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VIP June 2019 Ontario

Let's Rant!

Holly, on February 7, 2019 at 02:11 Posted in Plan a wedding 0 30
I'm sure we've all be there (for those deep into planning), and I'm sure everyone will eventually deal with this too.. small things that just don't go as planned.

My invitations are ready to go! I'm super excited, they turned out beautiful. My bridesmaids made them. All I was waiting for was the custom envelopes I made and ordered with Vistaprint. They were scheduled to arrived just days before the day I had planned to send them, and they do arrive then! BUT they sent me the wrong size!!! Too small, I was so angry and yes it's a small detail, they can be reordered but that puts me behind. So I get on the live chat and they reorder them and tell me they will arrive by Wednesday (Today, Feb 6). So I agree and just deal with it. They did not arrive today, they haven't not even shipped! So Vistaprint gives me no insight with what's going on, they just refund me. Now I don't even know if I am getting my envelopes!! What started as a small issue has now put me behind over a week. This is pretty much the first thing that has gone wrong during planning, so I consider myself lucky however it is still extremely annoying!

Is there anything big or little that has gone wrong or not exactly the way you wanted?
My favourite thing about this community now that we all understand the ups and downs of planning. If I rant to a friend who isn't and has never planned a wedding they just don't get it. So it's nice to have a whole bunch of people that do! Lol Plus who doesn't love a good rant!


Latest activity by Holly, on February 13, 2019 at 01:10
  • Holly
    VIP June 2019 Ontario
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    They were much better! No damages, done properly..a bit too big but I can't even complain about that because they still worked lol
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  • Bianca
    Master August 2019 Ontario
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    I’m so happy that they arrived! How were these ones? Hopefully not damaged lol.
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  • Brittany
    British Columbia
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    For sure! No harm in asking, and if they aren't accommodating, then you have your answer about continuing as their customer. I wasn't going to bother them about my damaged cards yet, but I was going to reach out for maybe a discount code when I go to do my next order.

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  • Holly
    VIP June 2019 Ontario
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    The new free envelopes finally arrived. They ended up with an additional delay due to a local rockslide.. but they arrived and have the invitations have been mailed!!
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  • Bianca
    Master August 2019 Ontario
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    You're absolutely right! I'm definitely going to email their customer service ASAP to get this all sorted before my bridal shower invites need to go out.

    Thanks Brittany!!

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  • Brittany
    British Columbia
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    You'd think they should. Especially if you make the comment that you're considering not using them for the rest of your wedding stationary...

    Honestly, they know you're not just ordering one more thing... it could be invites, then thank you cards, then maybe photo books, then maybe family Christmas cards down the road... It's worth it to send you some envelopes vs lose you as a possible life long customer... You'd think! Haha..

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  • Bianca
    Master August 2019 Ontario
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    It was the "free" envelopes that come with it, do you think they'd replace those too?

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  • Brittany
    British Columbia
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    Bianca, I ordered everything so far from Vistaprint, including my full invitations, thank you cards, business cards designed as drink tickets... even my soft cover engagement photo books... I had maybe 3 thank you cards with bent corners out of everything I've ordered... They replace anything that is damaged, so I wouldn't write them off just yet!

    In terms of your envelopes, Holly, it sucks to have the delay... HOPEFULLY they will fix it for you ASAP, but you're still a little ahead of schedule for recommended timeline, so don't worry too much if they don't go out til the end of the week or next week. It always sucks to have things go off track though... Treat yourself to a glass of wine and a bubble bath! Smiley xd

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  • Bianca
    Master August 2019 Ontario
    Bianca ·
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    Ugh my complaint is regarding Vista Print as well. This is for my bridal shower, I designed my invitations (since I had full range over this versus having to share designing our invitations with FH), and a quarter of my envelopes were bent and/or ripped. It was very disappointing, especially since my first order with them (STD's) were incredible. I'll really have to consider if we're absolutely going to go with them for our invitations now.

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  • Meghan
    Devoted April 2019 Ontario
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    I have so far had good experiences with the vendors we ended up choosing...though in the beginning stages when I was emailing around I found it SO frustrating that some of them never even bothered to respond to me...there was one venue in particular who responded after my initial email and then in the next email I was asking for available dates for us to come and see it and then she didn't end up replying for a month and a that point we had already found another venue but it was SO annoying.

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  • Holly
    VIP June 2019 Ontario
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    UPDATE: My envelopes have shipped and are on the way!! They would have been here today but the main highway is closed do to rockslide so they are not able to get to me! It could be a while too..
    Due to the rockslide closing the main highway they have to build a new road pretty much..they have to create a detour and that could take a few days. Since the rockslide is still happening who knows when the highway will be cleared and open again..
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  • Holly
    VIP June 2019 Ontario
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    I love Vistaprint! Never had issues till now. That won't stop me from going back to them because I really do love it! The customer service was great and really appreciated. Still an annoying situation but glad it was handled so good by them!
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  • Holly
    VIP June 2019 Ontario
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    YES UNPLUGGED! This hasn't caused drama for me luckily but a lot of people won't be happy about it. I don't care if they don't like it because it's what we want not them! Have your officiant make an announcement too!! We have a sign too and our officiant will announce it too. I will NOT be having ANYONE with their phone or camera in front of their face. I get people want pictures but that's why we have photographers. And I get people want their own pictures but that's just too damn bad! I personally think it's disrespectful to have a phone or camera out. We invite them to watch and enjoy and be apart of this extremely special moment of our life and I want them to be fully there, not focusing on their phone or camera. If anyone chooses to go against our wishes they will be called out or even asked to leave (that sounds crazy and over dramatic but that's how serious I am about an unplugged wedding).
    I hope all your family and guests will eventually just be okay and not cause any issues or drama.
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  • Stephanie
    VIP May 2019 Ontario
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    Oh that's really annoying..... so far all in person meetings for us have been amazing (tours, questions, food tasting) but just the no contact for weeks is just like ughhhhh!!! So good at some things and bad at others hahah!
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  • Vinod
    Top August 2017 Ontario
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    Vistaprint is good on their word and to refund your last order on their part. I had ordered Christmas cards and the envelopes hadn't been shipped with it. They cancelled the last order and put a new one for free. I go to that site for a lot of things.

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  • Robyn
    Super June 2019 Ontario
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    So annoying, I didn't have the best experience with vistaprint either so I feel you (invites were okay, but I ordered some T-shirts with our wedding hashtag on them and they were really not great quality and kind of fit oddly).

    I do have a rant, I was actually gonna post this separately but thank you for making this post - it has to do with wanting an unplugged ceremony. It is causing some dramaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (on his side, which makes it worse). I'm not a fan of people who think their cell phone footage is more important than honouring the solemnity of a marriage ceremony, and I really don't want a third-cousin twice removed blocking the photographer and videographer I spent 5k on, so I ordered a sign politely asking people to not use their phones during the ceremony. Totally fine during the reception, I'm a selfie queen so I get it. But then my darling FH mentions it to his sister and suddenly it's a huge thing, everyone has an opinion, which is basically that in their culture everyone films everything so there's no point asking them not to.

    I am beyond annoyed. I really have tried all through the planning process to keep in mind that this is essentially just a party that's not worth getting stressed over or fighting about. I've let people volunteer their infant kids to be in the wedding party, I've let people choose hideous & inappropriate MOH dresses, I didn't say a word when 30 extra people were added to an already expanded guest list, I didn't argue when it was just assumed the ceremony would be in his church rather than mine.

    So yeah. I'm having an unplugged ceremony dammit and the guests will obey my cliched saccharine etsy-bought sign or I don't even know what.

    /rant. Thanks for giving me the space to vent, guys Smiley ups

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  • Holly
    VIP June 2019 Ontario
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    At least these things are just small things and don't alter the entire wedding. If something comes up like that then I'll really stress! Lol
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  • Holly
    VIP June 2019 Ontario
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    Oh that's super frustrating!! I really hope it somehow ends up arriving on time. People shouldn't be making promises they clearly can't keep. Especially when you're available to publicly review them, you'd think they wouldn't want anything to risk a bad review.
    I looked at the tracking # for mine and it says it's on the way for delivery BUT delayed due to natural disaster. We have the main highway shut down due to a rockslide so idk if I'll be getting them today..
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  • Michelle
    Expert April 2019 Alberta
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    The same thing keeps happening with my venue! They take what feels like weeks to respond to emails. When I scheduled our walk through, we got there and my coordinator was already there waiting for me and FH, then she tells me that the Venue Coordinator forgot about our meeting and was on her way out. She said this other girl can stay and do the walk through with us but she had to leave in 20 mins so we had to make it speedy. SO FRUSTRATING! Then this other venue employee didn't even know all of the answers to the questions I was there to ask.

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  • Allison
    Master October 2019 Ontario
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    That's super frustrating, hope everything sorts itself out soon! I love a good rant on WW too, because you ladies understand! Smiley heart

    Not so much of a rant, but I had Staples put my save the date order in twice, but only charged once so that's alright! What's super odd is that they said the called me on December 2, I answered, they told me my STDs were in and I went right away to pick them up. Then they call me again sometime in January (the 8th I think) saying I never came to pick up my STDs and that they had them - I wasn't about to just let them go to waste so I now have 70 extra STDs in my house lol. The other weird thing is that TWO DAYS before they called (Jan 6) since I ordered something else (accommodation info to put with STDs) with the same name/online account so you'd think they would be able to tell me the extra STDs were there - especially since they said they were the ones from Dec 2.

    Anyways, my FH's best woman is kind of giving us (re: me) a hard time since she originally wanted to wear a suit but now she's thinking of maybe wearing a dress. It kind of puts my bridesmaids' dress vision (2 teal, 2 purple) on hold since if she decides to wear a dress do we go with my side all in one colour and his in another? (i.e. mine all in purple and his all in teal) However, I'm not loving any of the purples from bridesmaid dress manufacturers enough to have my whole party in it. My other options are: to flip the colours (my side in teal, his in purple), keep my girls in their colour scheme and have the best woman in a grey/silver dress to match suits, or have my girls in their colour scheme, and have the groomsmen have royal blue ties/pocket squares and the best woman in royal blue too - I feel like this is too many colours and won't look "cohesive" enough.

    I also keep going back and forth about having a post-wedding brunch: we'd want to keep it intimate with just wedding party and parents, but my mom told us we'd have to invite all the aunts/uncles, which is basically having another wedding reception, just slightly smaller. Also timing with when to start/end brunch kind of doesn't work with the hotel check-in policy. A lot of wedding etiquette sites say we should also invite ALL out of town guests, which for us would basically be the whole wedding guest list again lol. Plus, the hotel is giving my FH and I breakfast for 2 so we already have our food and will be leaving the hotel around the same time as many of our guests, so we can say our goodbyes and thanks for comings then. Problem is, I've already told people about brunch so I don't want to disappoint, even though they just were at our wedding lol!

    That ended up being more ranting than expected, but I clearly needed to get stuff off my chest

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  • Holly
    VIP June 2019 Ontario
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    It was and still is super frustrating! I've always had great experiences with Vistaprint so it was disappointing. Things happen but still annoyed by it!
    Similar thing with us.. my FMIL said she was working on the guest addresses..for weeks. Eventually I said you have 1 week or none of them are invited. Next day I had pretty much all of them!
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  • Holly
    VIP June 2019 Ontario
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    It's annoying because I ordered them with the extra maybe week or so before I wanted to send them out..but they didn't ship them when they were supposed but I wasn't that mad because they were still scheduled to arrive before the day I wanted. But then all this happened and ruined it! So disappointing because I've also never had issues with them!!
    My wedding party is all over the place. My girls are great!! Except one who is constantly trying to take control..
    The groomsmen on the other hand..USELESS!

    I really hope it all works out with your wedding party, it's horrible when things like this happen..
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  • Holly
    VIP June 2019 Ontario
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    I've never had an issue with Vistaprint before! I've also had such an easy and good experience. The customer service was on point, felt with the situation right away but still doesn't help the fact I still don't have my envelopes!
    The custom envelopes is great! You can either choose a design and alter it or make your own/upload your own. You can get your return address printed right into it! They turned out beautiful if they were the right size!
    I also had a vendor that took literally 9 months to get back to me.. 9 months.. I grew and gave birth to a child before I heard back from her! We had gone through all the details and I was ready to book and put a deposit down, I emailed her about it and nothing till January. She emailed back saying let's finish booking! Uhhhh no. Booked someone else!
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  • Holly
    VIP June 2019 Ontario
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    I've never had an issue with Vistaprint before so it was super disappointing!
    I'd be so frustrated if all my save the dates had ink marks, why would they even send them to you?!?
    As for the FMIL side of the family, that's also super frustrating! My FMIL took FOREVER to get us all the addresses from her family. I eventually told her she has a week or none of them are invited. She got them to me the next day! Lol
    I hope you get all your guest list and addresses soon so that you won't be sending out save the dates and invites so close together!
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  • Leah
    VIP April 2019 British Columbia
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    The best laid I right?
    That’s got to be super frustrating. I know they gave you a refund but I would still send them an email to express your discontent. (A refund without an explanation/apology isn’t enough)

    Thankfully we’ve had minimal drama with vendors. We did have 2 uninvited guests rsvp recently (it was from my FH’s side so I just laughed as he cursed the situation), but knock on wood we’re good...but it’s still early and anything can happen. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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  • Kelsie
    Master July 2021 Ontario
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    That’s definitely aggravating! Especially when you think it’s all sorted out and it totally derails again! I hope they do eventually show up at your door!

    I have something similar happen and it shouldn’t be a big deal but I’m really disappointed because I tried to safeguard against any issues. I ordered a maid of honour box for my sister to ask her to be my MOH. I ordered from an Etsy vendor and 3 days after I placed my order she tells me she doesn’t have any more and needs to restock.

    so I said ok, I’m looking to need the box by February 9, as my FBIL is going on holiday the following weekend and I’ve got dress appointments throughout February into March on weekends and my sister works. We really want to ask my sister and my FHs brother together, so February 9 is our only available time before the end of March.

    so she said, no worries I can get it to you by February 9, I will same day courier it to you, so putting my trust in her, I said sure no problem.

    I sent her an email on Monday asking whether it was ready for shipping because if it wasn’t I could make other arrangements. She emails me last night AFTER she ships it out at 6pm on Wednesday and says it’s been shipped out and will arrive by Friday.

    Canada Post was totally shut down yesterday where I live because of the freezing rain “storm”. So it hasn't even been picked up yet and it has one day to get to me (she didn’t same day courier it as promised).

    Safe to say I won’t have my box and the proposals will have to wait - so annoying when I tried to avoid this. So I totally share in your frustration Smiley sad let’s cross our fingers and hope we’re both surprised and what we need shows up!
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  • Tori
    Top October 2019 Manitoba
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    That is so frustrating! This is why I'm considering going with a company in the city - but at the same time I've heard bad stories on WW as well so... No matter where you go, I'm sure there will always be something that goes wrong!

    So far it's been okay *Knock on wood*, but I can completely see something with our invites happening as well. We have a massive guest list and no addresses yet... I've asked my parents multiple times but they say they are working on it.... Meanwhile my FH hasn't even taken a look into his side of the list so I'm sure we will just wing it with them and hand deliver...

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  • Becky
    VIP September 2019 Ontario
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    That is very frustrating! I have never had issue with vista print before and think I will be giving extra time just in case! I am honestly shocked on how they handled this, they should be telling you what is going on and why the delay. I am sorry your having to stress about this!

    This community is honestly amazing for advice, venting area's, idea's and much more. I don't have much friends that have been in wedding party and not much luck with wedding party wanting to hear about wedding things.

    My biggest thing lately is my wedding party just not making an effort. there is two in my wedding that I am with in another wedding - one being bride. The other girl has made such an effort with the other girls wedding from the bachorlette to more, in my wedding they both make everything miserable for me and told me to plan my own bachorlette because either way they wouldn't be coming as wasn't local and they have kids.

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  • Stephanie
    VIP May 2019 Ontario
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    Oh that is super frustrating! Especially when ordering something from a company and you are really at their mercy for timing and everything ugh... I hope you get it sorted out! How were they custom envelopes? Staples offers a huge selection of colours if you are desperate! Not too badly priced either!

    For me the only frustrating thing is vendors getting back to me... I try to be patient and give vendors time to reply but my venue hasn't responded to 2 emails for 1.5 weeks now.... ugh... I'll just have to call them or worst case go over and speak in person! I don't mind I just wish they would say something like even "our apologies for the delay, we will respond asap" anything to even let me know I've been acknowledged with a question! Sometimes they are amazing and then sometimes they vanish! Frustrating!

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  • Casey
    Master October 2019 Ontario
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    Super frustrating when things go wrong! I got my save the dates from Vistaprint and when they arrived I was going through and putting them in the envelope to check each one. A good third of them all had this ink mark right in the middle on a lighter part of the picture that bothered me so much.
    Thank god when I talked to vista they sent me new ones with no cost. But still seeing that things aren’t right and then it bumps you back is super frustrating.
    I now have all the save the dates out ( good chunk going out today) I still have to wait for my MIL to finalize their side of the guest list.... which I asked for before Christmas. So close to just saying whoever I have is who is getting invited. By the time I get the extras and addresses these people will get SAve the dates and invites at the same time!
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