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Devoted October 2020 Ontario

Covid19 - losing faith

Arexy, on March 23, 2020 at 12:24 Posted in Plan a wedding 0 19
Hi friends,

How is everyone doing today? I’ve been trying my best to stay in good spirits and to take it a day at a time but I’m starting to lose hope. I have a sickening feeling I will have to reschedule or worst case scenario cancel my bridal shower in May. Waiting it out for the time being...
Where is everyone’s head at today?


Latest activity by Beatriz, on April 12, 2020 at 17:01
  • Beatriz
    Frequent user September 2020 Ontario
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    Today I cancelled all the hotel rooms we had set aside for our guests. We have postponed..... I am keeping myself busy with other things... i am window shopping online for a wedding dress in case we need to go with plan C!
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  • M
    Frequent user August 2020 Ontario
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    Hello Arexy,

    We have postponed our wedding, in the middle of revising contracts. Aesthetics have flown out the window; we are just going to print labels with the new wedding date and new rsvp date and stick them over the old ones. Though we won't be doing that for a while. Just leaving everything as is in the box because we still don't know how long the virus and its affects will last so even the new dates are considered tentative I geuss. *sigh

    Hope you are well.

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  • Ashley
    VIP August 2020 Ontario
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    I feel sad. i wish this wasnt going on. its all people talk about no one cares about our wedding or is even asking about it. ughhh i hope this all clears up by june!! im hopeful that i wont have to reschedule

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  • K
    Frequent user October 2020 Ontario
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    Bridal shower has been cancelled by the venue (May 24th). So far, venue hasn’t cancelled for June 20th- I was hopeful 2 weeks ago... but being on the front lines in healthcare, and seeing how many people are clearly not following the rules of social distancing, and businesses open that shouldn’t be... and all the travellers that just came home.... and all the idiots who are still carrying on as normal.... it’s not looking good.

    My dress is mid-alteration locked up at the store. No marriage licences available until further notice and no plans on re-instating that service any other way (as per the city of Hamilton), venue has cancelled all things until May 31.... not looking too good now.
    Wish people would stop thinking this is a vacation and stay home. We haven’t seen anything yet- the spike of this virus is just beginning....wish more people understood this so we could get back to normal faster.
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  • Arexy
    Devoted October 2020 Ontario
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    Thank you!
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  • Joey
    WeddingWire Admin May 2015 Maryland
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    Just sending you a hug of support while you wait it out - we're all in this together!

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  • T
    Curious September 2020 Alberta
    Tabitha ·
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    I definitely hear you. My bridal shower was supposed to be in May as well but that will need to be postponed for sure. My wedding is in September and it looks like things are just so uncertain. I’ve prepped and got a lot of things organized. It’s taken a lot of my time and effort but we don’t want to postpone. If worse comes to worse, we will just do our ceremony since our vendors (I only have 3) are willing to be flexible. It breaks my heart and I feel for you too. But maybe just see how the next few weeks go. Wishing you all the best!
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  • Vinod
    Top August 2017 Ontario
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    Its terrible news to hear about the closures and shut downs of the businesses and wedding plans taking place. I hope your bridal shower can be postponed for a later date taking place as you want it. Timing of this whole situation is taking a longer time for everyone to get back on track for their regular schedule. I hope everything works out for you and your shower goes well once this is all done and cleared even for travel and borders to reopen for guests to make it to your event.
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  • Arexy
    Devoted October 2020 Ontario
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    Oh no Smiley sad I prepared everything so early as well. But do keep me posted if you end up sending them out! I am hoping to get a better idea of what to do in the next couple of weeks. I guess only time will tell.
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  • M
    Frequent user August 2020 Ontario
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    Ugh, I hear you. We prepared ours early, put them in a box, and planned to send them out in May. I'm not sure if that's going to happen anymore. It doesn't sound good Smiley sad We are kicking ourselves in the behinds for preparing everything so early - we are definitely paying for it now. (Wedding is set for August).

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  • Veronica
    Super October 2021 Alberta
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    I fluctuate day by day. My support system assures me everyday that by October it will be fine but its hard to stay positive when its just seems to be escalating not going away and the term "months of social distancing" keeps getting tossed around. So we shall see! That being said, I have friends whose weddings are in June so I am more worried for them.

    I hope all works out for everyone. Kudos to everyone who has a positive attitude about this. You all rock!

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  • Arexy
    Devoted October 2020 Ontario
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    Well that is exciting! I am happy to hear that your plan B resembles what you initially wanted! Nothing wrong with small and intimate Smiley smile
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  • Arexy
    Devoted October 2020 Ontario
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    Ugh I hear you. We just spent $400 on our invitations... I was hoping to have them ready and hand them out at the bridal shower, which is a questionable event at the moment. I guess we need to take it day by day.
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  • Amelia
    Master October 2020 New Brunswick
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    I'm still hopeful that our wedding will happen, it's not until the fall. I'm trying to stay positive but realistic. My fiance and I discussed a date when we would need to make a tough decision and I've agreed not to panic or worry until then.

    I do feel like someone flipped a switch and turned off wedding planning mode. Part of me knows I shouldn't spend any money right now on things that could need to be changed like invites and it's just taken the wind out of my sails. My mom and I were supposed to have a shopping trip for decor items this month and it's obviously not happening.
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  • Miranda
    Curious May 2020 Alberta
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    Our wedding is supposed to be May 30th but I am losing hope. Our plan B is that we will have a mini ceremony in our yard (my oldest son received his temp marraige commissioner package this week YAY!!) So it will just be us and 2 witnesses. When things settle down we will redo our vows for our parents and families and have a party. Honestly this is kind of forcing the wedding to go the way we had originally intended for it to go. Super small and intimate.
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  • Sasha
    Frequent user June 2020 Ontario
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    My wedding is June 27th. We are going to make a decision in April. I'm doing ok because that day I will still do the ceremony with immediate family (which I'm allowed). I might postpone the party till next summer or cancel but I dont think venue will give my deposit back..? We will see.

    Also I notice your wedding is in September.. you might actually still be ok Smiley smile
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  • Kelsie
    Master July 2021 Ontario
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    Thank you!! You as well!

    We’re trying to focus on other positive things we have going on - ie we move in May, our honeymoon (even if that has to be postponed), etc.
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  • Arexy
    Devoted October 2020 Ontario
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    Hey Kelsie! I really appreciate your positive outlook on things. Yes, you’re right: everyone’s health is most important right now and I need to remember that. I hope everything works out for you and the big day!
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  • Kelsie
    Master July 2021 Ontario
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    I’ve come to terms I’m going to be cancelling/postponing my shower on May 3. It’s much more important for me to protect my family, friends and guests from people who could potentially be sick, than to host my shower.

    My venue is going to reach out to me this week with potential later dates in June. If there’s no dates, I’ll have to see if we reschedule for end of June and have a home shower (potentially to also be cancelled depending on how things go) or whether I cancel altogether.
    Our wedding is in July - we’re nervous but hopeful. If we have to cancel, we’ve decided we’ll cancel the reception, get married when we can and that’s it - we won’t have a party. It’s sad but protecting people is our main concern right now.
    Keep your head up! September is still far away. I hope it’ll be cleared up by then.
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