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Expert November 2018 Ontario

Feelin down

Rekramer, on June 6, 2017 at 09:24 Posted in Plan a wedding 0 12

So we haven't had a ton of time to visit with various vendors, but we just got a quote from our top pick and it was more than we thought it would be. At $19,000 for 90 people, I'm really disappointed and feeling overwhelmed. I know venue/food/drinks is a tough place to cut costs, but I still feel kind of bummed and stressed about all this. Suddenly the golf course that I'm not nearly as excited about looks a lot more appealing. Here's hoping venue #2 comes in at a more reasonable cost.


Latest activity by Rekramer, on June 18, 2017 at 20:04
  • Rekramer
    Expert November 2018 Ontario
    Rekramer ·
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    Thanks! We went to see second choice this weekend and we really liked it on a lot of levels. They all seem more professional and up front about their pricing so fingers crossed the quote comes in where we're expecting it. I think it bummed me out so much because I did rough estimates of how much I was expecting and the other one just blew past that.
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  • Erin
    Expert September 2017 Ontario
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    Sorry to hear that! But i can definitely relate. I remember thinking our top pick was the one and nothing else would top it, and then the quote came back and it was astronomical, so we couldn't go with that venue. It sucks, but I found my venue and it turned out to be the venue of our dreams and now I don't even think about the first pick! I think everything happens for a reason and the reason your top pick was so much is because something better is out there for your wedding! Good luck, I know you will find your spot and it will be amazing!

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  • B
    Super August 2017 Alberta
    Bethany ·
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    I know it is. It's discouraging and can put you in a bad place. I'm a worrier and controlling and even went out of province to look at venues. We looked at a lot and I didn't like any. So I gave up and handed the decision to mike and it was as actually calming. If there's hope for me there's hope for you lol. I think like anything, it's okay to be sad. You're gunna have bad moment throughout the process. Just let em come and go. And remember to do stuff you enjoy throughout the wedding planning, even if it's just an extra cup of tea during the day.
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  • Rekramer
    Expert November 2018 Ontario
    Rekramer ·
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    Looks beautiful! I know I need to keep my chin up. Some days are just tougher than others.

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  • B
    Super August 2017 Alberta
    Bethany ·
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    I wanted to get married in lake Louise but it came back at 15 thousand for 50 ppl. So mike picked delta Lodge in Kananaskis which was 7 thousand for 50 ppl. And I'm in love with it. I didn't even know it existed but it's gorgeous. I believe that will happen to you too. It might not be your first pick but something that will be equally as satisfying. The first pic is Lake Louise and the next two are where we're getting married,

    Feelin down - 1

    Feelin down - 2

    Feelin down - 3
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  • Laura
    Super September 2017 Alberta
    Laura ·
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    Don't give up! I was surprised and bummed at some of prices of the vendors when I first started researching! 19000 seems a little high for 90 people, is that the minimum or with some extras you want. I had to look at cutting some extras out to bring my per person cost down. For example I am going with roast beef instead of prime rib because I don't want to pay the extra $10/head. It wasn't that important to me. It is completely possible to do a pretty fancy wedding for 90 people for 35K. My budget is 35K for 120-130 people and I am spending most of it on the venue/food/drinks. I think mine is coming out to about 14K with all the taxes and gratuities in. I am keeping it right at the 12K minimum or as close as I can get! Smiley smile Don't get discouraged your wedding will be perfect! Smiley smile
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  • N
    Curious June 2018 British Columbia
    Nadine ·
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    You know what I've found to save on reception costs, parks, gardens, even heard of renting and AirBandB house with large property, then can bring in a caterer that won't charge as much, rent tables chairs, etc. I almost went with an AirB&B place beautiful property on the water, but they wouldn't allow me to have my dog. Try searching Gardens in your town. Try universities and colleges. I never thought of it, but my ceremony place of choice was way to expensive and by chance I found the perfect location on a college campus for only $420 and chairs included I barely have to do any decorating the look itself is the decorations. Try local restaurants. I'm have my reception at a local restaurant and it can hold 100 and reception cost will be around 8K, I've loved the look of the restaurant since the first time I've seen it, and again barely any decorating required. With everything including decorations I'm budgeting around 13-15 K. I'm doing all my own flowers and decorations, so may how to's on you tube and pinterest. Think whats most important to you. I picked a theme and both locations meet the theme so I don't have to worry about much decorations, table centerpieces, and some flowers at the ceremony. Don't give up keep looking you will find the one that is perfect for you. I was thrown off track and defeated when my top 3 choices were all no go's, but I kept hunting.

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  • Lisa
    VIP May 2018 Ontario
    Lisa ·
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    Check the Oakville Conference Centre. They gave us a reasonable price. That being said, we did choose Sunday, but still and option. We are having over 200 people.
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  • Louise
    Devoted September 2017 Quebec
    Louise ·
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    $35k for 90 people is definitely do-able. There are always ways to cut corners. I am having an 80-85 person wedding for roughly $21-$22K. That is everything included.
    You have to decide what is most important to you and go from there.
    I visited 4-5 venues and loved the venue we chose.
    Some people look at many more places than that to find out what they truly want and need. Don't get discouraged Smiley smile
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  • Chelsea
    Master August 2017 Ontario
    Chelsea ·
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    We went to see 10 wedding venues before we made a choice. We kept all the quotes, had all our booklets with what they offered in terms of meals, decorations, etc. For us it ended up being the first venue we looked at! You definitely can have a wedding that will cost under 35,000. We are having 120 people and my wedding is costing us about 24,000 which included the cost of my rings. If we took that out, it is under 20,000. We took some things out like having a limo, and we are having a cash bar, we are doing cupcakes instead of a 3 tier cake, we are only providing one meal and then if someone is vegetarian or gluten free they will have to let me know when they RSVP because offering up 3 different meals ends up costing more! Also some other great ways to keep the cost down would be having your wedding on a Friday or a Sunday, getting married in the off wedding season, and having a lot of DIY projects!

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  • Rekramer
    Expert November 2018 Ontario
    Rekramer ·
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    Thanks Chelsea! I think I just need to hear that there are other options and there is a way this wedding is going to cost me less than $35,000. You're probably right that thinking I could only go see 2 venues was optimistic.

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  • Chelsea
    Master August 2017 Ontario
    Chelsea ·
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    I am so sorry to hear this. I definitely remember looking around and was disappointed with some of the quotes we received. I know that you might be upset and will have the mindset of "I wont be able to find anything else"; but I would say to keep an open mind. You might find something when you least expect it, or you might fall in love with a different venue after seeing it and getting a cost even when you weren't thinking you would like it so much! I hope you do find what you are looking for at a reasonable cost and things work out for you!

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