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Fill in the blank! What are your wedding colors?
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Still could be changed but...white, gold, and TARDIS blue (kind of like cobalt for the non-Dr. Who fans out there :-P)
Dusty rose, navy blue and charcoal!
Undecided! I can't make a decision, BUT I am leaning towards green and gold.
Charcoal grey, red, white and silver
White and gold with lots of greenery.
I love this photo!! What a cool color combo!
Iris, Plum and a lot of natural elements.
colour palette:
navy, burgundy, white and gold!
Wine, grey and rose gold
Teal blue and Violet purple
Black, Silver/Sparkle, and Navy. Mostly wood textures and soft lights.
White, silver and tiffany blue
Navy blue, ivory, red and soft baby pink.
Our wedding colours are red and black, and obviously there will be some white as well.
Lavender and silver!
Our theme is tropical, so we went with carribean blue, sand (paler than the example below), white and silver.
Our wedding *colours* are plum, teal, burgundy, and orange.
Purple and gold!
Pink and Grey!
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