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Master August 2017 Manitoba


Simone, on March 13, 2017 at 10:33 Posted in Plan a wedding 0 7

Hi everyone,



Lately, I have been encountering issues with my mother who is not respecting our decisions on where we are getting married. She has balantly disregarded our feelings and has now advised me she might not even attend.
I wanted to post an article I found in regards to dealing this issue:

I have been doing a bit of research on how to handle things on my end; hopefully, once everything is said and done, life will return normal and things are much better.


Latest activity by Melissa, on March 14, 2017 at 21:36
  • Melissa
    Devoted November 2017 Ontario
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    All the best with your mom Zila situation! I myself am truly blessed to have a mom and a mother-in-law who are nothing less then 100% supportive!
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  • Katherine
    Super September 2017 New Brunswick
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    That sucks... My mom has been mostly supportive... There have been a few times like bridesmaid dresses and menu where she didn't like our choices... I told her if she wanted to pay for it she could have what ever she wanted... Sounds alot harsher than it was, we are both blunt people... I think that my sister may have talked to her about being negative about the colors... Do you have a family member with a way with words that could talk to her?
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  • Simone
    Master August 2017 Manitoba
    Simone ·
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    Thanks Emilie, I'm keening to push back when it comes to her demand and just tell her to please come to the wedding and we will handle the finances for it as it more important she comes. I am filling my friend's advice who is the PBA (Personal Bride Assistant) helping me out. Reading articles and getting more insight as well as advice given to have a more proper discussion with her. Hopefully, after this she becomes more supportive.
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  • Emilie
    Featured Quebec
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    Hey Simone, I'm so sorry to hear you've been having this issue with your mom. How do you think you'll handle the situation with her? I'm so happy for these articles! Thanks Kacy! Let us know how it goes and what you decide to do! Smiley heart

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  • Simone
    Master August 2017 Manitoba
    Simone ·
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    Thanks Kacy and everything you recalled is correct. She has never been to this venue before and is more on the traditional ways of getting married, as I feel she is recreating what she did not do for herself. I'm bit more calmer, but I will see if her words play out. Also thank you for posting more arrtikces on this subject and I'm glad that you found the article I posted helpful. All the best!Smiley smile
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  • Kacy
    VIP February 2019 Quebec
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    More articles!!


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  • Kacy
    VIP February 2019 Quebec
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    Read the article, it's really helpful! Thanks for sharing! As for your personal experience, first of all, I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this! I can imagine how disappointing and frustrating it is for you; you've taken the time to find places, and book them (which from my recollection, you also had some trouble with having to change some things after the fact), and there really isn't much that can be done about it now, so there really isn't a reason or a point for her to be sharing her feelings about disliking where you guys have chosen to get married. I find it so hard to believe that she is so unhappy with the place that she would consider not attending! I mean, unless she had a traumatic or bad experience/memories with that place, but I am assuming that you would have taken that into consideration, so outside of that, I really can't understand why she would act this way... Ughh... good on you for looking into this and finding ways to work on this issue constructively, I am not sure I could handle this as graciously and maturely as you are! Let us know if we can be of any help during this tough time, and I hope that things get figured out soon!! Sending you lots of hugs and positive thoughts! xo

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