Everyone, I need your help! We got our card stock samples the other day and now the fun has begun with picking out the order of the colour scheme!
This is what we are trying to decide between (and as I'm sure you'll beable to guess, our colors are grey and purple! Wedding is next june
Option one:
Charcoal invitation holder. In the center will be the formal invitation, in pearl white. Rsvp& travel details will be in the 2 side envelopes, and in this case will be purple! The invitation would have a very light grey belly band and the whole thing would be sent off in a lavender envelope.
Option 2:
Kunzite invitation holder. Pearl white invitation, and RSVP and travel details in Grey envelopes. Belly band for this one would be pearl or light grey, and it would all be sent off in a charcoal envelope.
We cant decide on our own, so please, which would you choose? Thank you! We have been polling people and it seems to be an even split on what people like 😂 it has been suggested that maybe we do some of both, but I dont want to do this. I want all invitations to be the same