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Frequent user November 2017 Ontario

Need advice

Chris, on July 4, 2017 at 15:51 Posted in Plan a wedding 0 10
Selected by wedding party in February. It took 4 months to find one day they were free to go bridesmaid dress shopping. One cancelled for legitimate reasons. I told the other do you want to reschedule. She said "I'm busy every single day for next two months. She liked the dresses at the fist appointment and wanted to cancel the other 3 appointments for that day. We told the one who cancelled that we are going to Davids as the bridesmaid cannot spent more than $150 on a dresss and liked the ones at Davids. She could not decide and narrowed it to 3.
I told them it can be any style the dresses can be different styles but they have to be same colour.
One month later they have not bought the dresses one hates Davids, the one who liked Davids now hates Davids as they other does not like it.
The hate turquoise the want rainbow or navy or purple - let me remind you whose wedding it is- mine.
I have MS, breast cancer and I'm planning a beach wedding all my myself. So to say I'm stressed is an understatement.
They both said they have no time to help me with Decor, shower or bachelorette party they are too busy.
My future husband saw the latest email from them and cannot believe it. He is now seeing what I've been though for months.
We are 4 months from the wedding no dresses and they want under $150 and do not like turquoise.
what would you do? I am trying to hold back emailing them in anger


Latest activity by Vinod, on January 5, 2018 at 23:26
  • Vinod
    Top August 2017 Ontario
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    Replace them if you need to beacause they seem to think you're not as important anymore. If they choose not to go with your choice of dress, just take the wedding party out and they can come as guests. Your the bride and what you say goes.

    Just as you were dealing with your health issues, i went through the same and didn't make it easier. I hope the best for you and that your day goes smoothly.
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  • Laura
    Super September 2017 Alberta
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    I would probably go a little bridezilla on them and I wouldn't be super nice about it. I would pick the dress you like at David's and tell them that they have had ample opportunity to pick out their own dresses and since they haven't this is the dress go get fitted, if you don't go by x date I will find someone else. You can probably be nicer about it but honestly you can get married with no bridesmaids all you need is you, your FH an officiant and witnesses and your witnesses don't have to be in your wedding party. My side of the wedding party is very excited for me and not causing me any grief so I don't have to be bridzilla Smiley smile. Good Luck! Smiley heart

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  • Alexandra
    VIP November 2019 British Columbia
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    Send them an email but don't get angry. For example;

    Guys, I love you both, and I really want you there for me on this day but I need you guys to get dresses together. There's not enough time left for this. I need the dresses to be turquoise, no exceptions as that is my wedding colour, and I need them to be of blank length. You guys can pick your own out but please I really need this done. I understand you're busy but if you're too busy to do even this for me, I'm going to need you to step down. This day is such a big deal to me, and I am pouring so much money into this, and right now it feels like you guys aren't even trying. I don't want to be mean and I don't want to be mad, but this is stressing me out a lot and I need you guys to at least get this done so I know I have my two bridesmaids for this big day. I love you guys and I really want you by my side.

    Hopefully once they realise how they're making you feel they'll realise they need to do something, and if not it's time to bring someone new in. If your bridal party is flaking, then they get to deal with not being part of it any more. This is your day, not theirs, not anyone elses.

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  • Sonja
    VIP September 2017 Ontario
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    With your health issues, they should be a little more considerate. If it were me, I would cut out the bridesmaids and groomsmen entirely and have your destination wedding. Your parents can be your witnesses if you like. You're going to have a breakdown if you try to please all the people all the time. Please yourself and your FH. That is all.

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  • C
    Frequent user November 2017 Ontario
    Chris ·
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    Thanks I was beginning to think I was alone. Today I was telling my ordeal to my male friend who is attending the wedding and excited for me, offered to help me with decor making, speech writing, welcome packages etc. on public transit on the way home he could not believe they are not happy for me and being difficult and knowingly stressing me out and a lady interrupted the conversation to tell me she is getting married Saturday and it gets worse. She has been through hell with her party. I was being to think I was the only one.

    Yes, they knew the colour as I gave them the actual swatch, I told them before they committed what the colour was and gave them an out twice if they were uncomfortable and non committal and they both said no we will stand. Now at the 11th hour I am dealing with this. I am a designer so the invitations, the website, the return addresses, everything was in the wedding colours. As a thank you for those who RSVP'd and paid the deposit, they were sent turquoise flip flop luggage tags. I could care less on the style, the length as long its this colour. For months they could not agree on several dates to go shopping and I gave them the deadline to order based on the deadline the stores provided me.

    One would think they would be honoured to stand one , would like to help me, would want to be involved vs being negative with everything. I have known one for over 12 years the other for over 7 years but I have friends I have known less asking if I need help, colleagues I've known less than a year offering to make wooden signs for me.

    I have a friend who drove 10 hours to help me chose a wedding dress so I would not say yes to the dress alone as others were "busy" for several weekends in a row This same friend offered to take several days off work to drive 10 hours to help me with decor in August. I am now questioning my decision as she said the party should agree with your colour scheme not give you a hard time, offer to assist with shower invitations, bachelorette party etc. She is the master of ceremonies but now in hindsight she should have been in the party as she is positive, trying to make my life less stressful, offering to help, checking in on my wedding planning, checking in on me in general.

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  • Katherine
    Super September 2017 New Brunswick
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    Sorry they are stressing you out... I gave up on the bridesmaid dresses... Never was able to get them to commit to dress shopping... Finally told them they could pick any dress they want as long as it is grey full length and semi formal... My sister, after shopping on her own bought herself and her daughter lovely dresses... The other two have done nothing litterly (one doesn't even return calls)... Wedding is in less than two months... If they show up appropriately dressed then great, otherwise oh well... Don't let them stress you out your wedding will be lovely.
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  • C
    Frequent user November 2017 Ontario
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    Thanks. I am only having 2 in my party as its a destination wedding and I have no idea how brides to it with a big party.

    As the chair ties, ribbons, signs, wedding invitation, wedding website, centrepieces, decor is all in turquoise, white, burlap this has been the colour for two years. Our wedding date and location has been decided for 2 years. So its not a surprise.

    The dresses can be in any style they want as long as they are the same colour-turquoise. I even have the swatch which I matched the mens ties etc. to after we decided on the Malibu colour at David's.

    When they started to give me grief initially they said can "I don't like any dress stores in Canada", "can I wear a rainbow dress", "what about navy or deep purple", "I am too busy to organize a shower or attend a shower for you, do we have to?" "do we have to help you, I heard we have to help you with stuff and I don't have time I am too busy". "I cannot afford more than $150", So at this point I gave them an out saying if you are too busy not to worry, I will ask others who are less people and would love to be in the party. No hurt feelings I do not want to make you uncomfortable. They both said no they still want to stand. So I gave them an out.

    I am beyond stressed and not sure if any brides go through this? I am not asking for much, just agree on a date to go shopping and for 4 months they could not agree on a date and then one lived David's but when the other did not like David's all of a sudden the other does not like David's. I am at my wit's end.

    Does anyone know any places in the GTA that has turquoise dresses you can order and be ready by end of October that are under $150?

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  • Erin
    Master September 2017 Ontario
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    I think Lesley is right. Give them colour and length requirements and let them find their own. I'm sorry that you have to deal with this. If they are good friends you have known for a while I wouldn't hesitate to remind them that it is your wedding and that this is the colour scheme you want. Hopefully your FH can help you out now that he is aware.

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  • Lesley
    Super September 2017 Manitoba
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    I think your friends are being ridiculous. They could have brought these concerns up long ago. I would tell them that the dress needs to be turquoise and a certain length (if that matters to you) and let them pick up the dress wherever. It's not worth the stress of them all being the same.
    How is your MOH handling this?
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  • Louise
    Devoted September 2017 Quebec
    Louise ·
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    I am so sorry you have to deal with this. Planning a wedding is stressful enough as it is. Are these close friends to you? Your bridesmaids should be willing to help out-it is kind of their role.
    It is your wedding after all, did they tell you they didn't like turquoise when you initially decided this colour?
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