandi
    Curious April 2020 Alberta
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    My fiance and I are very low key people. He proposed at home, out of the blue on Sunday January 21st. It was just a casual night at home and I looked like a hot mess, but I wouldn't have it any other way. He worked at a diamond mine in the NWT and had the ring custom made.

    We have been together for almost 5 years and I was a single mom before I met him. My son is now 11, calls him dad, and you would never know they were not biological. I couldn't be happier and am so excited for this next chapter!!!
    Proposal stories and show us that bling! 23

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  • Mandy
    Devoted July 2019 Alberta
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    Thank you. I really love it.
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  • Ashley
    Frequent user August 2018 British Columbia
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    Such a sweet story!
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  • Ashley
    Frequent user August 2018 British Columbia
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    Wow what a beautiful ring!
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  • Maya
    Expert January 2019 Alberta
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    So my fiancé and I lost our little girl due to a miscarriage at the end of July last year. We had went to my cousins wedding at the beginning of August and we had decided to get married on the day that would have been our daughters 1st birthday. I told my fiancé that I still wanted the proposal to be a surprise.

    We said he had until the end of October, but it couldn’t be the last day as it wouldn’t be a surprise. Of course he left it to the last minute, but still managed to make it a surprise. So Halloween is my birthday so we had taken the day off. We went together to my work to help carve pumpkins with the kids and watch the bug show. He had planned to propose there but I my kybosbed the idea saying it wouldn’t be appropriate. After that we came home for a short while before I went to my evening class. He still hadn’t proposed at this time. He picked me up from class and it was around 10pm when we got home. On the way home he told me he wasn’t able to get the ring and that he had to wait for them to order it. I was a little upset, but understood.

    was editing a picture and checking my emails when he came upstairs with my dogs collar from when she was a puppy. He asked me if that’s how big she was when she was little and I said yes about this big. That is when I noticed a pink ribbon on the collar. My fiancé asked me where it came from and being really tired I said probably from the kids at work as I had brought it in for our pet interest. It was then that I untied the ribbon and noticed the ring and he was sitting behind me and asked me to marry him. I’ll admit he left it until the last minute, but it was a really good surprise.

    Proposal stories and show us that bling! 24
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