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Beginner September 2022 Ontario

Kid-free Wedding

Taylor, on August 30, 2021 at 12:41 Posted in Plan a wedding 0 9
I'm sure this has been asked many times before but I couldn't figure out what wording to use to search the discussions so please bear with me.

We will not he inviting kids to our wedding and I'm wondering the best way to announce that to the guests? I will of course include it on our website but I'm concerned that not all guests will check the website and may not see that detail.
I've also seen some people advise to just specifically address the invitation to the couple and not the kids but I also wonder if some parents will just assume that by inviting them, we must be inviting their children.
I'm wondering if anyone has figured out a very clear yet polite way to ensure their guests understand without any room for misinterpretation.
I know this can be a touchy subject, however, this is just our preference for our wedding day.


Latest activity by Vinod, on August 31, 2021 at 13:38
  • Vinod
    Top August 2017 Ontario
    Vinod ·
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    A simple phrase to put on the invitation is Adult Celebration Only. It will say it all for your guests to understand and have to make arrangement for the kids to be watched the time they attend your wedding. The idea of names and numbers of guests placed on the card is for them not to add on as they would be RSVPing to their names as indicated.
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  • Christiana
    Super November 2020 British Columbia
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    As long as you are very specific who you address the invite to, specify the number of seats reserved, and address it on your website you should be ok. Like others have said, some guests might play dumb and try to bring their kid anyway, but I personally think it's acceptable in those circumstances to ask them to leave the wedding.

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  • Carolanne
    Newbie December 2021 Alberta
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    By so be it I mean they can stay home 😂
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  • Carolanne
    Newbie December 2021 Alberta
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    We sent our invitations out and wrote “in an effort for all guests to celebrate and relax, we are hosting an adult only reception”
    We’re getting married in the mountains in December, everyone is travelling so I figured that would get the message across just fine to not bring the kids, being as our ceremony is at 5:00 and flows right into the reception. Most parents would like a night out without the responsibility, don’t stress about it. It’s your guys’ day- if you don’t want any possibility of whining or fighting during the ceremony or reception, just tell your guests to get a babysitter and don’t feel bad about it. If you have some guests that won’t come without their kids, then so be it. Enjoy your day… and remember… it’s YOUR day.. and they’ll enjoy theirs. 😊
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  • C
    Super December 2020 Ontario
    Carmel ·
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    We addressed the invites to exactly who was invited and then on the website to RSVP you had to enter each name (WithJoy website - sooo great... NOT weddingwire) which would match with each guest actually invited. Also they had to pick a meal.... I had one friend and my husband's cousin ask but otherwise everyone figured it out. Or they intended to not bring their kid even if they were invited 😆. When they asked we said we really want you to enjoy the wedding with us stress free. There were no issues at all thankfully.
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  • Tunisha
    Super October 2021 Ontario
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    I love both ideas that Brianna presented! Those are very crystal clear mention that they will definitely not miss! Make sure it’s bolder and asterisk in red! Haha
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  • Brianna
    Curious March 2023 British Columbia
    Brianna ·
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    We are also having a kid-free wedding and I've been researching ways to say this! haha

    One I've seen a lot in small print at bottom of invite is "Although we love your children, we respectfully can not accommodate them at this event. We hope you will still attend, and see this as an opportunity to let your hair down and enjoy the party with us!"

    Or similar but shorter to that one is “While we love your little ones, we kindly request a child-free wedding”

    A way shorter not so to the point but should be clear enough option "Adults Only Affair".

    Just a couple options I'm considering!

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  • H
    Master September 2021 Ontario
    Hank ·
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    Are you doing online RSVPs? If so, you're pretty much forcing them to go on the website. And they'll need to choose their meals under each name so that will further drive home the point.

    But as Megan says, you can write it in big bold betters in the invite or the website and some people may ignore it cuz they feel like they can do whatever they want.

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  • Megan
    Frequent user July 2023 Ontario
    Megan ·
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    I have seen invitations that say "we have reserved ___ seats in your honour". That should make it clear that whoever is written on the invitation is who is invited. But I also think there are people who play dumb and bring their kids even though they know they aren't invited.

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