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Beginner February 2022 Ontario

covid Vaccines

Kasey, on May 25, 2021 at 11:53 Posted in Plan a wedding 0 14

Hi all,

I had to make a very difficult decision today and asked everyone who plans on attending our wedding to be vaccinated. If they aren't, I have respectfully asked them to not come.

I know this is very cut throat, but it was something that made sense for us. It's hard though because one of my bridesmaids specifically told us she's anti-vaccination.

How do you guys feel? Would you consider doing this?


Latest activity by Kasey, on May 25, 2021 at 19:37
  • Kasey
    Beginner February 2022 Ontario
    Kasey ·
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    Well said. And you're right on tone with how I feel. Our elderly loved ones are our top priority. I appreciate your input.

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  • Abigail
    Curious May 2022 British Columbia
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    I would do the same thing! Ours is next year and we're inviting a lot of international family members. I think the country will set some rules about needing to be vaccinated in able to enter the country, so that MIGHT be done for us regarding the government. Better safe than sorry with your guests!

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  • B
    Beginner August 2021 Ontario
    bride2be ·
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    Yes, I agree. They do have the right to not include them in the wedding. It is unfortunate that relationships will be ruined as a result.

    Thanks for the tips. People have in fact been talking to other doctors, nurses and healthcare providers and there are many that do not believe taking the vaccine would be a right choice for everyone. There are many doctors and health care providers that disagree with the “experts” on TV. I also encourage everyone to speak to their real life doctor in person who knows their health history.

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  • C
    Super December 2020 Ontario
    Carmel ·
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    So sorry you had to make this tough decision! Christina's second response 🙌🙌🙌 spot on.... Our wedding was in March, so prior to this being an option, but I think we would have done the same. We did send strongly worded emails to people a few weeks prior to our wedding, that if they choose to not limit their contacts and keep our guests safe, to let us know immediately that they will be unable to attend. You have to do what feels right to you and what will make you fully enjoy the day!
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  • Rebecca
    Curious June 2022 Quebec
    Rebecca ·
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    I would do the same. As covid is very dangerous, we do not need an outbreak because somebody not vaccinated decided to show up and get someone sick. If your friend or family member doesnt want to get vaccinated, and you feel that everyone needs to, to attend your wedding they have to respect your desires.

    I am planning on doing the same thing. No vaccine, no come to my wedding. Good luck. Smiley heart

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  • Christiana
    Super November 2020 British Columbia
    Christiana ·
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    Nobody is claiming vaccines are 100% effective. Of course you can still contract and spread covid if you've been vaccinated - that's never been in dispute. However there is an extremely reduced risk of this happening if a person is vaccinated.

    People who are able to be vaccinated and refuse to do so are absolutely jeopardizing the health of other people. As we agree - the vaccines are not 100%. So some people that do everything they can to prevent themselves from contracting covid, including being vaccinated, could still be infected if they come into contact with someone who isn't vaccinated and has covid.

    The vaccines are safe and unfortunately there is so much misinformation spreading online causing hesitancy among people. If you are unsure about the vaccines please discuss your concerns with your health care professionals and seek information from informed sources. Choosing not to be vaccinated is a very selfish thing to do and if enough people refuse to be vaccinated we may never reach herd immunity.

    If someone refuses to be vaccinated there's nothing anyone else can do about it, but they are fully within their right not to include them if they feel unsafe having them present.

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  • B
    Beginner August 2021 Ontario
    bride2be ·
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    Vaccines do not mean people cannot catch or spread covid. Did you know, many people worldwide have been sick with covid despite having a vaccine? The unvaccinated are not jeopardizing anyone else, they are just likely trying to look after their own health. Asking everyone to be vaccinated to come to your wedding is not okay. I am not an "anti-vaxxer." I have had many vaccinations in my life - it is this vaccination specifically that people are not comfortable with - for very good reason.
    Of course, it is your wedding so do as you wish. Unfortunately you have the wrong thinking and its thinking like this that will cause harm in our society.

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  • Hank
    Master September 2021 Ontario
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    If she's acting childish, you might want to rethink including her. Of course, it's easier said than done since I don't know your relationship. If you don't want to come off as the bad guy, you can blame it on others and say people aren't comfortable partying with an anti-vaxxer at your wedding.

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  • Kasey
    Beginner February 2022 Ontario
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    It came up after the pandemic. I asked her recently because we're planning the Bach party for the end of September and the rest of the girls and I are already vaccinated, so I wanted to check if she had booked her appointment. It also came up when me and my fiancé were talking about who out of his friends still need to get their vaccine, and we agreed that it would be best if everyone could be vaccinated before hand. It's also concerning because she has two other weddings to attend before mine. Luckily (yet sadly) we're still trying to sort out a lot of stuff so no money has been spent. She wasn't very understanding and acting fairly childish but I'm hoping it blows over.

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  • Hank
    Master September 2021 Ontario
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    Have you talked to your bridesmaid about this? Is this something you've always known about her or did it just come up during the pandemic? Is she also a covid-denier, anti-lockdown, hugs over masks, etc? Others are right in the sense where she'll have to live with her choices of being an anti-vaxxer when dealing with society at large but it's one thing to take flak from a community and another to take it from loved ones. Depending on how deep your relationship is with her, you need to be prepared for backlash.

    You'll likely need to pay her back any wedding expense she has incurred.

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  • Christiana
    Super November 2020 British Columbia
    Christiana ·
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    I think you're being reasonable in that you want to ensure your guests will be as safe as possible. I would likely do the same thing if I were getting married this year - the only exception would of course be anyone who can't be vaccinated due to legitimate medical or religious concerns.

    Unfortunately this is something your friend is going to have to get used to as an anti-vaxxer. There are going to be a lot of things she isn't able to do because of her radical views on vaccines and while it's fully her choice whether or not to be vaccinated, it's also fully within someone else's right not to want to include her in events because she poses a danger to others. Personally, I would have a hard time even being close friends with someone so ignorant and selfish, but I get that isn't the case for everyone.

    On the other hand, your wedding isn't until early 2022. By that point everyone who wants to be vaccinated in Canada will be well past their second shot. Hopefully we'll be in a position where our population is 70-80%+ vaccinated, we've reached herd immunity, and covid won't be a huge issue here anymore. If this person means a lot to you and you want to continue your friendship with her, it will probably be safe to invite her unvaccinated. An alternative option I've seen people suggest is having her quarantine, take a covid test before your wedding and/or wear a mask while indoors.

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  • Rayanne
    Master June 2022 Ontario
    Rayanne ·
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    Definitely a hard choice to make. (Side note I got my second vaccine today, yay me!) While I hope that everyone gets their vaccine before my wedding I don't feel that I could demand anyone to get it. I think that asking them to wear a mask and to keep socially distancing isn't asking too much. If case numbers are small the odds of them being infected with anything will be really low. It is something you'll have to decide for yourself maybe with others getting vaccine your friend will decide for herself that it's worth doing. Good luck.
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  • Sarah
    Curious July 2021 Ontario
    Sarah ·
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    I had really hoped that as part of Ontario’s reopening plan, there would be considerations for weddings where every guest has had at least one dose a minimum three weeks before the wedding. We are totally fine with asking guests be be vaccinated if it means that we can at least have guests. Right now however it looks like that’s not even an option.

    If you and your guests would feel safer knowing everyone has had one dose then I wouldn’t worry about making it mandatory. Weddings need to be safe for everyone.
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  • Vinod
    Top August 2017 Ontario
    Vinod ·
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    Its a good point to make for your guests to be on the safe side and be safer for others not to have wear masks around those who haven't chose not to get the vaccine shot. Its your call to make and feel safe to know you are making the call to know they can see your point about your safety.
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