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Newbie October 2020 Ontario

Bridesmaid troubles

Kelly, on April 26, 2019 at 17:24 Posted in Plan a wedding 0 7
Hello ladies,
I am very newly engaged, and having troubles already with “bridesmaids”. I haven’t asked any of my girls yet but have always known who I wanted to have. My sister and I always talked about her being my MOH(she lives in calgary, and we live in Ontario now), she has already started to say “you shouldn’t ask her to be a bridesmaid”(she does make fair points of why I shouldn’t) “you need to wait till I get home to go shopping” other little things that already have me stressed and we have nothing planned yet. What is like to know from all you, should I listen to her on choosing people? And how terrible am I if I don’t make her MOH or have two ?
thanks in advance 💕


Latest activity by Tori, on April 29, 2019 at 12:26
  • Tori
    Top October 2019 Manitoba
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    I would for sure wait until the 1 year mark to ask anybody to be in the wedding party. I got engaged in Dec. 2017 and am pretty thankful I waited because had I not then I would have asked 2 people that I grew apart with.

    When it comes to possibly asking a second person to be a co-MOH I am all for it. My sister is my MOH and I contemplated having a c0-MOH who would be a friend of mine. In the end I didn't because nobody knows me like my sister and at the end of the day family has to be there for you but friends come and go. (We also swore to each other when we were kids that we would be each other's MOH when the time came so that it was fair Smiley tongue)

    With that being said, my FH is having 2 Best men! He has 2 best friends and it just didn't feel right after he only asked the one so he figured - why not?!? It's his wedding and he has a say in it!

    If you aren't wanting her as a MOH at all that would be something you need to heavily consider based on your relationship with your sister. I know that when I got engaged my sister fully assumed the position of MOH as it was hers to do so. So taking something like that away may hurt her more than you think it should. I know if my sister had got engaged first and didn't ask me to be MOH I would have felt like I did something wrong and just overall would not be too ecstatic about it.

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  • Becky
    VIP September 2019 Ontario
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    I would wait until near august to pick yours- I chose mine right away and things change very quickly- also I chose two MOH- Make sure your sister is aware you are doing this when you ask the other. I thought my sister new it would be ovb that I would ask my BFF and she is still hurt to this day asking when I will demote her... It was a year ago and I get married in 5 months.

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  • Vinod
    Top August 2017 Ontario
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    I will go half and half here due to my experiences with my brother as your sister is wanting to help.

    YES listen to your sister for aspects of areas where you may feel the decision should be taken into consideration knowing to go ahead or not go ahead. She will be helpful to say what may confirm what your vision is or if a change is something to compare to the original idea(s).

    NO because if you have vendors you need to search and book ahead of time without her being there and FH is also on board, that's the main thing to be happy with and done of the list. As for wedding party, you say how many people you want and what place they hold beside you throughout the whole process. You being the bride has every final decision to overlook and say if you like it or want to go with the change for the better.

    Stay true to yourself and don't let anyone including family/wedding party say otherwise to bring you down.

    Saying all this, my second brother (stubborn and controlling in his ways as with my parents) didn't support much of my decisions and was trying to question everything getting upset for nothing in the first place. The whole process for my husband and I was nothing good from my family except the shopping my parents did do after coming to the realization of me being gay. The music was another situation where he was lost and didn't take my direction which at the end flopped because he felt I didn't give him the right order or what songs to mix. Please don't let your sister do the same and have her take a step back if she does start to take over in some ways.

    At the wedding reception after the speech, we made up by apologizing and being a family once again and with my eldest brother too. My mom felt upset the way she thought I was treating my brother throughout the whole time.

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  • Maegan
    Frequent user August 2021 Ontario
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    Congrats on the engagement!
    First off it's totally up to you who you want to stand up with you so try to keep that in mind. And no! You can totally have 2 MOHs. I'm having two as I wanted my sisters rather then a friend but obviously wasnt going to just pick one of them (we're triplets).
    The best piece of advice I did receive when I was thinking about who to ask was from my mom. She had a lot of BMs. Now besides her sister she only sees 1 anymore, and she wishes she had picked based more on who she was likely to stay close too, rather then everyone who she really liked at the time but maybe didn't know well enough.
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  • Kelsie
    Master July 2021 Ontario
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    Usually, I would say don’t listen to other people and make your own choice - however, I have had two situations now where I’ve seen that a little input can go a long way.

    i was super close with one of my friends for 2 years and couldn’t imagine getting married without her by my side. And my sister was always going to be my MOH.

    My FH was the one who I said I think we should keep the bridal party with just our siblings. He was weary how helpful she would be in the process and basically we know we can rely 100% on his brother and my sister. Other people matter how close, you see their real colours through wedding planning.

    im so glad I didn’t include her. She hasn’t asked me a single question about wedding planning, flakes on me constantly when we have plans and I couldn’t imagine having that happen if she was in my party.

    So my advice is definitely take what your sister says into consideration.
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  • A
    Super September 2020 Ontario
    Amelia ·
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    Congrats on your engagement and welcome to the WW community! Listen to your gut first and foremost and choose whoever you can't imagine getting married without. That said, if any of the girls (or guys) your sister has voiced concerns about have the potential to cause you stress or any kind of negativity, I'd heed her warnings. The last thing you need is added stress to your planning.

    As for your MOH situation, I'm having two! I also have a sister who lives in Calgary who won't be around much - if at all - for the planning process, so I asked my other sister to be one as well since she's more local. I figure the out-of-town one can take on more responsibility for the actual day while the other can help out more with the planning. Good luck!

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  • Casey
    Master October 2019 Ontario
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    At the end of the day, no matter who gives input or what anyone tells you, it’s your day and whoever you want to stand beside you should stand beside you!
    My sister lives in Australia and wanted to be part of my dress shopping and I really wanted her there so I waited until she came home before I went to any stores.
    If you sister has valid points on why you shouldn’t have people in your wedding party I would consider it because you don’t want to have a headache when t comes to planning a wedding.
    As for not having her as your MoH or having 2,again it’s your day!
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