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Curious September 2019 Prince Edward Island

Curly haired brides!

Tonya, on March 6, 2017 at 11:38 Posted in Beauty 0 29

Hi everyone!

Does anyone have any suggestions for hairstyles for people with naturally curly hair? I'm pretty low maintenance when it comes to my hair (read: do nothing with it but am fortunate that it still looks good)... So I'm really not sure what styles to try! Or even really what styles there ARE that would still show my naturally curly hair nicely. I do plan to try to see at least a couple of different stylists before the big day but it would be nice to have an idea of where we should start. Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks so much,


Latest activity by Tonya, on March 14, 2017 at 10:49
  • Tonya
    Curious September 2019 Prince Edward Island
    Tonya ·
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    Pretty!! I would look silly if I tried to do bangs though lol

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  • Kenny & Fikayo
    Frequent user April 2017 Alberta
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    Hahahahaha touché. Smiley laugh
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  • M
    Curious August 2018 Ontario
    Marcie ·
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    Hoping for this

    Curly haired brides! - 1
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  • Tonya
    Curious September 2019 Prince Edward Island
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    Curly haired girls will NEVER tire of compliments on our hair! Smiley winking it is always appreciated, since we never know how it will behave once it dries lol!
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  • Tonya
    Curious September 2019 Prince Edward Island
    Tonya ·
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    I don't either lol!
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  • Kenny & Fikayo
    Frequent user April 2017 Alberta
    Kenny & Fikayo ·
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    I can't really help, but I looooove your hair! You must get this a lot, but it reminds me of Merida in the animated movie Brave. Hope you're able to find a style and stylist that works. Smiley smile

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  • Laura
    Super September 2017 Alberta
    Laura ·
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    Ugh finding a new stylist is such a leap of faith...that can go so very wrong! Things only the curly haired will understand! Of course I don't understand straight hair Smiley smile

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  • Tonya
    Curious September 2019 Prince Edward Island
    Tonya ·
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    OMG YES! I tend to slack on even getting my hair trimmed when I should because I've been to soooo many hairdressers who just DON'T get it! And I'm not even super fussy with my hair! I can just imagine how much I'd hate getting my hair cut if I actually cared what it looked like on a daily basis lol. The one and only hairstylist I've ever liked working on my hair moved 4000km away a year and a half ago Smiley sad

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  • Laura
    Super September 2017 Alberta
    Laura ·
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    Thank you so much! I love your curls too!

    I know exactly what you mean! My hair will likely be tied up in the straps for sure since it eats necklaces as snacks! Just spent 10 minutes snipping my hair off a necklace so I could wear it. Smiley smile I am hoping to find a stylist that is familiar with curly hair, I have had sylists more used to straighter hair that are a little shocked by what happens to curly hair...putting my hair up in twists and drying it for a style intended to be left down thinking they would get soft spiral curls, I tried to tell her it would end up in tight curlsSmiley tongue ...ended up with a little puff pony tail on the top of my head... this is why you do trials! I love some of the ideas the other ladies have suggested!

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  • Tonya
    Curious September 2019 Prince Edward Island
    Tonya ·
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    Hi Laura! I agree 100%, I look like a completely different person with my hair straight and would definitely not want to go that route for my wedding day! Your hair is beautiful, it feels really good to embrace the wild side of it sometimes! There are a few photos people have posted on here, and if you are looking to add crytal straps to your dress, I would probably go with a partial updo. I know my hair would be tangled in those darn straps in 5 seconds flat, and you have such a pretty face! I hope you find a style that you love Smiley smile

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  • Laura
    Super September 2017 Alberta
    Laura ·
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    I have curly hair as well, am super low maintenance with it (wash and go because wash and style ends up looking like wash and go anyway) and I am also not sure what to do with my hair. I have been growing it out since the engagement so I can have options(it was chin length and is now down past my shoulders.) I have a strapless dress at the moment but I am considering adding crystal spaghetti straps so depending on that I am considering an updo or a partial updo with curls. Neither my fiance or I like my hair straight (he says I don't look like me) and it takes forever to straighten it anyway.

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  • Tonya
    Curious September 2019 Prince Edward Island
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    That's awesome!! Thanks so much for the tip!!
    This website is fantastic Smiley smile

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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
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    I love that clip! It would look so pretty against your hair. I saw Valerie's post and I love her twist idea too! I think the shorter dress with boots will look so cute for the reception! (And will be much more comfortable!) If you just want a veil to take a few pics with, you could always rent one! That's what I did. (And I'm so glad since I forgot to wear it for the ceremony. Smiley xd We went back for it afterwards so I could still get a few pictures for that bridal look.) I rented mine from The Borrowed Collection. It was about a third of the cost of purchasing a veil and they ship across Canada.

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  • Tonya
    Curious September 2019 Prince Edward Island
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    Haha! I'll have to wait til I actually get a dress though so that I know what type of veil to get! Smiley smile

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  • Valerie
    VIP April 2017 Ontario
    Valerie ·
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    Two steps ahead of my thinking LOL. Solid plan!

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  • Tonya
    Curious September 2019 Prince Edward Island
    Tonya ·
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    My mom doesn't have one, but I'm going to check with my Mother in law to be and maybe an aunt or two to see if they have one I could borrow for the big day! Or even some cousins. I'm sure someone has one that I could use for a short time! If not, I'll probably get one on ebay for cheap lol

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  • Valerie
    VIP April 2017 Ontario
    Valerie ·
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    Does your mom still have hers? It would be cool to use hers if you're only planning to take a few pictures with it (and I'm sure she'd LOVE it)

    If my mom's didn't have a blusher and was long (just all things I DID NOT WANT), then I would have debated it. But I really didn't plan on it until the shop girl put one on me

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  • Tonya
    Curious September 2019 Prince Edward Island
    Tonya ·
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    Thank you!! I may also change my mind when I try a veil on lol we shall see! I definitely want at least one or two pictures with one though, even if I don't wear one for most of the day. Just one of those traditional things that makes the Momma's feel great!

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  • Valerie
    VIP April 2017 Ontario
    Valerie ·
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    OOOO that hair clip is pretty! And the boots with the lace are super cute. And that dress...Smiley love

    I didn't think I wanted a veil either... until I tried it on! Then I was SOLD (luckily it was free with my dress).

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  • Tonya
    Curious September 2019 Prince Edward Island
    Tonya ·
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    Ouuuu!! You're right, that twist looks fantastic! Thank you!
    Also love that clip! I posted some pictures in a reply to Samtam's comment with the clip, boots, and reception dress I currently have my eye on!

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  • Tonya
    Curious September 2019 Prince Edward Island
    Tonya ·
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    That looks lovely! The clip I'm thinking of is something like the one below, since my ring has sapphires in it! It's only $22 on Amazon so not too much in case it doesn't work with my hair, or if it's too fancy for the overall look. Or a slim headband with sapphires, though I'm pretty sure that would give me a headache in no time. I'm not leaning towards a veil right now, though I may pop one on for a picture or two so that my Mom and Mother-in-Law can have a picture that way. They won't come right out and say it but I know they'd like at least one picture with a veil!
    As for the dress, it's probably going to be a sweetheart neckline with a bit of a lacy strap (I don't want to be tugging on it all evening!) I've attached an example of what I'm leaning for, at least for the reception. I've got my eye on a second hand one for the reception so that I can show off my boots, but a full length gown for the ceremony so that it can be a little more traditional that way. His family is Catholic but we aren't having a Catholic wedding, so the least I can do it wear a traditional full length gown for the ceremony!






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  • Valerie
    VIP April 2017 Ontario
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    Hmmm I feel like a braid might get lost in the curls (see pic 1)But I think a twist might look better (pic 2)! Or this updo (pic 3)And I think a sapphire (colored) hair comb would look BEAUTIFUL! it could double as something new and blue (of type doing all that). I'm a sucker for hair accessories! Smiley love

    Curly haired brides! 1

    Curly haired brides! - 1

    Curly haired brides! - 2

    Curly haired brides! - 3
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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
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    I think that's a great idea! Do you have a pic of the clip? I think having it pulled back with the clip will be really pretty and different from your everyday look. Your stylist should have some good product too that they can put in your hair to help your curls keep their shape. (I'm also very minimal with my hair on a daily basis so I don't invest much in product but my stylist knew what she was doing!) Are you doing a veil? I had rented a veil but actually forgot to put it on before the ceremony! It worked out well though because it would have covered my hair. If you do a trial and have a veil, make sure to have them test putting it in and taking it out so it doesn't mess up the hairstyle too much. This was from my trial. I feel like you could do something similiar like the style on the right (it'll just be a bit more curly for you) and they could put the clip under the braid.

    Hair & Makeup Trial

    I see that your wedding is still a ways away but have you thought about what type of dress you want? That could help narrow down the hairstyle too!

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  • Tonya
    Curious September 2019 Prince Edward Island
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    Hi Valerie, Pinterest is almost TOO helpful, lol! Kind of sensory overload! I think I'd like to have my hair mostly down, and natural, with maybe just a little bit pulled back... another bride suggested a braid, which I think would look good with my rustic theme. I'm not leaning towards a veil, though perhaps a small clip/barette that has (fake) sapphires in it to match my ring. Thoughts?

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  • Tonya
    Curious September 2019 Prince Edward Island
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    Thanks Emilie! I think number 6 is my favorite except with my rather curlier hair! I think it could still work though. I don't have much vision when it comes to my hair so these pictures are a great starting point!!

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  • Tonya
    Curious September 2019 Prince Edward Island
    Tonya ·
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    Aww, you all look so beautiful!! I think I would like to leave it mostly down and natural, with just a little bit pulled back? There is a barette on Amazon that has fake sapphires and rhinestones that I might like to incorporate, if it doesn't appear too overpowering in my hair. My hair is actually fairly thin and soft, which always surprises hairdressers once they get their hands on it. Honestly I'm not really sure what to do with it and have very little vision when it comes to my hair, lol! It's something I feel I have always taken for granted and don't really know how to showcase. We are going with a more rustic kind of theme (reception is literally in an open barn) so don't want to go super extravagant, but also not too much like my normal every day style (or lack of) like in my photo. All suggestions are helpful and welcome! And I love the idea of a braid!

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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
    Samtam ·
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    Love your curls! There's really so much you can do with it! My bridesmaids all had different types of hair but the hairstyle we went with worked well on everyone and looked a little different with each type of hair which was awesome! We did a waterfall braid and loose curls for them. One of my bridesmaids has super curly hair so we wanted to enhance her natural curls and just add in the braid. (She's on the far left.) My hair is wavy/curly which worked well for holding curls. I definitely think you should embrace your curls! You're going to be dancing/sweating and you never know how the wedding will be so if you embrace your natural curls, you don't have to worry about your straightened hair getting frizzy or kinking up halfway through the night.

    My girls!

    What sort of hairstyles do you like? My curly haired friend had her hair sideswept for her wedding with a birdcage veil and it looked great! I had mine up for the ceremony and then let it down for the reception. I think your hair could look really pretty in an updo with a couple curls left out on the sides.

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  • Emilie
    Featured Quebec
    Emilie ·
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    Hey Tonya! I'm so happy you're starting this discussion! Smiley heart I found these for you!

    Natural wedding hairstyles for curly hair

    You could also use nice accessories! Are you thinking of wearing a veil?

    Let me know which ones you like! You should post a picture of the styles you like too! I can't wait to see them! I feel like natural curly hair are so pretty!! Smiley love

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  • Valerie
    VIP April 2017 Ontario
    Valerie ·
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    Are you looking to have your hair down, half up half down or an updo? Pinterest was THE BEST for looking at hair styles, wedding hair often has lots of curls so there are so many options!

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