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Frequent user August 2020 Ontario

How to keep planning in the meantime?

Clauds, on April 7, 2020 at 15:05 Posted in Plan a wedding 0 6

My date is set for August 7th and I am not postponing until I have to. However, there are things like the cake and my fiancee's /groomsman's suit that we were initially going to start looking into around this time. My dress also has not arrived yet and I have no idea when I will be getting it.

Since all non essential businesses are now closed I am worried that we will not have enough time to get these things done. I know men's suits take quicker to alter but I am still scared that these tasks will not be completed.

Anyone else dealing with a similar situation? How are you dealing with it?


Latest activity by Taylor, on April 19, 2020 at 14:25
  • Taylor
    Devoted October 2021 Alberta
    Taylor ·
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    You could always make the cake yourselves if your super worried. It allows you to be able to do it more last minute. You could also ask a family member to do it. As for the suits you can find alot on amazon. And some even offer custom measurements. You can always send a message to the people and ask I'd they would be willing to do custom measurements. I'm sure they would given the circumstances. But again make sure you give yourself alot of time. Sit down and think of some plan B options. Maybe dont go full suit but just dress shirt,dress pants,and a tie. You can usually find those things even at Walmart. Dont give up hope yet! Shop around for options
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  • Ashley
    VIP August 2020 Ontario
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    We are aug 8 and i feel like by may/june they will be back in business and will rush our suits. i wouldnt worry too much right now. companies wont have much business so they will be able to focus on the business they do have

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  • Stefanie
    Devoted August 2020 Saskatchewan
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    Our wedding is August 15th and we are somewhat in the same position. Luckily my dress came in already and the guys already got their tuxes ordered. However, my girls have ordered their dresses and they were supposed to be in this month. I'm hoping that they are in with enough time to get them altered before the wedding.

    We also arent postponing anything until we have to, we are waiting until sometime in June, hopefully everything will be better for then.
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  • Amelia
    Master October 2020 New Brunswick
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    Some businesses, especially smaller ones, are still operating but on a reduced capacity. I would email a few potential vendors. Be sure to ask them what their policy on postponing is before you agree or pay for anything.

    Cake would be the easiest, if they're doing a pick up service order a few cupcakes in a few flavors and have a mini cake tasting at home! If the bakery isn't making anything right now you might need to trust your gut and book without tasting. Small businesses are hurting right now so I'm sure they would be thrilled to have something to do and something to plan and look forward to themselves.
    Suits are probably harder. Were you buying or renting? I know RW&Co is still operating online, I'm not sure about Tip Top or Moore's. I would check their return policies, maybe even reach out to customer service and see what they would do about a return right now. Depending on what you hear back you might be able to order a few styles to try on at home and ship back whatever doesn't work. It will probably cost a little extra, but feeling like your list is a little shorter might be worth it!
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  • Kelsie
    Master July 2021 Ontario
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    I’m in the same boat! My alterations place is closed first appointment isn’t til May so hopefully by then we’re all good.

    It’s so hard though!! I think just be positive - make appointments in the future to keep organized and have something to look forward to (I moved my decor mock set up from April to May).
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  • Arexy
    Devoted October 2020 Ontario
    Arexy ·
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    I am in the same boat as you! I am waiting for my dress to arrive, and of course FH and the groomsmen have yet to pick a suit. I think I am going to cut out a cake, because at this point it just doesn’t seem feasible.
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