Hey all!
So one of my BMs fiance's deployment got moved up so shes leaving for out west by the end of July now (rather then end of september) so my bridesmaid dress search just got moved wayyy up!!
We went to our first appt yesterday and something I thought would be relatively easy (haha) ended up being ridiculously difficult, and I only have 4 girls.
Anyways, the major concerns they raised were actually good questions that I then realized I have no idea about:
-My dress is very beaded and has a lot of lace, so a few of them questioned my desire to put them in something either lacey or with beading, saying it might distract or clash with my dress.
- My colours are emerald green and gold so if there was going to be bling on their dresses I wanted it to be gold with the green but on my dress the beading is pewter. And they raised concern over the mixed metals side by side.
Honestly, I hadnt even been thinking about how it would look with my dress at all.
So, anyone that has a lace or beaded (or both) dress- what did your maids wear?
Pictures would be much appreciated!