I'd love some opinions and ideas. We will definitely be having our immediate nieces/nephews at our wedding (ages 2-15) and will be planning for them to be at the ceremony and dinner. However, I also have a fair number of friends coming from out of town who have kids under 6. Not all have the option of extended family to leave them with for the weekend and I think it would be hard to leave young kids with a stranger in a strange place. I also live in a beach town that is a great spot for a little mini family vacation. We're having an outdoor wedding so we'd have the space and I was thinking of hiring a local daycare to run a small kids tent for the ceremony/dinner/once they're ready to crash - crafts, colouring, cheap food (hot dogs or mac and cheese etc.), and some nap areas etc. - like an onsite camp lol.
Has anyone else done this before and can offer tips or things to cover?