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Curious November 2019 Ontario

Bridesmaid abroad - 'suddenly' can't afford dress...

Megan, on May 17, 2019 at 08:44 Posted in Plan a wedding 0 16
Hi all ~ thanks in advance for reading. I'm almost in tears, super frustrated and don't know if I'm being crazy or not.
So I have three bridesmaids, one is currently living in Europe (but she seemed excited to be involved and make it work). Originally I said I didnt have ideas about their dresses, that we could go and see what works and what makes them comfortable (all different body types) and work for the same colour. So at the beginning of April I went with the two girls and my MOH and just by coincidence both bridesmaids liked the exact same dress. I figured great, they can all match. The shop owner said they can have it shipped to the other girl if she emails in her measurements. Side note, the BM abroad had planned to come home in June but decided a couple of months ago she will just come back for my wedding in Nov. Trying to make a long story short, it has been a crazy hassle to get her measurements... I spent 3 weeks messaging almost every other day to her saying "I will do it tonight!". Flash forward to today, I checked in again before the long weekend and got a LONG message back about how she doesn't know if she can take good measurements, can't afford the dress, it's too expensive to ship and alter the dress there, she doesn't want to order without trying it on, can the other girls just pick different styles so that she can find something there?
I don't disagree with any of her points but why weren't we having this discussion in early April?!?! The other girls paid a deposit and have their dresses on hold waiting for this girl's measurements. And they really like the dress. What do I do?! My initial response is to say I understand and if it isnt in her budget then she should just attend as a guest. She wont be present for any of the pre-festitivites anyway.... 😣


Latest activity by Natasha, on May 18, 2019 at 21:30
  • Natasha
    Devoted June 2019 Ontario
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    If it were me I would tell her I see it’s too much for you and want her to attend adjust a guest and get someone local. Too much back and forth. It’s your day. Hope it all works out
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  • Jenn
    Frequent user April 2019 Saskatchewan
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    You are most certainly NOT being a b***! It is super stressful organizing a wedding - more than I would have guessed! I ended up losing a longterm friend through the process, something that I wouldn't have imagined at the beginning of the planning. Whatever you decide to do will be the right choice - just sleep on it before acting. Good luck!
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  • Kirsten
    Frequent user October 2025 Alberta
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    That is quite the pickle, in all honesty, she kind of knew what she was getting into when she accepted the position. she knew that it would get costly with her trip and the expenses involved with the position itself. I would see how she feels about the position and kindly ask how she is feeling and kindly give her an out if she thinks she can handle it then make a plan with her like offer to pay and make a payment plan for her to pay you back.

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  • Megan
    Curious November 2019 Ontario
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    It may be petty (I mentioned this is another reply as well), but I just feel disrespected at this point that she said over and over she was just super busy with getting her measurements in and was "going to do it tonight" and didn't take the time to do it or complain until now. I had her in touch with the bridal shop owner almost 5 weeks ago. That makes me less inclined to say I will pitch in, which could be wrong, I recognize.

    We were in a wedding party together a couple of years ago, a really expensive one (by that I mean $400 for hair and makeup). That doesn't mean I want her to spend even close to that amount for mine. I just think she does know what things cost. She also just went on a 10 day vacation around Europe, which is of course her own choice and none of my business, but then I don't feel like I should be covering her dress cost.

    Biggest problem I think is that she won't be understanding if I try to respectfully say it may be better if she attends as a guest.

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  • Megan
    Curious November 2019 Ontario
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    I appreciate the response, especially since it's not what I want to hear, but is what I need! Smiley heart Maybe I'm just a big b, but I think there should be a general understanding when you agree to be in someone's wedding that there's going to be a cost for the dress. And there was never a question my wedding was going to be in Ontario, so she was/is flying home regardless. I think my personality with weddings in general is that I'm not personally offended if anyone chooses or chooses not to come. So if you're deciding you want to come, that's your adult decision and it's not really anyone else's responsibility to figure it out. Again, people can absolutely chime in and say I'm being an a-hole! I might just be. At this point I just feel pretty disrespected that I have been text-chasing her for 5 weeks and she is bringing all of this up now. The onus was on me a bit as well with regards to talking about budgeting and how it would all work beforehand, but the disrespect I'm feeling now doesn't make me want to help her out at all. That sounds really petty to type out, I know. Just trying to figure out my feelings!

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  • Megan
    Curious November 2019 Ontario
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    Thanks for taking the time to respond. I'm going to talk with my mom in more detail tonight, but I think this is the route I have to go. I don't want my wedding to be a burden for her in any sense, so I'm just trying to figure out how to word that so it sounds more like, 'I love you and want you to not be worried about it' rather than 'sorry, you're out because this is becoming a nightmare'. The other concern is that she is the type of person who cares a lot about this kind of thing (being involved) so that's part of the reason I considered her as BM in the first place even though she is so far away.

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  • Jenn
    Frequent user April 2019 Saskatchewan
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    Is there a chance that you and your FH husband could just pay her wedding expenses for her? My MOH also had an intercontinental flight to pay for and arrange, which is a far greater monetary sacrifice than ANY other guest, especially once you factor in her work days lost (not exactly a three day trip), and time zone adjustment. Could you simly absorb her share of wedding party expenses (dress, hair, makeup, activity expenses, in-town travel costs, etc) into your regular wedding expenses?
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  • Vinod
    Top August 2017 Ontario
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    Right answer to have her attend as a guest than have to stand by you since she changed her mind and not wanting to get the measurement help by another individual. Conversations seem to be the same and no action taken. Her budget isn't working for her and timing will be bad to get another dress at the time.

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  • Amanda
    Super June 2019 Ontario
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    " My initial response is to say I understand and if it isnt in her budget then she should just attend as a guest. She wont be present for any of the pre-festitivites anyway.."

    Yep!!! I'm completely with you on that one.. it may be an awkward conversation, but what's the point in being a bridesmaid then?

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  • Ali R.
    Newbie May 2021 Ontario
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    I know that planning a wedding is expensive, but is there anything you can do to help cover the cost of the dress? It seems like with shipping that it's going to be more of a cost burden to her than it might be to the other members of your bridal party.

    And do you have any other costs that you're expecting them to pay for that you haven't yet communicated? If yes, you may want to approach that with her now (even if you do help subsidize the dress), as it may turn out that she can't afford that either. Having been in a number of weddings, I always appreciate first if the bride checks on my budget before booking things, as that can vary so much person-to-person. Unfortunately being in the bridal party can be quite expensive, especially when one is flying across continents to attend. She likely could have foreseen this at the start, but by the same token, many people haven't been part of a wedding party before and don't necessarily realize all that goes into it.

    Hopefully, she's a very flexible friend and will be totally understanding, but should you choose to drop her from the party, there could certainly be repercussions on your friendship.

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  • Casey
    Master October 2019 Ontario
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    That is very frustrating. I feel like if people think they can't afford things when they are part of the wedding party, maybe they shouldn't have agreed to it in the first place.

    Like Tori said, this is cutting it really close because of the time it takes for a dress to come in. The ones my girls ordered take 3 months, we ordered them yesterday to give them enough time to alter them and not be rushed before the wedding.

    But maybe asking her to come just as a guest so she does not have to feel financially restricted.

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  • Becky
    VIP September 2019 Ontario
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    I felt blindsided when some of my girls had the reactions they did, its hard to see all the issues that could happen. It would have helped if she voiced the opinions from beginning though, and didn't help she wasn't able to come home in early June either. Her intentions were pure but harder in end after costs. I know my one bm is from Alberta and we booked way ahead to get cheap flights. She came for engagement party, going to for bachorlette and the wedding.

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  • Tori
    Top October 2019 Manitoba
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    So frustrating when friends don't speak their mind - it never helps to keep things to ourselves!!

    I would say that at this point if she isn't willing to send the payment and her measurements (if it's even still possible - I know for my Oct. 5th wedding our LAST date to order was 5 months out on May 5th) then I would tell her that with the other girls already payed up and dresses picked that you think it would be best to have her come as a guest and then tell her the reasons. As much as she may be sad that she won't be standing up there with you on your wedding, she can't deny that she won't be able to do any of the tasks that a BM is supposed to do.

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  • Megan
    Curious November 2019 Ontario
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    Thanks! I really appreciate your thoughts. I know I could have done better and I think that's part of my frustration is that hindsight is 20/20! Originally I thought they would all like different ones. Then when they liked the same I thought, okay well she is coming home early June at the latest she can try it on. Now it's a huge issue that I definitely have tried to foresee issues. I'm fine if she just comes as a guest I certainly don't want to burden anyone, especially financially. I feel like weddings are about other people's feelings more than the couple sometimes and I'm trying to stay away from that. I like to think we are a low maintenance couple Smiley smile
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  • Becky
    VIP September 2019 Ontario
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    Back in April, was there any designers that were both located in europe and here? That way she could have went and tried it on there. When the girls put the deposit down, was this before you had checked with her? I have a girl that is in different province and very far away from any mall min 8 hours. What I did was give her the designer name and she could look up online and pick her dress and all that. I feel like its a little late at this point as it was already decided she had to get that dress and once she found out the price it was told to her not dicussed or to see if anything more affordable. I would imagine the shipping+duties would be very expensive. Either way could have been communicated before now. I would offer her to come as a guest as you can't really change the dress at this point and you want everyone to match.

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  • Caitlyn
    Super January 2020 Ontario
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    Oh dear, this is quite a pickle, especially if the other girls already paid a deposit and ordered their dress. You’re cutting it close in time to choose and order new dresses and get them altered. I think maybe you should go the option of proposing she just come as a guest as the other girls have ordered the dresses already and you don’t have time to choose other dresses. Tell her you’re sorry and that you understand that money can be tight sometimes.
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