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Curious April 2021 Ontario

Mental Health Check

Aimerance, on March 2, 2021 at 00:30 Posted in Plan a wedding 0 20
We are living through historic times and and it's been very heavy on everyone mentally. As we've hit a year of this pandemic, how is everyone doing? What ways have you found that has helped you stay sane during these crazy times especially with wedding planning?

For me I've accepted the fact that this is currently our new reality. At least for now. Once I accepted that, it gave me inner peace and I continued to work and plan on what's important. I've also made sure that I work on my self care my taking breaks at work (working from home), daily exercise, and getting some fresh air. I do miss my friends so we try to connect once in a while virtually.


Latest activity by Casimir, on November 28, 2023 at 06:32
  • Stephanie
    Beginner July 2022 Ontario
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    I'm not doing well. I'm mad at everyone. Mad at some of my future in law family for not being vacced and stressing me and the rest of the family out. Mad at people not understanding this that I can't ban people without drama. Mad at people that won't come no matter what we put in place. Scared about last minute restrictions or people getting covid. I just want this to be done.
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  • Adam
    Newbie April 2018 Ontario
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    There is so much noise around us, and many people suffer from insomnia and constant fatigue, so I know the solution and it is a CBD product from this source can help solve any physical health problems. It can also be convenient for you.

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  • Aimerance
    Curious April 2021 Ontario
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    My main focus is I just want to get married and start our life together. Maybe it does help for me that I never had an ideal wedding dream like a lot of little girls have. Also my culture usually has big weddings and I never wanted that so it all kind of worked in my favor ☺️ I've learned through this pandemic to value what's important and just be grateful to still have what I do have and that life goes on
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  • Autumn
    Beginner May 2021 Ontario
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    I really like this thread. It feels like a safe place 😌

    We’re in such a unique experience that no one else will understand. All of this postponing, cancelling, and/or shrinking weddings has never had to happen before. When we got engaged in June 2020 we never thought we’d be here like this. We insisted on planning our big day with our international guest list. We said “we’ll plan for the best and expect the worst”. Because essentially we were ready to have to cancel due to the pandemic. Now here we are. Finally accepting that we won’t be able to have a big wedding in 2021. Sending letters to friends and family, explaining that we legally can’t have them there. Hurting friends’ feelings because we’re crossing our fingers to be able to have 50 people at our reception and that only leaves room for family. It hurts. It’s not what we wanted. But let me tell you this. We will not postpone. We will have the beat day ever. Even if it’s just us and a pastor. We just want to get married! And every time one of us is down bc of the ongoing restrictions the other is there to reminder them that this is our day and no one and no pandemic will take that away from us.
    Good luck to everyone planning Smiley smile Smiley heart
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  • Aimerance
    Curious April 2021 Ontario
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    I'm so sorry that you're feeling this way at this moment. Yes everything is so fustrating and planning has become a near nightmare. I decided to stop obsessing over COVID news because it was not helping my mental state especially looking at the progress. I hope progress is sped up so you can still have your wedding without postponing a second time
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  • Rachel
    Frequent user September 2022 Alberta
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    Today I'm not doing great. I'm tired of obsessing over hospitalizations and restrictions. I'm tired of being frustrated at the lack of progress our province and country has made. I'm tired of wondering if we will be able to get married or go on our honeymoon, or thinking of how many restrictions we will have to follow if we are even allowed to get married this year. I've completely stopped planning and I honestly think we will end up postponing for a second time as I'm sure masks and social distancing will be in place, and that's just not how I envisioned celebrating with our family.
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  • Clinton Lynch
    Curious December 2020 British Columbia
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    I love this. Thanks for sharing.

    I could go all day on personal health and well-being... things like sunlight and exercise and that.

    But, related to weddings and the people I've helped...

    The biggest thing between stressed and not stressed has been upholding our own personal values & standards. Or, just having them to begin with Smiley smile

    It gives couples peace of mind and freedom to choose them first - and be ok with that.

    We'll never please everyone, and if we try, we'll likely fail. At worst, we won't please ourselves.

    It's not always easy to think and act this way, but again, having and upholding our virtues and standards makes everything so much easier.


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  • Aimerance
    Curious April 2021 Ontario
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    Right? I haven't had any doses but I can understand the vaccine hesitancy with all this inconsistent information they keep spreading out in the media
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  • Alexis
    Devoted July 2021 Ontario
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    I would prefer the recommended spacing too. I just hope the adjustment still works
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  • Rayanne
    Master June 2022 Ontario
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    I can't say that I'm not annoyed with how they are making everyone wait the 4 months for second dose though. I prefer to have a Dr recommended time between not what the politicians recommend. Not excited about being a lab rat. If I hadn't had my first dose I would have canceled and waited till everyone had theirs so I could have mine the three weeks apart. I personally didn't sign up for this experiment.
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  • Alexis
    Devoted July 2021 Ontario
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    Yes!! I completely agree with the vaccine excitement! I’ll be one of the last approved probably for a vaccine (working from home/26yr/heathy) but the more people I know who get vaccinated the more real it feels that there is believable light at the end of this.
    My fiancé’s grandpas are both in nursing homes and fully vaccinated now and it gives a lot of peace of mind knowing they have it
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  • Alexis
    Devoted July 2021 Ontario
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    I’m religious and we’ve been using zoom since the beginning of covid to keep safety a priority. On zoom a few times a week for that combined with FaceTiming friends and family whenever there’s time has really helped. I had to completely relearn having a social life over zoom instead of in person. It doesn’t compare to in person but at least the feeling of connection is there.
    Also, focusing on work and the wedding planning has helped too
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  • Vinod
    Top August 2017 Ontario
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    The times are hard to see loved ones and friends at times. My husband and I are keeping busy with things to do in our ways. He does clean the house and get time for himself as I have projects and crafts to work on besides working during this time. Its nice just having that time together at times too when we have it with our kids (dogs).
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  • Ashley
    Beginner October 2023 Manitoba
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    I needed to hear this from anyone else but myself, so like many have said, thank you for checking in!
    I seem to be on a similar wave length of taking constructive breaks, remembering not to be too hard on myself, doing daily exercise has really really helped, and my fiancée and I have had more time to cook together and enjoy each other.
    The low points come and go, I remind myself that we’re all human and that we’re allowed to have that, it’s when it becomes an excuse that is not okay.I make sure Sundays are my ‘me’ day, and we have been adamant about date nights since day one...I feel so lucky in the sense that we didn’t have any deposits down, nothing nailed down in stone, nothing bought or primped to have to work backwards from. But on the flip side, it would be nice to have some solidarity (as I’d like to think that we all crave that).If you made it this far thanks for reading and listening to my voice!
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  • Aimerance
    Curious April 2021 Ontario
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    Thank you as you're an essential worker. Canceling is always so hard but now that there's a vaccine each day is (hopefully) getting better and better especially now that they are planning to ramp up
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  • Aimerance
    Curious April 2021 Ontario
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    I think once we accept that we won't be able to have something we invisioned our whole life, it's ok to mourn but it's also important that we look at the brighter side and positivity. I mean I'm saving A LOT OF MONEY lol that's what I'm most happy about
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  • Aimerance
    Curious April 2021 Ontario
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    I'm definitely trying to reduce my screen time. Especially reading the news all the time was really affecting me mentally. We're slowly transitioning to spring so I'm excited to start going out for walks too!
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  • Amelia
    Master October 2020 New Brunswick
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    Now that the weather has forced us indoors I'm trying to keep myself busy with anything other than screens. Puzzles and books have been great, but lately home projects are keeping me sane. We did a little facelift on our kitchen and entryway, so lots of crack filling, sanding, and painting to keep me occupied!

    When the weather gets better my husband and I got for walks everyday. It helps to clear the negative bits from our days since I find conversation is so much easier and less interrupted when I'm walking.
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  • Sara
    Frequent user August 2021 Ontario
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    Thanks for checking in! I was definitely going through a lot of stress between December and just recently. We were able to postpone our wedding from June to August of this year and that definitely helped me chill out a bit. I know it's only two months difference, but we've always wanted to get married in August and the opportunity arose, so it feels a lot more "right".

    I spent a lot of time earlier this year mourning the loss of the "normal" wedding planning experiences and feeling very sorry for myself. But doing so kind of helped me to realize what really matters. Going through this unique experience with my FH has actually made us closer than ever, and I know that no matter what happens this year, and who can or cannot be there, I want to marry him.

    Whatever is meant to be, will be.

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  • Rayanne
    Master June 2022 Ontario
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    This year has definitely had a few lows. I have forced myself to go for a walk each morning (no matter the weather) and i fond that I have actually enjoyed winter weather more than I ever have in my life. I've been lucky that I have to stay busy. Some times I don't think about what's going on it the world even though it's all I think of. I work in Healthcare so I've spent a lot of the year trying to keep the joy in people who are missing their families. I think if I didn't have them I would not be able to get through this the way I have. Touch wood, the home I work at has not been affected with covid. We had a few close calls (staff contracted it) but it was caught early and everyone was very diligent with PPE so there was no spread. Now that the residents are vaccinated I feel so much closer to the end of this. Each vaccine that gets approved and used makes me more excited for the end of this.

    As for wedding planning, I slumped hard a few months before I had to cancel. I didn't want to think about it or deal with anything for it. Once I did actually cancel and had a new date I slowly felt like maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I think this whole experience has definitely made everyone really appreciate and think about what is important for their big day. I know what I thought I had to have has changed in some ways.

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