Do your wedding bands match or did you go for completely different styles?I would love to see the different bling 💍 my future husband loves sapphires so we went with a sapphire and diamond combo.
My set is rose gold. Normally, my engagement ring would have required a custom band, but the jeweler happened to have another engagement set and that band is almost a perfect fit.. So they allowed us to order just the band for the other set... FH ring is black and silver Tungsten ring..Now I just have to wait until 2022 to wear them both together!!!
We didn't get a picture of both of our rings professionally (completely forgot!), but here was a selfie of ours
My wedding band just fits perfectly under my heart solitaire with his birthstone first on the left (when I look down at my ring) and my birthstone on the right because he comes first for me. His ring has my birthstone on the on the top (in the picture) because it's closer to his heart, with his birthstone on the bottom in the picture.
It's not an exact match (mine has no bling). Hers is white gold with a diamond collar with diamonds on the band. For me, I'm thinking of white gold with a yellow gold edge. It's from the same jeweler.
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I thought so 😊 he loves his because it has 3 sapphires and between us we have 3 boys.There are just so many little sentimental details going on with this wedding that only we know about and I love it.
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Thanks! I'm traditional for a lot of things and bound by what I can wear as a teacher but I let my jewelry and tattoos show my more weird side
Ours are different to the naked eye but they are linked - mine is a rose gold and onyx leaf / V ring as my ER is a pear shape, his is a silver tungsten with a rose gold inside to match mine. All he wanted was a ring shiny enough to see my smile in - how can I say no?
August 2021
Nova Scotia
Kl ·
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Ahh!! Yours is gorg. And the sentimental meaning makes it all the better!!
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November 2021
Carling ·
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In love with your sapphire band! Would love to see your wedding band and engagement ring together!
My fiancé and I’s rings are completely different. Mine it a rose gold and diamond band to match my engagement ring and his is a simple cobalt ring.
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I almost bought the same Vera Wang ring but fell hard for this one because it has 5 stones and we’re a family of 5 lol
August 2021
Nova Scotia
Kl ·
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YAY! Love these discussions. So much beautiful bling. My engagement ring: My wedding band: And this is the band FH intends to buy—it does indeed match. We also went for a diamond and sapphire motif!
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I do. We got it from Enso. They have a bunch of styles and widths and colors. We went with the elements in platnum. From a distance people can't tell the difference!