I had thought that since the invitations went out, we wouldn't hear anymore from the parents about who we HAVE to invite. WRONG! Will it ever end?
My mom asked the other day if we received any regrets to let her know because there are 4 more of my parents very good friends that they feel should be invited.
We actually need more than 10 people to say no before we can invite any more people. We made a huge mistake when making the guest list because technically the hall fits 140 guests, we invited 137 thinking we were golden, then realized when creating the seating chart that part of that 140 includes people sitting at a head table. We're doing a sweetheart table. So we're about 10 people too many at the guest tables now.
So I told her that. And I had to say there was a bit of a waiting list already....My fiance's aunt who is divorced asked if she could bring a guest. My mom said "Well the answer HAS to be yes!" Does it?? Why? She is single, and will know lots of people there.
My mom seems to be under the impression that we have an unlimited amount of room at our wedding. The truth is, there are some friends of ours who we would LOVE to invite, but weren't able to. We'd rather invite more of the people that are important to us than some friends of my parents that we see once a year.